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I’d be deterred from playing a game with a jump button. If you want to keep people from accidentally jumping, then add SG style jump protection.

I loved Eretzvaju aka Evil Zone and that game only had 1 attack butto

IIRC Second Impact was pretty much the same except less fine tuned, haven’t played it in a good while though. Here’s a good video of KSK and Tokido messing around in SF3 2I with some funny commentary.

Yeah, I bet they’re having a blast…IF I FUCKIN UNDERSTOOD JAPANESE.

That video just reminded me of how good Sean was before 3S happened.

Oh my bad, you gotta turn on the closed caption (CC) my dude.

nah, thats not the reason why i added a jump button. what’s an SG style jump?

He is talking about the jump protection when someone is doing a 360 move, only Cerebella has it for what i know.

The idea has its pros when you are talking about unwanted jumps while doing a 360, but if you happen to want to make a TK 41236 move like Johnny on GG you wouldn’t be able to do it with a system like that in place, so is not the best answer for every situation, that is why MikeZ only has that system on the 360 move of Cerebella and no one else IIRC.

Kotaku at it again…

Yellow Journalism at its finest.

Nah, I added a jump button because I want characters to be able to jump different heights without experiencing the KOF style stiffness SF players complain about. when different jump heights are dependent upon the speed in which you press the direction of the jump you get a slight input delay… same goes with dashing, and running… eventhough you have more mobility options in KOF you cant quite get pixel precision spacing/footsies like in SF.

In my game you get two jump heights. The regular SF style jump is performed by holding the jump direction (only diagonal/back, up, diagonal/forward) + jump button. the smaller jumps which just barely hop over projectiles are performed by pressing the jump button alone, or jump + forward or back.

Interesting, it will be interesting to see how it works.
I guess that people who have been playing FG’s would find it very “unintuitive” at first.

I disagree with this, mostly because the spacing game of KOF is different, it still has the ground spacing game, but is enriched by the mobility options that allow for new forms of spacing game with the various types of jumps and the ability to run.

Of course it wouldn’t look like the SF spacing game, since it gives you more options that expand on it.

i need to start playing kof98, but i cant seem to be able to dl the right roms. i can never get it work on ggpo, lol.

i want my game to have the kof style mobility with sf style spacing.

It’s not going to work the increased mobility makes the spacing of sf not able to compete as it allows too many options and ways to get in. It’s the main reason the KoF characters have so many tools compared to the SF characters.

Shoto Fireball zoning gets countered by rolls, slides, reflects, super jumps, armor, invincibility on specials and supers, regular jumps, guard cancel rolls, side steps, fireballs, and some hyper hops.

That’s not even taking in to account block and walk forward a bit till you get near him.

The problem is that if you have more mobility options than SF your game wouldn’t have the same kind of spacing game.

Once you give more options you open different ways to play the game.
By giving more jump options you can expect that the game will have a lot of air spacing game happening.

And for the record, as i always say, footsies are not the end of the spacing game, they are a little part of it.

ok, my mistake… i meant more mobility options than sf but certainly not as much as kof. somewhere in between is what i’m aiming for. i certainly wont include rolls or even running in my game. like i said, too many mobility options cause input delay.


Having a hop and a jump shouldn’t create any input delay to use either of them.

I would think the “traditional” approach would be to have up be the hop and down-up be a jump. (Or jumps are low and super-jumps are normal, if you prefer.) But I’m not going to say that’s any better or worse than the jump button you’re contemplating, go ahead and try it out to see how it plays.

There is so much wrong with that. Capcom is notorious for bad programming, but that right there is a whole another level of bad.

like i said earlier, it does if different jump height are dependent upon the speed in which you press the direction of the jump, which also includes tapping down then up to super jump, and double tapping to dash. Thats why KOF seems stiff to SF players eventhough you get more mobility options… shit, even 3S with its mobility options seems stiff to ST players like myself.

KOF has street fighter beat when it comes to back and forth style action, because knock-downs dont occur as frequently. Overall I believe KOF is better.

You’ve just given me an idea. I’m thinking about having 2 mobility options to choose from. either air spacing, .i.e. different jump heights, or dashing + running. Either one or the other, so the jump button becomes a dash button by choice.

Fireball spamming isnt exactly as rapid in KOF as in SF. I dont think any KOF character can fireball zone as quick as Ken/Ryu… possibly even Guile and certainly not Sagat. Also, Street fighter specials tend to come out a lot quicker too. You cant rapid fire dragon punch in kof like you can in SF.

I’ve highlighted the options you also get in SF, and the one that would easily get countered in SF with anti-air’s.