Ga Thread: Step your game up!

I thought they took out arm hookshot arm hookshot.

I wanna be the best in an animu game :wgrin:

Man, the lamest/ cheapest/ most overpowered/ game breaking characters are without a doubt Spencer, Morgan, and Dr. Doom :razzy:

nah man. [media=youtube]BYsT0W5MzwI"[/media]. like i said, so obscure…

drew: get in THE BLENDERRR

I saw Combofiend do that loop a couple times at Final Round. Bummer it got taken out.

on another note, is your stick working okay?
i didn’t get a chance to test it extensively.

yeah, i thought Exdeath was crazy in the last one, also, if used correctly.

Every character is Mehvel is the best character. :tup:

Also, why are 3 of Bison’s bad match ups also bad for Sakura and Ibuki. v_v

So…no gaming sessions this week?

Because your skills at the character select screen need work.

I hate Comcast.

Heavyweight: You need to work on your midrange poking game. Alot of times you’d get fustrated and jump in, big no no. Learn to stand your ground.

Everyone in Ga should work on their poking in general, real talk.

Someone recommend a third character to play with Hsien-Ko/Tasky. Tron has too many problems getting in against keep away, but I also need someone with a good defensive assist for Hsien(Storm’s assist suck).

AH3 gathering on Tuesday in atl, starting around 4. If anyone wants in lemme know.

okay, I play 99% of the characters on the game at least mid level so perhaps i have a different perspective on the game:
wesker is one of the best characters, and definitely the easiest character to get to mid level with on the game (i didn’t say easiest to win with tho, those people with the shitty dark phoenix don’t really count as “playing” phoenix even if they win sometimes)
his issues are: at super jump height he’s weak, he feels like a glorified mvc2 low tier at super jump height, he wants you to stay down on the ground, and his normals have long recovery (though on block he puts you in a lot of blockstun), his damage output is lackluster without popping xfactor or level 3 or using dhc glitch, his supers honestly aren’t that good except for when it randomly crosses up… he’s fast, but his teleports can only go in certain places. his normals are slow enough to be easy alpha counter/xfgc bait, when i play wesker raph kills him nearly every time he blocks the supposedly broken “safe” launcher. basically the majority of his mixups are: command throw/low… everything else is seeable, assist dependent, or universal (baiting pushblock, fuzzy guard).
this means that once you’re already in the air the only shit he has is airthrow. while he has one of the best airthrows on the game, you have to get close enough in the first place to land it, and on top of that not get teched.

he has a LOT of trouble fighting regular phoenix if she’s not on the ground… and since she’s 1) the best character 2) spends most of her time superjumping, that’s insanely relevant.

it IS pretty easy to get to a decent player level with wesk, much like several other characters (hulk, phoenix, wolverine, etc) but he’s not actually the best character.
he’s definitely top 10 on the game though.

also, talking about starting the dhc glitch with his command throw… does that really matter since you can’t combo into his command throw in the first place?

also don’t sleep on akuma, his super is 7+1 frames compared to ryu’s 18+1 or whatever it is. shit is air hyper viper beam’s retarded little brother. if you don’t think akuma is at least top 10 on the game then you haven’t played a good akuma. he’s the only character that straight up beats phoenix and he has the best assist on the game. that assist turns a lot of matchups into 7-3s, like tron can’t do shit about akuma assist. akuma is the best anchor on the game too after sent got nerfed. ryu’s tatsu isn’t even half as good as akuma’s. and the fool got crouching short as an antiair, the fuck is that.
akuma is literally the entire reason i don’t use tron in a tournament team

also lmao at whoever said zero has bad normals

defensive assists… hard to quantify what that means. if you mean one with ridiculous priority try akuma, chun, haggar, doom rocks. as mr. Bacon from south carolina has shown, doom rocks rules with taskmaster.

Like Gustaff Fire defense, but yeah you got my meaning.

I like Doom Rocks, but not Doom so much on this game since he feels so different from MvC2. Haven’t really though about Akuma though, that might work out okay.

well I moreso want in on Super,Marvel 3,3’s, etc. this weekend friday -sunday but I appreciate the notice

ShadowAce, unless something changes FunkyP should still be hosting the weekly gathering on Friday night at Ga Tech. 8PM at the Klaus Building, check the first page for info.

YOu don’t read the thread do you??

I haven’t gotten it back yet, I haven’t seen Cardell,Big-Boi or ATL-Redd since the day of Battle & Brew :frowning:

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Good thoughts on Wesker Anotak though I think I can elaborate on your post a bit…

Yes, Phoenix is tough for Wesker, and yes he is weak at super-jump height (actually I think most characters are too) but this really isn’t the true problem he faces in this and other matchups.

He has difficulty with Phoenix because she is rarely going to be blocking standing gunshots since she is in the air so much. Other characters that are in the air alot (akuma, wolverine, morrigan, spencer to some extent) are also somewhat difficult to catch. Other characters can stand under his gunshot: ammy (which is one of his hardest matchups imo), v-joe (lol), i think wolvie may be able to, and I’m sure there are a few others as well. If you aren’t careful about when approaching any of these characters you’re probably gonna get blown up. Characters that have to block his shot get wrecked though.

And yes, I do agree that his super’s suck compared to some other characters but they aren’t trash either. Maximum Wesker is probably one of the worst in game but you absolutely can’t sleep on the counter super. High reward, very little risk if you have bar or x-factor left. His lvl-3 is also one of the strongest in the game. But that being said, you don’t really need bar to kill since he has 500k meter less bnb’s that lead straight into more mixup’s midscreen.

But overall he does have the weaknesses you mentioned, I just think his weaknesses are both fewer, and less pronounced than pretty much every other character.

Also, Doom is top tier :tup:

edit: @ Athens folks
I wanted to host one day this week. Is Wed or Thurs good for any of you guys?