General Info and Strats:
- Great footsies
- Very strong pressure game
- Good answers to projectile spam
- Great comboability and solid damage
- Low health/stun
- Poor wake-up options
- Vulnerable to good rushdown
Character Specific Option-Selects and Wake-Up Options: by Hotaru
Here is a list of character specific wake-up OSs I know, I didn’t add OSs that lose to invincible moves like[OS Sweep] but they could be added too.
I didn’t know before doing this list, but it seems tech’ed knockdowns can be delayed and mess with safejump setups, so the “easy sj setup” Store>Jump may whiff if the tech is delayed a lot.
Jump-in [OS throw]. Doesn’t cover backdash.
Fast wake-up.
Easy sj setup: Sweep>jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Guard OS Senpusha].
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Guard OS Senpusha].
Slow reversal (16f).
Safejump [OS cr.MK].
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Guard OS MK Release].
Safejump [OS Guard OS EX Senpusha].
Safejump [OS Guard OS cr.MK]: [media=youtube]2XZYcHMalcY[/media]
Safejump [OS HK Senpusha]. Misses cross-up teleports.
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Guard OS Senpusha].
Jump-in [OS U2] (loses to EX Sumo Smash).
Easy sj setup: Store>safejump. (no delay).
Fei Long:
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Guard OS Senpusha].
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Guard OS Senpusha].
Safejump [OS Guard OS Senpusha].
Usual Safejumps lose to EX Karakusa.
Jump-in j.HP (high) [OS standing guard OS Senpusha].
Slow Reversals (13f+)
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Easy sj setup: EX Senpusha > dash > jump-in.
Safejump [OS jump] > normal.
Safejump [OS Guard OS EX Senpusha]: loses to EX Devil Reverse and misses a few TPs.
Safejump [OS cr.MK]: loses to EX Double Knee Press. [media=youtube]2XZYcHMalcY[/media]
meaty > chain lk [OS EX Senpusha or Guard or cr.MK]: same as above. [media=youtube]XlxgTk9Wf_c[/media]
Slow Reversal (13f).
Without U2.
Easy sj setup: EX Senpusha > dash > jump-in.
meaty > chain lk [OS EX Senpusha or Guard or cr.MK]. [media=youtube]XlxgTk9Wf_c[/media]
Safejump [EX Senpusha].
Slow Reversal (11f).
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Meaty cr.MK: Escapable with backdash.
Meaty cr.LK [OS guard OS EX Senpusha]>st.LK. [media=youtube]XlxgTk9Wf_c[/media]
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Guard + OS Senpusha].
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Jump].
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Guard OS Senpusha].
Easy sj setup: Store > jump-in (no delay).
Safejump [OS Guard OS MK Release (or EX)]
Notes: -When nothing is mentionned the OS covers every options.
-[OS Guard OS Senpusha] means you do QCB hold back (guards a reversal) then press the OS Senpusha. If EX isn’t mentionned you can OS any Senpusha, usually to catch backdashes.
DiveKick Safety By Deice
experimenting with dive kicks and how safe they are on block, since I haven’t seen any hard numbers on this. I really like dive kicks and am trying to figure when I can use them.
I recorded juri doing a HK dive kick with different spacing’s and tried what could punish it:
Perfect spacing (hits their toes)
Juri could jump out before Zangief reversal U1, so I guess that makes this ±0 frames.
Edit: Wrong info, the U1 actually whiffs. Chun’s super can punish, which makes it -2f (?) See my followup post for details.
Good spacing (hits lower leg, this would be the best I can do in a match usually)
Zangief could reversal SPD, and also jab. With Ryu I couldn’t land anything because it lands far enough that fierce SRK whiffs. I’ll call it -3f or -4f.
Bad spacing (Waist level or above)
Well, here stuff hits the fan: eg. Ryu reversal U1 hits, I’m guessing -11f or worse.
If you hit their head, they’ll have time to do pretty much anything they like.
Caveats: Numbers are obviously rough, since small changes in spacing alter the frame disadvantage.
The Good It seems perfect dive kick spacing is fully safe on block.
The Bad The perfect spacing is really hard to hit, if you miss it even a little, some characters with fast, far reaching moves can punish. Most can’t do anything though.
The Ugly A characters hitbox width changes depending on if they’re crouch/standing blocking, so the opponent can change the spacing. For Ryu the difference is minor, when he crouches the disadvantage changes like 1-2f, but Zangief can make a perfect dive kick against standing become bad, like penalty of 3f or more. And if you space it perfectly against crouching opponent and they stand up, the dive kick will whiff and they get a free punish.
So tl;dr; dive kicks can be safe on block, but its very character dependent how safe. It becomes a 50/50, they have to guess if you spaced it perfectly. The opponent can play with the spacing by crouch blocking, but would need a fast far move to punish it.
