I want to see buttceks having buttsex.
DF 16-19 Nov chek el banner w
I didnt ever agree to that, plus the only one willing to pay (if he had money) would be ultracombo
Btw, any special guests? by “special” I mean a foreigner?
Yeah, so how much to get djfrijoles to SPD Bastard IRL on video?
Fudd, fudd, fudd, don’t waste your money PAYING for that shit.
Wait until they get blasted off tequila and cervezas and then KINDLY suggest it to djfrijoles when he’s commentating on the stream. If he’s resistant, try talking some shit about his momma and/or his country. If that doesn’t work, claim that he’s not machismo, and he’ll eventually succumb and we’ll get to see some typhoon action.
Truth be told, I’m kind of more excited about this then Xmania Europe.
thats cause you have inside information lol
I already forgot what you told me. I just got excited when bastard said he was going to take face punches for money. He’s going to be so rich by the time this event is over.
I’m planing of having the stream running friday night (before king of ggpo), saturday afternoon/night and sunday morning/afternoon, i’ll post the exact schedule thursday, and the challonge links friday.
You got secrets? TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME!
Almost there…btw anyone have yito’s twitch?
stream will be here
back down to me and one guest lol ( guest is sunday )
I never said it… ¬¬
Trust me, I don’t think your consent is necessary for this “Punch Bastard for Money” deal going on. lol.
Too bad all mexicans streams lag like hell
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and last nights 6.1 earthquake in mexico city marks the begging of the epic explosion about to happen. The earth can’t handle this. As for the stream laggin…we already did test streams and everyone watched the match fine so for the haters…you can KISS MY BROWN ASS

So, this is what the Mayans prophesied…
So the end of the world got brought on by drunk Mexicans playing ST? I wouldn’t have it any other way.
You’re so damn ugly, the camera decided to put the sun flare over your face instead of your ass. LOL.