awwww shitputting my stixck in my suitcaser
Thanks you fucker. Now I’m hungry for flautas.
stream up again in about 1 hour
General challonge link, we are planing in having a tourney at 3pm PST, and another one at 5pm.
Tomorrow we will have the solo tournament at 5pm PST, with two special guests.
We are going to stream all day long.
Grats and shoutouts to everyone who attended the event, it’s awesome that ST has such a following in all parts of the world, hope you all had a great time. (I’m sad I missed DJF’s butt cheeks on stream )
i was int the gahtering maybe all ppl want to join us next time was a great playing time i beat exclone a lot of times and he dont accept that i can live whit that
Great stuff, that was nice to watch, hope that you’ll do it again next year.
Is good to see that you all took the time to pull this together, great level and chill comentary and agree with wolmar, hope u guys do EVo Mexico part 2 next year
very epic stream you guys did from friday - sunday was there for all of them was really fun to watch
It was very nice. Thumbs up everyone from Mexico!
Awesome stream you guys! I hope you guys decide to do it again next year.
Friday night Round 3 King of GGPO finals were pretty epic. Great stuff all weekend.
Getting the setup going on
Yito(left) and Djfrijoles(right) playing.
Me and .__. or smiley(right) getting some casuals.
Seshomaru(left) eating a torta and watching yito play against smiley.
Seshomaru(left) and Djfrijoles(right)
.__.smiley and Djfrijoles
The guys in the back, are v-slasher(left) and seth(right) it seems that they’re pretty famous here in Mexico City, they play KoF and loved us playing SSF2T
Ceks10(left) and Djfrijoles
From left to right: Jarek04, Ceks10, Djfrijoles, Me(Kyouya)
From left to right: Jarek04, Ceks10, Djfrijoles, Kyouya, Yito, Seshomaru, .__.
V-slasher(left) and Djfrijoles
Seshomaru trolling Cigargirl (she ignored all of us LOL)
Yito, Seth and V-slasher
Taking a drink.
.__.smiley playing and Ceks and Jarek in the back.
KoF players
All the sticks and Sesho pad
Ceks taking an afternoon nap
I have to say, we had a great time, everyone come from all parts of Mexico just to play SSF2T. Honestly i didn’t thought everyone will show up, but they did and i got a great surprise.
After this i got a lot more respect from tournament organizers, this is a LOT, and by that i mean a LOT of work to do and time consuming (i slept like 7 hours in 3 days). I ran into a lot of troubles, but in the end i think everything went just fine.
I have to thank everyone who show up for beign a great guys, a very good friends and a heck of a players. Everyone helped me in one way or another running all of this, and if not for you (and our love for the game), this wouldn’t have been possible.
Thank you all.
smiley’s fan made the GGPO qual just Epic haha, great time n it was very cool to meet everyone, definetaly Kyouya got a 10 organizing it, this pic is hilarious smiley’s fan #1 (V-slasher) cheering up all the time for Honda:

n btw, just to be official, I use 3P n 3K in case anyone missed the stream
It was an awesome stream full of a lot of exciting matches and drunken dudes hanging out playing ST. Couldn’t ask for more.
Yeah, everybody thinks a TO’s job is easy until they actually try it. It’s about 90% stress and work, but once things start to run smooth and you can relax, that 10% makes it all worth it. It’s always awesome seeing everyone having a good time, and knowing that you had something to do with it.
Looking forward to the next time you guys meet up.