FGD Lounge: for general fighting game discussions that aren't thread worthy

Man, people blaming the entire community for the actions of a few really sicken me sometimes

ā€œā€¦theirā€¦ā€ Man the yomi layers are too strong I donā€™t know who is trolling who anymore; I give. For me, KanaHanaā€™s best role is Ichiko from Binbougami ga!

Yeah that role was hella good, and stop being squidward.

Kind of want to work on some of the older SRK wikis for games like RBS adn RB2.

One button throws or Two button throws?

Depends on the game

Man the more i play fighters the less impressed i am with execution and combos. Even gimmick mixups.

The only thing i feel good about playing honestly is solid play. Its really nothing to see someone get hit with some new unknown mixup because its just going to get blocked again really. But seeing someone destroying someone mentally with his straight strong play will forever be much more impressive

All i do nowadays in fighters is work on defense and fundamentals. I gotta keep up my execution but this has a cap. There is always enough room to improve fundamentals.

Fundamentals are forever

What do we prefer? I prefer 2 buttons all day.

Would it be an interesting concept to have a FG game where each character would have 2 versions of itself, a younger version and an older version? Each with their respective pros and cons, and only with very limited opportunities to change between the two, letā€™s say before the match or round starts. Has something similar been done before?

Samurai Showdownā€™s Ukyo comes to mind, but that was over a range of separate SS versions, not in the same game.

One button throws forever

ST had the old versions of the characters to pick, and another version let you choose which one you wanted, even world warrior ones.

No I donā€™t mean old characters as in previous versions. So not o.ken or o.sagat. I mean old as in physically older. Old as part of the character, with pros and cons. When fighters age, their experience and knowledge increases, but they lose some of their physical strength and dexterity. Take Gen for example. Everybody knows heā€™s old. I wonder what a young version of Gen would bring to the table if he were a character in a FG. And having the ability to switch one time between the two versions within the same game could lead to interesting fighting strategies. All of course hypothetically speaking.

What heā€™s saying is that he wants EX Characters based on story purposes. I guess kinda like having Geese from Fatal Fury then choosing the EX version would be Young Geese from AOF/Neowave.

The idea is nothing new since itā€™s just an EX character like howā€™d you choose from 5 different versions of Kyo or between Chris and Orochi Chris.

Well, on that note, I backed away from XIII for awhile because the people I was playing with kept harassing me on how basic my combo skills were in the game.

I donā€™t mind practicing but Iā€™ll practice what I want, not what YOU want, 'kay? I donā€™t know if they were getting up in my stuff because they thought I could do better or just because they were annoyed that I was winning with 5-hit combos when they were dedicating themselves to making 20-hitters.

Is this what KOF has become? Then fuck XIII. It shouldnā€™t be about HD and doing 80-100% combos and weaker spacing. Niggas shouldnā€™t have to be scared of Takuma jump-ins and should be scared of his fireballs. Niggas shouldnā€™t have to deal with meterless bnbs and individual hits being ass. Niggas shouldnā€™t have such shitty cr.Cs (barring Ryoā€™s) that ā€œcurvesā€ around jump-ins.

That shit isnā€™t KOF.

On a different note, Iā€™m working on the 02um wiki and soon the 98um wiki and 98 wiki. The 98 wiki pissed me off since some nigga thought it was a bright idea to make everything look ugly with incongruent art from 01 and shit, and erase all the hard work I put into some of the Ura Character pages like '95 Kyo.

I really hope 98um and 02um come out on steam with good netplay and if it does, hopefully Iā€™m done with the character pages and main system pages of both wikis by then. Other than super specific nuances, most of the charactersā€™ normals, playstyles, and properties transition between 98 series and 02 series pretty well so I donā€™t have to invent the wheel each time I make a character page.

Only Cr. Cā€™s that feel nice in XIII are Billy, Ryo, and Dou Lon. Been playing XIII more than usual lately because Freedemonia dudes are getting more interested in it, god playing Footsies does no damage in that game.