Obviously I’m assuming block here, if they put reads on you many characters can neutral jump, walk or just ultra your ass for trying. That’s my $.05, if anyone knows more please do tell, I’m very interested 
s.LP Option Select By Hotaru
I’ve found out that we can OS a full combo around the fact that st.lp whiffs or not, but I’m not sure it’s worth it. The execution isn’t too bad.
For example this execution: > st.lp > [] > > [] xx Special move.
The [] inputs are inputs comming out if the st.lp whiffed. So either lk>lp(whiff)>lk>cr.mpxxSpecial or lk>lp>cr.mpxxSpecial
Since st.lp is cancellable with it does a frametrap (I’m not sure how chains work, but if it cancels the whole lp recovery it’s a 4f trap). And st.lp chain cancels lk too iirc so it may be a bit less.
A good thing is that the oponent cannot stand up to throw during this close range frametrap because they “land” into the lp if they try to, so the only option is to try for crouch light but the frametrap will likely counterhit it. (Or reversal but it will be hard to perform since the lk window is small and it doesn’t allow standing up doing the motion).
The execution isn’t too bad, you “simply” add a lk right after the st.lp when doing the BNB lk>lp> and hit twice the so it comes out in both situation (or hit once on visual confirm, idk). You also have to delay a bit the Special cancel so it comes out in both situation.
So my questions would be: Does st.lp (whiff) > cancels all the recovery frames of st.lp? And would this frametrap or OS be worth using?
I set the training mode to counter-hit and couldn’t combo lk>lp(whiff)>lk, so the gap between blockstuns is likely 5f, it’s a bit big but still has a good chance of catching something on counterhit.
FrameTraps Theory Fighter By Deice
I felt I didn’t understand frame traps well, so I decided to do a writeup about them to clarify my own thoughts. Here it is, take it for what it is.
Some ideas copied from Frame Trap explanation from JoonTheBaboon
(He gives some arbitrary frame numbers, I just used those, same disclaimer applies)
So lets see what the opponents options are:
* Too early crouch tech: frame 0-2, their move comes out on frame 3-4 or later. Loses to throw.
* Early crouch tech: frame 3-6, their move comes out somewhere between frames 6-10. Techs your throw.
* Delayed crouch tech: frame 7-10, techs your throw and blocks early frame trap.
The idea of frame traps is to hit them during the startup of their crouch tech normal, which is around 3-4f startup usually (ours is c.LK, 4f startup). Lets see what our options are against those techs:
* Throw: beats no tech / too early tech / mashed normals.
* Early frame trap: hits around frame 4-6'ish, beats early tech. Delayed techer can block. Too early tech hits you.
* Delayed frame trap: hits around frame 8-9'ish, beats late tech. Early techers will hit you.
Relevant frame data:
* Move (startup, frame advantage on block)
* cs.LK (3f,+3)
* c.LK (4f,+2)
* c.MP (6f,-1) (far standing strong has same data, so can use interchangeably)
* cs.MP (5f,-4)
* cs.HK (11f,-4)
now lets look at Juri’s frame traps:
(startup - advantage = hit frame) - © means it a combo on hit.
* cs.LK, c.MP (6-3=3) (C) - c.strong hits at frame 3 at earliest. Early tech trap (and beats mashed normals too)
* cs.LK, cs.MK (6-3=3) (C) - hits frame 3. Early tech trap.
* cs.LK, cs.MP (5-3=2) (C) - hits frame 2. Needs to be delayed to be a tech trap.
* c.LK, cs.MP (5-2=3) (C) - hits frame 3. Early tech trap.
* c.LK, c.MP (6-2=4) - hits frame 4. Early tech trap.
* c.MP, c.MP (6-(-1)=7) - hits frame 7. Delayed tech trap.
* cs.LK, cs.HK (11-3=8) - hits frame 8. Delayed tech trap. Not too good because unsafe on block. Maybe in FSE so we can cancel?
* Couldn't find anything good thats slower (that hits frame 9).
Theres a fourth kind of frame trap, against opponents pressing non-invulnerable buttons during blockstrings:
* cs.LK, c.LK (4-3=1) - hits frame 1. Blockstring trap against normal mashing.
My personal favorite setup is delayed tech trap c.MP, c.MP. Mix this up with c.MP, kara-throw and your opponent is in for a harsh ride.
Reply with any thoughts / corrections please.
Also a thought I just had: isn’t kara-throw 4 frame startup vs normal throw 3f, since you need 1 extra frame for the kara cancel?
Some Useful Videos:
[media=youtube]V2vKM64BsSQ[/media] By Vulcan Hades
[media=youtube]kzmbHpsCMsU"[/media] By Kailkun