The argument is that he is the best character in the game because of his completeness, but there are other characters just as if not more complete.
Name them and lets compare and debate!!
Mind you, I am not going off of just the strategy guide and Atlanta gameplay.
What is seen in tournaments, my own play with (I have not finalized playing with the entire character list in this game, I am pulling my own desk work) Wesker and almost half the character list, you all who have played with/against him
I want to play arcana heart 3.
Magneto, Trish, Amme, Zero, Dormammu those are some characters that are pretty compete, not saying all of them are as good as wesker though.
Of those I would only consider Magneto and Ammaterasu.
(All of this in comparison to Wesker)
Trish: Lacking in mix up/quality normals
Zero: Lacking in zoning/mobility/quality normals
Dorm: Lacking in mobility/mix up/quality normals
EDIT: All options aside Wesker beats all those characters in raw numbers (HP/Damage Output/Meter Efficiency).
If you’re serious about this hit me up.
I want to play too, when’s the NA release of the PS3 version?
So whats the point then??
1st.) Outside Magneto & Dorm, Wesker 1 on 1 doesn’t fear any of these characters because almost all of them when inside his range, cannot eat a combo from him whether he is punishing them for a whiffed attack or catching them from teleport, advance guard etc.
2.) With the exception of Magneto & Dorm, none of the characters can stand hard core toe to toe with a variety of the cast due to there low life.low damage out put, or the fact that they have to use to much hyper meter just to kill one character (Wesker can eat either two or three ammy lvl 1’s after her ground combo, weapon change yadda yadda yadda
3.) Wesker’s lvl 3 is like what 850,000 life ( I think without x-factor) outside Sent, T.Bonne I don’t think anyone else if fucking with that, coupled with 65% of the assists in this game give him great start up for it, even if he’s getting punished (ala task,T.bonne,Doom,Sent)
No level 3 does 850000 without X-Factor. It’s around 400,000. Amme can definitely be put into weskers league.
@Kent: Trish has good mixup and quality normals, Zero has good mobility(maybe a bit predictible) and some good normals, Dorm has all three of those.
Just throwing in my two cents. Take it or leave it, I’m not here to argue I think the top echelon of the cast looks like this, in no particular order:
Sent, Phoenix, Ammy, Wesker, Wolverine, Dante, Magneto, MAYBE Akuma or She-Hulk
So do you guys think they will fix the DHC glitch for sure or leave it alone? I periodically research the game but not that much. I only ask because I’m rather clueless:sweat:
Good games last night my Athens Brothers. It feels good to travel 10 minutes and play solid comp in both SSF4 and Marvel.
They might have “good” of option X, but Wesker has better.
Yea, I would agree with that list for the top characters for now. It’s always fun to have a little debate that’s not really going to mean anything in the end.
@Kent: That’s debatable on who has better. Zero has more mobility than wesker in the air, and wesker has more on the ground. Dorm’s mixup is probably on par with wesker’s. You make it sound like Wesker has the best of everything.
reoxx did I send you that AH3 gift already via PM? If not I’m just going to send it again…
Trish having “Good” Mix ups is debatable, she has average mix up in my eyes due to her slow follow up ability,without her overhead or dive kick she is to assist dependent, setting traps is cute but once she advances Wesker can teleport then punish or just play keep away, she also can’t take hits (Wesker can)
Zero does not move well, he has to jump a lot and his mix up’s consist of doing moves that either go through you, which when blocked either puts him to far away or makes his next normal attack punishable based upon Wesker’s range of attacks, over top of you or consist of jumping, not saying those moves aren’t mix ups, I’m saying they put him in a more vulnerable state, open for lots of punishment (Wesker still wins in normals)
Dorm doesn’t have all three, his air dash is slow because he’s a huge character, almost every standing medium in the game stops him from coming over top and spamming jump in special attack will kill him against the upper tier of the game, Dorm without a carpet is not keeping Wesker at bay enough to not consistently get put into bad situations and attempting a dry dark hole, magic on the hands or teleport with out cover can get him killed.
How can Ammy be put in Wesker’s league when one cr. L,L,L fierce slide from Magneto takes like 35-45%??
Once you advance guard her standing h. she’s a goner. cr.H is punishable, special attack is vulnerable, solar flare (overhead) you can get hit by the first three at times, roll out and punish, solar flare from full screen, soon as wesker see’s the flash can punish and most characters after she commits to the third shot can punish (This without blocking 1st of course), she doesn’t leave enough hyper meter to help her teammates, she doesn’t take off as much damage, yes she is annoying BUT works way harder then wesker in order to calculate the win.
If your going to say someone is in Wesker’s league and should be mentioned in the same sentence, try Spencer,Sent,Doom,Magneto,T.Bonne,Ryu,Dante,Phoenix
I am talking overall stature vs the entire cast in terms of my portion of the debate.
Of those characters I vote this way
Best: Phoenix, Wesker, Wolverine
Great: Magneto, Dante, Ammy, She-Hulk, Akuma
N/A: Sentinel
Yes sir.
EDIT: This was a response to karapalm.
too late
See all you new comers online on the 19th
@Iceman: Ammy cr.H isn’t punishable because it’s jump cancelable
Of your character list I disagree with Spencer and Sent post patch and Ryu just doesn’t cut it for me. Definitely agree with Tron and Mag, on the fence about Doom but he’s definitely worth consideration.