FFA SF4 Challenge!

when do you roll to ffa?? ill meet you there. im down to put down some cash after the holidays to make back the money it took me to buy presents.

btw… who do you use?? cuz fyi… i dont mm seth’s. end of story.

p.s. EVERYONE GO TONIGHT to practice for the ranbat this weekend. im gonna be really busy this week so this is gonna be the only chance i get to play sf

Ay MR dubbz!!! Let me know when you go to FFA…I’ll go…I need more practice with your beast gief and sagat…

I stopped going to FFA when everyone there started sucking balls at 3s…and Denjin is half the distance for me at half the price to play, so there’s no question where to go for SF4.

But if they lower it to 25 cents, keep their sticks in good condition and get a scene going (like maybe some tournaments/ranbats) I would probably go a lot more often.

anyone gonna be at ffa tonight?

I was there since like 4pm…

Not many people going.

Good games at ffa tonight also ffa needs new sanwa buttons on the sf4 cab didn’t want to tell that jackass employee cuz he’d probably just ignore me maybe kilomax or vicious could help us out?

I’ll be heading to FFA around 3 or 4…see you guys there.

For sure. I’ll see you guys around FFa and maybe we’ll get some good matches in. Tim may seem a bit hesitant sometimes, but I do know firsthand that he’s a good guy, he just has a good sense of humor. Hopefully I’ll see you guys at the Denjin Ranbat on Saturday. Good to hear from you Troy. I’ll call you up to see If you wanna hang or get some matches going. Merry Christams and Happy New Year to you and your family.

I can’t wait to come back to the valley and OWN SF4 at FFA :slight_smile:

That’s what I’m talking about!!!

Anyone know when Francisco is coming back. It be good to have the whole group back for the next session.

3 things…

  1. after hours and hours of trial and error, researching online, and some more trial and error, I finally got my ps3 to connect to psn wirelessly so I can play online until i get back, YAY!

  2. after being online for no more than 3 mins I see a replay from tunde at the top of the new replays list lol

  3. FINISH YOUR COMBOS DUDE! you can’t tick throw a dhalsim that’s just trying to run/jump away all day unless you give him a reason to sit there and block, get that damage son! You would have wrecked that skrub! oh and if a dhalsim wants to teleport within half screen of you, why are you not mashing out that RH? you can’t throw someone in the air lol, but good stuff making sure you won that! Gimme somma dat purple stuff! :tup:

Hey Fuller,

Are there any arcades by your area over there?

Have you wrecked some foo’s up north?

Any idea how the scene is up there?

See ya when you get back, man.

Hey guys, me and some of my friends are willing to go to the valley for SF4. This is where we’re at:


Is there a certain time you guys meet-up at FFA or casuals at Destruc1ve?

@ Tunde, I’ll be back on the 5th.

Best time to go to FFA is during the weekends (fri sat) night after 9pm =\ We just post here whenever we plan on going. For destructive’s sessions, they just happen lol. Check his thread for incoming sessions.

Alright Francisco, sounds good man and I hope you enjoyed you’re time back home in Mexico with family and friends. I hope you got some good crack sessions in with the FDAC combos and you’re Ryu. We’ll see for sure when you get back. The times at FFA sound good, so its our usual meeting mood.

hey joon, i noticed the smash characters on ur guys’ page… how avid of smashers are you guys? and which games do you play? I play a lot of SSB (kirby + c.falc) and melee (shiek, falco, c.falc, and ganny) I played brawl for a quick min (GnW) but i still have fun playing it… i might be down to set up a smash setup too

So I heard only great things about this place.
Visited around 11pm last night.
There was a very tall and handsome worker who caught my eye.
He seemed very classy.
We chatted for a while.
Manged to get his name.
Hope you see this Mr. Tim.
Very nice meeting you.
Will be seeing you soon.
I will be sure to satisfy your needs.


Wahhh~ I thought nobody played except us. We play the original N64 SSB competitively. This is going to be more “hyped” than I thought.

Bro… you have no idea how much SSB me, my 2 roommates, and a lot of our friends play lol. BTW, kirbs is the ish