Wesker can be push blocked as well, but that doesn’t make him incredibly worse. Spencer, Tron and Doom aren’t near as good as wesker in the regards we are talking, which is overall completeness. All three of those are missing big things. Tron is mainly that good because of her BS assist, on point she is lackluster.
Shit, forgot, put Taskmaster up there, too.
@CyberIKEkuma: I think it will 1000% get patched.
@Marty: ExDeath is cheap as fuck in this game what the hell? HP attacks cancelable into parry? New full screen HP that forces you to come to him?
Ammy cr.h might be jump cancelable, she was the first character i played with in the game…i’ve punished that, her forward m, her jumping m etc-etc
Sent cannot be ignored, his damage out put is bonkers, his air special stops anything in the air except phoenix, his air combos can go on for days,build meter and despite everyone’s distaste for him, his nerf, most of the community still can’t fight him, his overall as a “Character” cannot be ignored, keep in mind I am not adding in the fact that you can punish him or I can or eddie can, I’m speaking overall.
Ryu just doesn’t cut it??
That dude is a great anchor and can get your team a comeback from the depths of hell, his cr.M is gangster, light hurricane catches assist and he has one of the best punishing hyper attacks in the game, he’s great to exchange combo with as well.
Dorm takes work but he has nice damage out put, he needs time,magic on his hands,basically a wall/fence to fight behind.
We also keep forgetting about strong ass Modok too fella’s, My boy Taskmaster as well
Spencer I give credit too because of his multiple over head setups, his ability to juggle from a far, okay range and lvl 1 that can go through 1 million china pussy’s at once and make all the women in hawaii catch the nut (Sorry just saying)
What makes Tron lackluster on point? Big damage, high HP, command throw, good cross up game, decent mid-range zoning with capture shot and helicopter servebot, good chip and frame advantage with tiger knee drill.
She’s predictable and attacks from the same direction. She gets zoned hard.
I think it’s important to note that EVERYONE in this game -can- do some ridiculous ass stuff that damn near looks unbeatable. The make-or-break factor is CONSISTANCY.
Sent’s still a wrecking ball but I just don’t see him in the tier we’re arguing. Zoning’s ok, lacks rush worthy normals, can’t catch other keep away characters. Just overall feel reliant on a random hit and he no longer has the hp to take a ton of risks to get it.
Akuma’s cr.M is pretty gangsta as well, his hurricane is extra stupid, also his punish hyper is faster. Also more mobility for 200k health = both shotos will die in one good combo so why play Ryu?
Dorm is ok but like you said he needs time and assists to give it to him. He’s just not Wesker level in my eyes.
Bionic Arm is great can I nominate that for high tier? What’s a Spencer?
Modok and Taskmaster were good suggestions. Keep the debate rolling.
I actually agree with Iceman on the ryu thing. I don’t think that ryu is amazing, but I do believe he serves a purpose that akuma can’t fill as well. Ryu’s super is outright better and more versatile than akuma’s which makes him better for spending bar on anchor.
I would not say she’s predictable especially with the points I made earlier (Drill is a mid range frame advantage poke, command throw leading to big damage, also a great cross up mix up game.
Zoning wise she can do it against non zoning characters but may have trouble against the dedicated characters. Oh well, run behind a projectile assist.
I can agree with Sentinel.
Ryu doesn’t die as fast as Akuma, Ryu’s Hurricane is just as gay as Akuma’s BUT because he can last longer in a match, he gets the nod from me over Akuma.
Ryu and Deadpool are like the Cable’s of the game, straight up assist killers, Ryu does have in close ability, a legit overhead
I didn’t mean to give the Bionic Dildo upper Tier status just because of the Bionic dildo BUT keep in mind, this dude as an anchor has raped teams by himself in tournaments as of late,i’ve touched him twice bfore my stick went out, like i stated before he has range, nice over head, nice life and damage out put.
Modok has to get his respect, terrific zoner, high damage out put, doesn’t really need assists, can build his own meter, hyper attacks punish mid range and from a far.
Task is the shit and im not gonna put shit on this form about him cause I know people are gonna start crying how I am dick riding him yadda yadda but fuck you guys ahead of time cause I bet at the next revival and at Augusta SUper, you fuckers will be playing him Ahhhhhh HAAAAAA lol
He might be good in that niche situation vs Akuma, but how’s Wesker fare in the anchor role?
Phoenix would be the best character hands down if it weren’t for her health. But when it comes to Wesker, he has no weaknesses. He has retarded priority, retarded damage, really good defense, good DHC potential, and nearly everything he does is unsafe. While Wolvie may be pretty ridiculous too, you can rely on him dying with one good hit and a DHC. The same can’t be said about Wesker. Also Wesker is good on point, good as an anchor, and good as an assist. His assist alone setup unblockables for a good portion of the cast.
We can talk theory fighter all day. But truth be told, Wesker has a pretty universal gameplan. He can keep away, or he can rush you down, and his stupid safe doing both. And his hitbox is stupid. He’s just skinny and lanky enough to fall out of nearly everyone’s combos. He’s incredibly user friendly, as he can basically just mash and use his bullshit priority to get an advantage. His combos are easy and do tons of damage. He has an easy combo into his lvl 3 which kills anyone in the game. He’s stupid in XFactor mode as well.
I could say more, but there is really no point. When a character can be played effectively with multiple styles, has stupid priority, above average health, and is good as an assist as well… Who else in the game can do half of what Wesker an do? The closest example is Magneto, but Mag’s health isn’t that great. Wesker is the best character in the game.
Depends on how many bars you have and who you are playing against. If ryu has enough bars you are dying. That’s isn’t the same for wesker unless he actually hits you.
And tron’s cross up game isn’t THAT great. She also can’t really zone people too well.
I know you had more to say besides Bionic Arm, but I wanted to joke.
Has Spencer been raping in post patch tournaments? With the loss of the Arm loop his output’s going to take a dive. I heard that Combofiends already moved on and I don’t know any other high level Spencer players.
As an aside I think Spencer lacks good ways in. No wave dash, swing sucks. zip lines alright but puts you at disadvantage.
Tron’s cross up his high reward/medium risk and is aided greatly by a good air dash and assist cover.
I didn’t say her zoning was super awesome only that works ok against characters that need to get in and lack a teleport.
Everything is high reward in this game and the amount of risk is decided the the character she’s fighting. Amme can duck her cross up H and just punish.
You know Guile’s zoning is amazing, Iceman doesn’t take chip, and Jill is pretty ridiculous. lol
I think Marvel 3 is going to go through the same shifts 2 did and after awhile if you’re not playing top tier you wont be going anywhere.
Family Guy at it again with Street Fighter:rofl:
not the same thing… the patch took out the jumpcancelcancel highgrapple loop, which was obscure as fuck anyway
swing & zipline both have hidden potential using tricky jcc & normal cancel methods
zipline def can be made safer to safe-ish.
but assists always help
spencer: not as complete & not as complete of a dickhead