FGD Lounge: for general fighting game discussions that aren't thread worthy

Why is wong goku and daigo mr satan?

Not sure about Justin, but I thought they picked Daigo because of the similar hairstyles.

LMFAO @ Kayo

Thought the Magnus comparison was the best of them

I had posted some random thought designed to create conversation, but then I saw this shit on GameFAQs and went "fuck that shit, this is gold."

Karnov>ST. Discuss.

lol, everyones designing a game… me included, thats why i was asking the KOF vs SF questions.

people haven’t played Karnov long enough to make a decent comparison.

Well fuck, Shaq’s licensing company has just filed a trademark for "Shaqfighter."

If this turns out to be a fighting game then we are officially oversaturated with fighters.

I have ironically played Karnov since years ago but not ST.

been wondering SS2 is hailed as one of the best ss game yet it did had random item element. does this mean random hazards is legit?

  1. MvC2
  2. MvC1
  3. I don’t really have a third. I have mad love for KOF13 and 3S

how the hell do you play a game ironically?

the irony being him playing Karnov but not ST.

Since there is no option to turn it off, I would say…yes?

Every match should be on Wan Fu’s stage…all they throw at you are bombs (and sometimes even 2 simultaneously). Fuckin’ stingy ass Courier dude…

Same reason why every match in World Heroes 1 & 2 should be contested in DEATH MATCHES!

Anyone have a link to that pic that shows the relative sizes of FG sprites according to their resolution?

edit: nevermind, found it.

Was playing Turtle Fighters today. Game is sick fun, but Wingnut is really insane, lol

Couldn’t get Saturday Night Slam Masters to work on MAME and tried the Genesis port. Could not do any motion-based moves and I tried and tried to do Hagar’s 360 on the CPU and it doesn’t help that the CPU is a cheating bitch. All you really need are those Two Button or mash the button specials and you’re good to go. As a wrestling game it’s lacking and as a fighter it’s pathetic.

Finished TMNT 2 on NES, and played SNES Hyper Fighting with a friend today. Its just the SNES version, or LP DP dont have that lower hitbox that hits extended legs / low normals on HF?

MvC1 has no competitive value whatsoever. Just play XvSF.