Iā€™m trying to decide which I donā€™t like more, Krauser in 98um or Nameless in 02um. Although Kā€™ has 50% meterless combos in the corner and Kasumi is Kasumi, I think maybe the silliest shit in 02um is Namelessā€™ 70% 2 Bar combo thatā€™s kinda easy to confirm, then it turns into 100% if he has 2-3 more stock due to hard knockdown and OTG super. At least with Nameless he has a weird set of normals and spacing and although heā€™s strong, he has to put in work against characters like King or Kasumi and could be messed up without Max mode combos even appearing from either side. Then Krauser is just strong because heā€™s the new Iori with all the tools and that invul D Sobat that got nerfed in Final Edition. I think overall 98um might be neater than 02um in the sense of no lol bullshit into damage output but at the trade off of character diversity.

I think if we can get 98um Final Edition though we should see better character diversity since the lower tiers were buffed and the tops nerfed or untouched in the right places. The thing is for me is that 02um has the ā€œmost funā€ Kyo with 00 hcb+D, second best ever Far D, and a cr.B cl.C link and blockstring. He lost it in 98um, it being his good activation range on cl.C so canā€™t do it as a blockstring that also functions as a hit confirm. So that semi killed 98um for me, but I still have Lucky, Heavy D!, high tier Terry that has the tools to fight Krauser, Mr. Big, and some other neat stuff that separates it from 02um. Just wished rolls and sidesteps couldnā€™t tech throws to make the lack of recovery on sidesteps less stupid since they buffed all the other aspects of Extra Mode. Or if you can tech during those states, at least put a recovery period on side steps.

Ugh, Jojoā€™s and Xrd please come out sooner so I can play some different games. Been working on CVS2 and GGAC but I need more local people to play wittttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. @Lord_Raptor when is NCI this month and should I go to Game Center on the 17th for CVS2 tourney or just come to NCI and dick around with everyone? Might have some extra money by those times to ride with DJ Cream to get out there.

@Laban NCI is no more, but we got Caliburst now which focuses on GG, BB, and P4. The same crew comes out. If you just wanna kick it I would go to either Caliburst or Dogfight. Wish you could amke it out to San Mateo, would be nice to get the FDM guys into older KOFs.

Yo between the two which do you prefer, 98 or 98UM? Iā€™m going to guess 98 because I know how much you love Billy. Also Feez imight get back into FGs

@Lord_Raptor Yeah Feez said heā€™d be down if like the UMs get on Steam. I actually like Billy itā€™s just 02 cr.C was bust but the nerf in 02um was pretty extreme. Iā€™d rather have halfed the horizontal hitbox than make it none, otherwise I liked everything else he had to offer in 02 og. I think he only got buffs from 98 to 98um so I like him and Ura Billy in UM so thatā€™s fine. The only big things I didnā€™t like about 98um is the nerf of the 98og top tiers. I think them coupled with 98um top tiers would have made 98um diverse enough with tier whoring. But yeah I guess I canā€™t choose between them. 98og has good Kyo and an already high tier Terry but 98um has Mr. Big, buffed Lucky and Heavy D! and more Ura characters and overall low tier buffs.

Thatā€™s a hard choice between Caliburst and Dogfight since I both play CVS2 and GG. Iā€™mma try to meet up with Modestoā€™s Phil that entered some of the STA ranbats for CVS2 this weekend so Iā€™ll see but since GGXrd is coming up I wanna work on fundamentals and match ups and I think a shit load of GG Casuals at Caliburst seems more appealing. Whenā€™s Caliburst this month?

Caliburst will be the 1st Saturday next month. Yeah I always have a hard time choosign betweent he two events myself. Sucks GC is closing.

I might just have enough money to go to both if itā€™s spread out like that. Then Iā€™ll try to pop-in for the closing day on the 22nd. If I had got the job in Alameda last year I would have had more memories with the place and Star Base.