I DO!!! But, I gotta work until 8:30…
you can sleep on his counter super for free because you can see his super flash and then dhc or special cancel to something else and not get countered… pretty much the only character that has to worry about counter super is haggar since he can’t cancel the pipe
also pretty much every character can crouch his pistol except sent, hulk and maybe someone else
like sure he’s definitely one of the best but he has weaknesses. he’s above average at everything but not great at anything.
and damage wise, when ppl like taskmaster is doing 800k meterless, wesker feels a bit lacking
but yeah fuck talking about this, just play the game
actually, fuck that, don’t play the game, it is still ass
every time i play this game i feel myself getting stupider, just last week one of our players “Joker” challenged me for title of best in alabama at mvc3 and i didn’t even want to play it, i told him he can have that fucking title because it dont mean shit. i hate this game and i wish capcom would go out of business for releasing it
its like the whole fucking community would go an accept a game like survival arts or tattoo assassins if capcom released it with hd graphics today and try to play it in tournaments and shit
Ike and I have a test thursday, so we will be studying wedenesday, and B&B SSF4 is thursday. You should just ride with us out to that bro. Rizmeister and Reginator might be down for Marvel 3 thursday though.
It has begun. dun dun dun dun dunah nah, duh na na na
Why 4pm? Where at?
Good Post, i am going to start backwards in your post.
Zero in your face and the Sword spin overhead is the only time people fear him right??
His normals seem to be so great ONLY because he is always swinging, you advance guard him, that opens for the punish and he’s dead, all the theatrics of him red slashing threw your body or jumping in the air for the overhead coupled with the electric string are all beatable from the ground after repeat attacks. I am not saying his normals are bad but a bit overrated, in comparison to Wesker, you can see when to open Zero up, more often then not, that is not the case when going toe to toe with Wesker his recovery is no AKUMA:
Akuma is Def in the top ten, he has more offensive options then Ryu,Demon Flip,Dive Kick, He can move a bit faster which consists of,Fireball then follow up, he can teleport to advance better he can dash which looks like a teleport and activate something behind it.
Thing is, Ryu is Better as an anchor then Akuma (In my opinion) due to his ability to be less open, less punishable,less ummmm reckless.
Ryu is a better Assist and point Killer in my opinion despite not having all the great attributes as Akuma. Ryu can aim his shinku, he builds Hyper like the dickens and with the directions you can put that hyper in, you must keep that at the front of your mind when attempting to get in on your opponent, a great character to exchange combo with and DHC with, his corner combo reps are sexy without a Rage/X-Factor and even with it (Despite Akuma’s light Tatsu infi) is just superb.
Ryu makes you play a more strategic game, Akuma is more gun hoe and most people play him with the mentality of “Oh well I have 2 more characters” same with Ammy, Ryu on the other hand is in battles longer, and is more consistent with not just cr.light attack fishing for a shot at a combo or not throwing out tatsu as the only move to get close tho his opponent.
I do agree Akuma is better overall but if it were me,I’d have Ryu on my team more often then not, he fits more at times then Akuma for me.
At super jump level…really?? Wolverine is dry at super jump level, T.Bonne is pretty much, Viewtiful,Felcia,Spencer,Dorm,Ammy,Spider-Man,Hulk (If his big ass can even get high enough to be called super jump level) pretty much anyone who can’t fly or throw a projectile that covers the front or under carriage of there body is vulnerable of there, Wolverine might have dive kick but block it then what?? He not Shooting a bullet,teleporting, making you guess high or low then rape you with 2 combos to kill you.
Wesker’s damage out put is sick, it’s the assist additions that scale his damage “Down” but he alone can kill more then the normal amount of characters with two combo’s in this game.
Wesker MvC3 Throw Switch:
Wesker and this whole “random” cross up thing I think is heavy disrespect of him as a character and pure ego, there are a shit ton of assists in this game Wesker, rightfully butchers in order to cross you up and kill you, I don’t think they are all “Random” they can’t be when there are so many assists in the game he does it from, especially the projectile types like Iron-Man & Doom.
Yes his teleports can only go certain places BUT because he is fast enough he can use the teleport…
1.) An assist to cover his teleport when either running away or setting up a kill
2.) Teleport away in general and end up far enough away to force you to reset your rushdown or reset your offensive options in general.
