Ga Thread: Step your game up!

Alright just give a ring, you have my number. Dunno if anyone will get on that melty with you though ;p

Don’t matter, I’d just bring it just cause

cuz you are gross at mvc3! lawl.


SSFIV AE only $15 DLC? I thought Capcom would screw us over again like usual, but that’s a good price.

Shoryuken - SSF4 AE DLC Dated and Priced, PC Version Coming Also

well people can also wait for an AE disc that comes out in the 28th of June or go with the the DLC on the original Super disc that comes out on the 7th…other than a fresh disc with new artwork and a 2011 date on it im not seeing the difference

Im sure getting the AE disc will be more convincing than the DLC on the systems for tournament organizers maybe?

$40 vs. $15…go go go!!!

ill probably get the AE disc because my copy of Super has some wear on it…

So SFvsT trailer came out and I see neither Lili nor Sakura. Get to it Capcom. sips tea

Crap, just realized AE DLC comes out the day after I leave for Ohio. :frowning:

I’m straight, throwing a bunch of big names at me is not enough for me to go to any tournament, I am not attending EVO and the overall lack of respect Ga gets makes me lose interest each and every day and that’s just being real.

Tekken is dead, the fact that Kor’s name was featured in order to convince tekken heads to attend, makes me want to tell em to kiss my ass, Kor is what 1-7 against ATL???
How do you over look Pokchop, the guy who had “No Round Browned” Kor on the MLG Circuit, straight ripped him to shreds at Final Round and the dude quit tekken for PC Shooters???
How do you over look the National Champion who is less then 12 hours away from your tournament,Just came back from across sea’s and became one of two only U.S. players to enter Tekken Crash (Oh yea and garbage as RIP)

MvC3 ain’t worth me leaving my lady and daughter real talk, $30 entry when we all know I don’t play Boo Boo/Salt Fighter 4, Batman is my only training partner in Tekken because East Point has all but given up, MvC3 is run by Wesker,Phoenix,Magneto,Akuma,Amy, got my boy nerfed for being over played but Wesker is straight overlooked.





well sir I prefer the godlike combination of El Fuerte/Lei Wulong or Adon/Law sips nectar from Chalice

trailer looked good, now wheres Tekken X SF at?

Is anyone in GA planning on attending Evo?

Also if GA doesn’t get national respect it’s because GA doesn’t win on the biggest stage. The reason why people acknowledge Norcal, Socal, or NYC because they are consistently getting top 8 in majors IN NUMBERS. An odd 1 or 2 GA player creeping into the rankings at majors isn’t going to change anyone’s perception. Just how no one thinks Puerto Rico is godlike, because they only look at PR Balrog. If PR had 3 peeps in top 8 evo, then people would take notice. A few wins against top names is okay, but that’s not doing anything different than what any other state is doing. I’m sure you could look up any halfway strong scene and find people who have tournament victories over national talent. The only way your scene is recognized is when your scene wins on the biggest stage and win in numbers.

Luckily an attitude like this will change that!

PR Balrog lives and plays in NYC now, right? Hasn’t he been there for awhile?

I’m not sure. But if you known any Puerto Ricans, they generally have circular migration in and out of the states. But I think he actually does live and train in the PR scene as opposed to the NYC scene. If he seems like he’s in NYC a lot it’s because he can go there anytime he wants. But his skill level is probably more indicative of the PR scene as opposed to the NYC one.

You all are so ready to jump on my nuts and give half assed retorts you are not reading!!

When did C.E.O become National Recognition in the south… oh wait,because they are now in bed with the EVO Series clap-clap-clap yeaaaaaa.

I am not against CEO as a whole, what I don’t like is suddenly everyone riding the nuts of “Oh we should go because these are the best players and so and so will be there” because that’s what these videos are suggesting, that you all should attend because the top players in your game will be there.
Ok I can respect that AND to add to that, this is the South, home to Tekken and the Strongest Tekken community next to Cali…so with that being said, another Southern based **major **is here YET no southern based players receiving any recognition,representation or accolades for there tournament play and you don’t see anything wrong with that??
I love NYC Fab but he didn’t win over the Tekken community like any of the names I mentioned up above from GA, it is listed on any tekken website what ATL has done in recent memory and or the past and right now I am only speaking about tekken.

When have we not done this in tekken??
We have the National Champion living less then 30 minutes away, we have the 3rd place overall living 15 minutes away, did you not see ATL’s body of work on the MLG Circuit or were you under a rock??
How many top#10 best videos/matches of the year was ATL apart of??

PR Balrog up until Final Round had never won a major and before that his rankings in top#8’s faltered but that didn’t keep people from mentioning his name as one of the best, even when he was getting his clocked cleaned by any Rufus player etc etc, he was up until his Final Round victory getting mentioned…when does our Community representatives gain there mentioning??

