First ST Mexican Gathering, November 2012

drunk by 6:25am. lolololz!

A streaming setup is on the way ?

I think that depends entirely on what time they start drinking. If they start drinking at night, we have a good chance of seeing a stream and a tournament with intelligent commentary (hopefully in English?).

If they start drinking the second djfrijoles enters the house, we’d be lucky if they even post pictures or forum updates on wtf is happening.

Awesome… quero una playera con este dibujo…

Yeah we are going to have a stream at least for the tournaments, but we plan to have it all the time. I have some problems with my ISP right now, but hopefully it will fix within this week.

Yep the commentary will be on engrish… ahem i mean english with a secret guest.

And no, i probably will be babysitting all of these guys so they don’t burn the house, so i’ll be posting pictures of the whole thing.

It might start off in English, but once you guys start kicking back Tecatès, Coronas, and reposado, it might suddenly turn into Spanish. What will start off as:

“Wow. That was a very clutch super by Kyouya to punish yito’s fireball”

will eventually turn into:


I don’t much about djfrijoles, but I know he loves to drink, and he loves to BBQ. Drunk people + open pit of coals and fire don’t usually end up going well together.

This sounds dope. Shout outs to el DF.

Can you guys dedicate an exhibition match to me? K thx bai.

dude i wanna come =/

Once the alcohol kicks in i can translate to engrish (only if im not drinking*)

who are you, frankiesnow?

^ lol no

Please wear matching luchador mask during the team battle…

lusho va a jugar?

Batman confirmed he is go to mexican gathering amazing





oh shit! the mexicans stepping up their game! I like, I like =)

only eleven days to the big event

Uh, dónde va a ser esto? Suena chingon, por si no me aviento a ir al revo por estar tan lejos.

al principo del post esta el flayer con toda la info

Stream will probably run Sunday afternoon. If we can’t get this audio problem fixed we wont be running shit so keep your fingers crossed because one more guest commentator is added. Gonna have to watch the stream to find out who it is. ( if there is a stream lol )