FFA SF4 Challenge!

Is it possible for you to delay that until around 9:30, because I might have some stuff to take care of then. Its up to you though. You can still always get there around 8:00 and stay until around 9:30 and meet me If you want. I’m probably gonna be there at 9:30 at the earliest because If you go any earlier the place is a ghost town for Street Fighter IV. Its your call.

That’s cool. I’ll probably still be there at 9:30. I Know that FFA is probably going to be a ghost town, and if it is i’ll just try to lean 3s or BB or something. On the off chance that I’m not there, just call me.

Alright Francisco sounds good. I’ll see you there around that time. Take it easy man.

i’ll go to ffa as well…i will take my stick as well, so we can rent sf4 like for 1 hour

Sup people, so what days is everyone usually at FFA? I recently picked up Boxer and want to get some real matches with him, not some bullshit PSN stuff.

Everytime I goto FFA its always dead, do you guys have a normal time to play?

I’m dropping Rog now. -.-

I went there last night at 10 and there were only two people playing. I think there are 2 sf4 machines now. If the tourney is still going to be at ffa i could help record

i think we’re having it at my pad


The old guy that works at FFA wouldn’t let me and stebalo plug our own sticks in one of the xbox console setups. Fuck that guy. If anyone who is planning to practice on the consoles over there to save some quarters, don’t bother unless the old guy isn’t working there. Fuck you old man.

So much hate man! O.O

I can’t stand that asshole I have my own little story about that jackass but I’m not gonna get into it

tim has been nothing but cool to me. i dont know what you guys are talking about

they dont understand conversations thru sarcasm like you and me thats why.

tim’s cool, but he cant hook up the controller shit cuz he just doesnt know how and doesnt really care. lol

Tim, that’s his name?

The 1st time I went to FFA, he locked me out of the back. I had to walk all the way around to the front…lol

It was my bad though, he caught me pissing in the back. He said: ‘you just pissed on my property’, rolled his eyes, slammed the door and left me outside. haha

He’s cool now, though.

Lol that’s funny

Yeah guys fransisco speaks truth…I don’t see the big deal if we just used our sticks…Seriously…FFA would be so much better if they only listened to the regulars…MAKE SF4 25 CENTS NAO!!! :arazz: SHIT JUST GOT REAL FRANSISCO!!! lolol

Have a safe trip back home btw…Lemme know when you’re back so we can play…

And BTW… That armenian dood who wears “GANGSTA” clothes who could probably fracture his wrist if he fell on carpet needs to chill the fuck out…He got all pissed because he got double perfected by Tunde…Then the race card came out and all this crap…Seriously…This dood needs to chill…

Yup dude needs to chill its just a game


Who’s at FFA during the weekdays? I might stop by sometime this week for an hour or so… Come to think of it. Probably won’t even open on Friday. :o Or Thursday…

anybody interested in some sf4 mm’s?

cheap stuff though. Nothing above 50 bucks.