Full-time Purple Spider Lesbian: Juri Match-up/Strategy Thread

HOLY SHIT! I had to see it to believe it but Yun really is that bad. Terrible matchup from what i can already tell, this is looking grim…

Cr.mk can now pretty reliably beat Ryu’s cr.mk(low forward), due to his nerf on the active frames, you can score a counterhit into buffered fireball store.

What’s the best AA for Yun and Yang’s dive kick?

To make the Yun matchup even more broken, we are pretty much free on wakeup to lunge punch, it beats backdash, counter and expinwheel…fml.

I’ve found that cr.HP is moderately successful against their dive kicks, but it still trades more than I’d like.

far standing mk by far. It’s her best way to stuff any dive kick. It’s out for a very long time and if it trades its in your favor. Btw the twins aren’t giving me much trouble, that because the babies are still learning how to handle them. I admit i am getting rocked when i play my yang, but when i whipped out juri i went on a 20 win streak >=D i think i like fighting oni the most. I feel like Juri is packing more hurt and i’m enjoying the fact i can link a cr. mk after a fireball stock! >=D

don’t feel bad because that actually beats 80% of the cast wake up options. the worst part about it is that it’s +1 on block so even when you do respect it he’ll get free pressure/mix up anyway. but this match up ain’t yun vs sim bad ( LOL ) but it is in his favor no doubt.

Anyone else having a hell of a time dealing with AE Makoto and Oni? I can’t get anything started on a good Oni at all, he’s like a mobile fortress that stuns me in two combos.

Ive had no trouble with Oni thus far, i get caught by the slashs alot but thats mainly because i dont understand them yet. The only Makoto ive played yet was probably VRyu’s a couple of times and well yeah shes definately another story now, its gna have to require the lab, even though i suspect id have lost even if it were regular super.

Is it just me or the match up against Sagat gotten harder in AE? It used to be fairly, now, its not so much. In contrast, the Blanka Match up, one of the most annoying matches in Super for me, has gotten so much easier due to Blanka’s nerfs. :slight_smile:

sagat is much better in ae now. that’s probably why it feels different for you. and he got vanilla lk tiger knee so his rushdown is gay again

Totally noticed that off the bat, was crouching a tiger knee, expected the second hit to whiff, but it didnt, instantly thought…shit.

Gief use to be super free for my Juri (which was one of the reasons I 2nd her, because Gief beats Bison generally, and probly more so in AE with his buffs and Bison’s damage nerf on stand hk). They increased range on some of his moves I think because now I’m actually getting hit more… and it hurts. I need to learn his new range. That green hand change… makes fighting him a tad different too. BTW I never played SF4, what is Sagats tk like now?

Guys I’ve been maining Gen since SF4, and afterall this time and all this sweat ive put into the character, i finally had enough of the sagat match up for Gen. i’m in no way near my best with Juri, but for Gen, I think i’m all tapped out…(The added Tcs didn’t do much to make him better, just better meter gain) I’ve also seen that the match ups are more even for juri (as opposed to the B.S Gen has to put up with) So because of that, I’ve been thinking about Juri, but i’m hoping she fairs much better than Gen does against him. I’ve come across information on the Juri vs Sagat match up prior to AE, but not much on Sagat, so I have to ask, is the match up roughly the same or is it as hopeless as it is for Gen?

Juri was good against Sagat in Super, but with AE changes, it might be closer to even now.

With Tiger Knee pressure back, its probably about 5-5, used to be 5-5 imo anyway, if anything hes just more annoying now, and hits like a truck again…

So, after running around 30 matches with a pretty decent Yun player, I have to say the matchup doesn’t look that bad. In fact, it does not look bad at all. I was zoning him easily with LK fireballs, because they beat most of his options - I’m not 100% sure, but they actually seemed to beat that annoying palm of his, and it also beat his EX Lunge until he got completely out of the ground. His shoulder slams are completely beaten by the LK fireballs as well.

Naturally, when he got in it was a fucking nightmare, c.MP combos, mixups and that annoying as fuck TC that ends with the palm beating every fucking thing I threw out that wasn’t a EX pinwheel, but I was managing to keep him out rather easily.

Aye im investigated Yun abit more, found some dirt cheap setups on him, abit more happier with how my progress with him is starting to turn out.

In terms of fundamentals and punishs:

-Low fireball beats: Palm, Shoulder and grounded lunge punchs (once airborn they can go over the fireball). Ultra 2 goes through fireballs though.
-His target combos are punishable with raw expinwheel if he finishs them, especially the sweep target combo.
-Mp/Hp/Ex Shoulder are punishable with cr.lk, if you plink it even better, its also punishable with cr.lp so fucking up the plink in that sence is still good.
-Lp lunge punch is punishable on block from any distance, non-meaty Mp and Hp are also punishable. Ex is never punishable.
-His Dakkai (towards Hard punch), is also punishable by lk pinwheel and expinwheel, crossup Dakkai’s off resets are cr.hp punishable.
-Crossup Shoulder off resets is also still punishable with cr.lk.
-Ex palm is also unsafe, punish with normal into pinwheel.
-Far Mk is the best divekick stopping move and AA overall.
-Upkicks can be safe jumped and they can be punished universally with raw Hk pinwheel (to cover the distance) or hk/ex divekick.
-Neutral Jump Roundhouse whiffs when trying to punish misplaced lunge punchs (becaues the recovery is very low profile), be aware of this.
-Ultra 1 can be neutral jumped on the third hit for a full jump in punish.
-Ultra 2 doesnt Armour break, can counter out (10 frame startup on first hit) to avoid chip wins.

His poking game is abit more confusing, light shoulder pressure has to be focus absorbed inbetween the normal that preceded it to completely get out of it prematurely, on block your at -3, but he gets pushed far away just within his far mp, so its very good for Yun because he can now abuse you with many options, where far mk will beat divekicks, it will lose to delayed pokes, far lk might beat his far mp if your lucky, but overall its a very favourable position for him. On hit its even worse, you just need to block the next string or guess on a reversal because chances are your eating a counterhit if you try anything else.

The worst position you can put yourself in is the shoulder pressure i think, it always leads to his poking sweet spot which is just outside of yours(to a degree, but at this distance his pokes are faster than yours). Divekicks are a pain, but you have to be on point with grabbing him if he misplaces any near you, i actually still dont really understand his divekick game much so i cant talk about it right now.

c.MK seems like the best bet after a blocked LP shoulder. Seems to beat/trade most of his options except dive kicking and EX DP.

A few tidbits on Yang: His palm can negate LK releases and his DP ignores fireballs for free while rolling, so its kind of hard to zone him with fireballs. Feels like he might be tougher than Yun due to that.

Cr.mk gets beaten clean by his far.mp, and thats the poke he will most likely use, so thats a pretty bad idea.