Once again you do not know our scene, you must not know ATL because almost anywhere we have been,ATL in numbers has placed in Tekken, no real talks about us, no real background information on any of our players, MLG knew about clint, they were at a loss ast to who M.E. Red-ATL (Mike),Anakin (Other players had to tell them… NY Players no less),Pokchop got attention for what he did at MLG they didn’t even recognize what he did to KoR at Final Round, he did it again at MLG 3 different times “On a Grand Stage”, clint took out some of Cali’s best all alone.
ATL-Redd defeated JustFrameJames…MLG’s then current champion in a Law vs Law mirror.
ATL-Batman rapes teams alone, he almost beat NiN in money matches only lost by 2, mind you NiN “No round browned” RiP, apparently one of Cali’s best Law’s Shinkuur,JustBlaze and I can go on for days.

As far as your post goes, I’ve been to more majors then you’ve stroked your little pee wee in your lifetime, me missing CEO isn’t the end all be all of my gaming existence or yours and I find it funny someone who hasn’t traveled to jack shit compared to me in the past 10 years can attempt to attack my attitude in regards to attending or supporting a tournament.

Only take what you see I am typing and not assume you are in my head.
I didn’t tell anyone not too attend CEO, everyone knows my heart is not in SSF4, I am not a fan of it and don’t support it, so obviously I am not talking about that gaming community. I am not shitting on the great Street Fighter players we have here either.

Tekken is where I am, Tekken is the community that has for a long time kept Ga relevant, Smash Bros also, I’m sick of seeing no matter what we do we not even get mentioned, that was my point for my post in reply to Dez a fellow tekken player and he knows exactly where the fuck I am coming from.

How you ignore the fact that Final Round for years has been the ultimate Major for the south, home to Tekken Elite, another Major pops up “In the South”, less then 12 hours away and doesn’t rep not one southern name outside Flash Metroid or a Sponsored player and think “Dahhh fuck it” is beyond me!!

I want the best for atl but if I am nor 2nd guessing these tournaments, us earning victories over top whom ever, something must be wrong.
I am one of Ga’s biggest supporters, from trip/route planning etc.
Empire losing to ATL bad is still un-mentioned til this day yet I can hear about weak ass Noel money matches at EVO on streams in the mid-west and some in the south, that’s a fucking problem

The only reason I said anything is because I knew you’d spout back some nonsensical and demeaning barrage at me.

You specifically said, ‘what is <x tournament> doing for me’, you could just say you aren’t going because tekken is being misrepresented and they didn’t try to get the known players in the south to come. And you have real life going on too.

I was at every gg major in the ne until I came here and I can’t help it I was in middle school when you were playing “seriously”. :rofl: It’s all so silly
edit: when i saw ceo, all i saw was - ah3 major that was less important than revelations :slight_smile:

I think the point that needs to be made is the difference between perception and reality. The reality is that GA does have a strong scene, and is definitely capable of making in majors. The perception is that GA doesn’t matter because it’s players are unknown.

The is a reason why Cali is just regarded as the top in everything. Cali has had publicity and hype surrounded it since the dawn of competitive fighting games. It has generations of strong top players. And what is most important Cali has dominated major tournaments for well over a decade. NYC is similar, but even NYC has a stigma of not being considered strong in any game beyond Marvel games.

As far as Tekken is concerned, I’m not going to pretend to be an expert on high level Tekken. I’m going to say this, when I tried to be competitive in Tekken at the beginning of T5:DR it was hard to find the “go to” players. Tekken is that community that seemed to have strong players from any and everywhere. In SF things are pretty clear cut. Cali is number one, follow them as your example. Japan is the best in the world, want to learn SF, study Japanese matches. With Tekken there is a lot of dispute as to who dominates it. Evo isn’t really the gold standard for Tekken, because it rarely brings out enough diverse Tekken players in numbers. It’s mainly a West Coast Tekken tournament. Final Round is an East Coast one. Then you have scenes in Japan and Korea. But overall, to my knowledge there hasn’t been a major international tournament with Japanese, Korea, East Coast, West Coat, UK players all in attendance at the same time. MLG may have been a decent example though, but that was very recent.

In SF, the game I do know about I know there is a better medium on a more consistent basis that brings all of the international competition together. That’s Evo AND SBO. And not only that you have international players at every major these days.

The perception of Cali and NYC being dominant and relevant forces in the fighting game world (but GA not) is well deserved. Not because GA lacks strong players. It’s because GA players have no exposure. When you have players just infiltrating top 8 at majors on a regular basis, people are going to take note of your scene. This is something GA hasn’t done. We can talk down about Evo all day, but the reason why people are fanboys of JWONG, F.Champ, Ortiz, Valle, Choi, etc and not fans of Druseph, Cardell, Shinkurr, or JTO is because there is no GA at majors. The way to get GA recongnized is to not to ignore majors. It’s to place at majors that have the “big names” in them. That’s how perceptions are changed. I guarantee you, if GA got 3 top spots in top 8 Evo, or Season’s Beating, or any other major people would start to take notice.

