Yeah, I guess TACs do exist…I’d like to imagine they don’t. Also.
Nice, I didn’t know shopping cart kept them still enough to hit with a round trip. I just tried it and it works great.
I’m missing the knee drop on the boomerang shopping cart DHC, but it definitely looks like I can do it. Oh hey, nvm, just got it. Yeah, that works great, especially because my Trish bnb launches back down really low to the ground, so I can do this pretty much every time if I feel like it.
It’s still a tough call, but since I don’t like mapping my THC button to L (which is how I play Vergil on a ps3 controller), I’mma go for trish for now. Still, both teams look really strong.
Thanks. I still need to learn a bit more than physics behind trish’s combos, I got a few goodn’s for Tasky.
And since you’re probably still here, Taskmaster’s down arrows hyper DHC into scythe and rawtag back unblockable, it seems to work, I’m setting them on advancing guard and random roll techs, and they ain’t doing shit about Tasky’s attack. Is this as broken as I think it is?