Hey everyone!
I’m making this thread to let everyone know that we (as a mexican community) are going to gather in my house and do what mexicans do, you know drink tequila, wear sombreros, eat nachos with guacamole and… oh yeah play SSF2T.
So we had this idea a few months ago, Magnus_raz in GGPO started to hit us with the idea to make a gathering of all GGPO players and have a good time, so everyone liked it and a couple months later the date is right around the corner.
First of all this will be our first gathering, we are planing (if everything goes well) to make this event an annual thing with cps2 cabs or at least superguns to play on it. For the moment we will have to play on emulate ST. There are some tournaments we are organizing like double elimination, team battle, starcup like, FT10’s and hundreds of casuals which of course are going to be recorded, also there will be a stream but this isn’t 100% a safe thing.
Our goal with all of this is to promote SSF2T here in Mexico, there are a lot of people who doesn’t know about GGPO/Supercade and still play ST, we want this people to know that the game is alive and healthy and make the community bigger.
The date is 16 to 19 of november 2012 (yeah 4 days of crazy mexican party). Some of our guest stars are djfrijoles, jarek04, yito2k, .__., seshomaru, ceks10, and other players (ultracombo declined the invitation).
I am going to be updating this thread with news, and when the time come with photos, the stream and the replays.
P.D: If you want detailed information about the place of the meeting pm me.
P.D.2: If you want that someone of us punch sesho in the face, pm me and i’ll give you my paypal account ($10 per hit).