The GA scene isn't the only scene that doesn't got it's spotlight.   There is a St. Louis scene that is strong no one talks about.  A Detroit scene no one talks about.  No one talks about NorthWest.   Few talk about VA, and that's only based it geographical proximity to the North East.  VA/MD is just lumped into the NE scene instead of truely being a feared scene on it's own.   GA isn't the only scene that has this "recognition and respect issue".  GA need to do what any other scene need to do to get it's props, and that's make a dent in the majors.

i’m straight on tekken, i’m all about that marvel! weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

look! more reasons for you all to play!!


hi batman!

hi bobby creekwater too! guile! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Truth. I saw the trailer and was like “No Hoa? No Pokchop? I mean, was they even asked if they were coming?”

But to be real, the Tekken community has been shitted on for a while(read the LA Revelations thread on TZ and see what had to happen for a decent pot to be added) if the major isn’t FR/MLG mayyyybe EVO. But that’s another subject for another time.

Alot of us on the GA SF team are going to CEO and trying to work out a way to head to EVO in a group, not really because of fighting top players and whatever but because its a chance to do well for you guys and getting GA as a state out there. And while our names aren’t mainstream or whatever we’ve been getting ALOT of props on the low. If you watch Cole’s post 5v5 interview with Sanford, you’ll see he has alot of respect for us.

We all know that we(SF players) need to travel more to get respected, and we’re really trying to do that now. So support us. :slight_smile:

Also, PR is too strong. Played casuals with all of them during FR and ALL of them are impressive. It’s always the people who you never heard of who are the really dangerous ones.

With all that said…


Cali is not #1 in Tekken. Was they ever #1? Maybe T3?

Anyway, ATL has either been ruling or influencing U.S. Tekken since I can remember. JOP, Arario, Tran, Clint, Truth…all of them was traveling to Cali and back way before T5 came out beating the shit out of people. During T5 Era EP was putting everyone on notice. And now you got Pokchop taking everyone’s money and Anakin beating Koreans, Turk and Redd and Killa6 out of retirement and you think that Cali and NY are the dominate Tekken states???

If it wasn’t for GM and that pokey ass Lee ATL would be ruling the states with an iron fist real talk, and even then one person does not a whole state make.

The only real reason that the uninformed think ATL Tekken is MIA is because of the TV exposure and maybe because they haven’t made an apperance to EVO(and be on TV yet again). But the informed people, the REAL Tekken players knows whats up if they step into a venue and sees ATL in the building.

That trailer sucks. Hopefully the game won’t be bad.

Rashid I’m also going to Evo. Tentative, but I’m going to make it happen.

Anyway, what does everyone feel about AE being at Evo now? I for one am a little outraged. I’m just hoping that they actually make some balance changes before shipping out the console port. AE seems like a REALLY imbalanced game. Most people who have played it says it’s a very dumbed down game. Some people are drooling at the fact that it’s more offensive. But SF isn’t about total offense. It’s suppose to be a mixture of the two styles. While I prefer to turtle it up, I would be pretty upset if a game became too defensive. I believe Super got too much flak it didn’t deserve. People didn’t want to go in the lab and learn how to beat out crouch techs or learn options selects. I’m guilty of this myself. While I do know how to meaty jump away defense and murder crouch techs, my options select vocabulary is lacking.

I’m guessing that if I want to continue to play with Guile I’m going to have to get a little better at my option selects. I’ve been slowly trying to evolve my style to aggressive turtle. I don’t think Guile can be played out out offensive against top players who know their options. But a good aggressive turtle/zoning game could be the favored Guile style in AE.

In a way I’m pretty happy that there may be tons of Yun and Fei players too. That means learning this matchup guarantee I can get far. I thought I did much better in vanilla as opposed to SSFIV because of what characters showed up in tournaments. I started doing better in vanilla tournaments because I had to fight a slew of Balrog and Ryu players back then. Knowing those matchup guaranteed good placement. In Super it became harder because there was so much diversity in tournaments that you didn’t have the comfort of only knowing 2 or 3 key matchups. You were always going to run into a matchup you didn’t know in SSFIV tournaments. But SSFIV seem to be a better game than AE. Let’s hope they put some balances to the game before it is released.

Getting the nerf hammer jammed up your ass sucks, trust me I know.


Gauge top ten in this state aside from like 2-3 people. I say this because the threat level from this state is much greater then most realize.

Evo is making the right decision. Two months is enough time so that you can get a good feel of the game. Yes, some have had a big head start, but what would happen if AE came out and EVO still used super? People wouldn’t be as interested that’s what. As far as balancing goes, I believe people are over exaggerating, especially when they haven’t played it very much if at all. I think Yun and Yang will be strong characters, but not broken. Fei Long is the one I’m worried about.

EDIT: Though CEO is using AE also and that’s only 3 days after release…