3.) Bait you
How easy is it to really keep any teleport character away??
Let alone a teleport Character that has positive frames on one bullet from a far and assists that make you duck while he comes overhead??
I mean, Keeping Wesker out is no easy task for all the reasons we all have typed up above but his speed is good enough to keep him within sweep distance at all time if “He” wants to be, there are at least 4 maybe 5 characters in the game that can keep him either full screen away or can run away at super jump level long enough for him not to punish
I am not saying your wrong but I’ve seen Wesker teleport, hit her in the air…then kill the bitch, yea she is #1 when un-touched but Wesker does have certain tools to run away just as long and get that one punish he would need to dry that fire up (Magneto as well)
Wesker also has enough life to survive reg phoenix combos sir
That was only me who threw his name into that hat and outside Phoenix and Magneto…who’s left to dispute his positioning??
In these videos you will see Ryu as the middle man, showing his DHC ability, Ammy showing how dangerous she is at the point and when she is the character with immediate rush down “but” also how she can be a liability once touched by anyone mid-tier or higher.
Ammy’s low damage out put and the impatience of players when fighting against her/
Wesker’s high health,damage output and comeback ability as well as Ryu
Chris G v.s. Marn***
Chris G v.s. Yipes
Chris G vs Nashfan
Chris G vs TS NerdJosh
Chris G vs JoshWong
[media=youtube]Y5FPc0ZvSVU]YouTube - The Break Weekly #100 - GF - Josh Wong VS [EMP[/media]
Chris G v.s. Julian G
Actually a good Zero will keep a charge shot and be able to start a combo from almost full-screen away if he hits you with it from the air, and he can blast you with it to keep you in guard stun long enough to throw an assist at you if you advancing guard.
I have no problem with Zero, I just hate that damned charge shot.
Starting around 4 because I am not free until 3. It’ll be at my apartment @ tech, north ave south apartment. Probably running until late.
well if you want my honest opinion on the tiers (no particular order within the individual tiers):
Akuma, Phoenix
Wesker, Dante, Zero, Amaterasu, Magneto, Sentinel, Morrigan, Taskmaster, Wolvie
Dormammu, Spencer, She-Hulk, Thor, Storm, Trish, Doctor Doom, Chun, C. Viper, Felicia, X-23
Chris, Deadpool, Hulk, Haggar, Tron, Spiderman, Skrull, Ryu
Arthur, Captain America, Hsien-Ko
i don’t know where to put these characters because I don’t know enough about them / nobody plays them:
Iron Man, M.O.D.O.K., Joe
a lot of the worst people are usable if you have teammates to cover their weaknesses / bad matchups. for example, haggar on point will literally never win vs phoenix or morrigan no matter how much he tries but if he gets dante corridor assist then he has a chance
i agree a lot of ways Cool-Breeze about how you feel about wesker but at the same time the more i play against the character he gets weaker and weaker.
I don’t think I agree about Zero and Ryu and Akuma though, Zero’s charged buster is so godlike. Ryu is decent, but he’s not got the retard helmet mode everything akuma has. Akuma just gets everything for free
Agreed young sir
you fools better be going to CEO in June.
Ok then. I’ll see if i can be there. I should be in that area anyway. Y’all gonna gets some of this boring ass Akane.
nobody plays iron man, modok, or joe?! thats my new team… all B assist ::razzy::
All of Zero’s normals are ridiculous not just jumping C f+C. Once Zero is on top of you it is really hard to get him off of you even with advance guard not to mention that he can cancel any hit of any of his moves into his teleport with the aid of an assist and punish you hard for trying to advance guard him. He’s just an all around great character that is glass as fuck.
yeah what jasonl said is accurate except he can’t cancel j.c at any point
PMed. Everyone already plays against an entertaining akane (me) so some variety in the char might be interesting ;p
What is C.E.O doing for me??
What would/should be my reasoning for attending C.E.O ??
i’ll go money allowing but i dont got much money
Ben if y’all running until late & I have all my business taken care of, I’ll swing though since I want to play & IF I do, I’ll bring some of that Meltay goodness.
hey ya’ll, soooo I was just playing some Super and found out something crazy.
Dhalsim’s arms stretch, like across the screen, no lie …oh and he breaths fire.