FFA SF4 Challenge!

Anyone knows if I rent a console to play, can I also rent/borrow one of those Hori pro arcade stick (The black one, not the little white one). Console doesn?t have to be plugged in for xbl live just wanna hit up training mode, and practice on my execution. If I can rent all that… WILL Tim be cool about it, and let me borrow the stick? Just asking because I’ll probably be going during his shift…

Straight up EX tornado throw that fool.

Oh I’d like to complain about when I last went to ffa I asked to buy a cherry coke, I was given a cherry dr. pepper.
I could of said something but I figured I’d just whine on the forums about it. :crybaby:

I’ll EX TT ur ass Paper! lol

nvm… I’ll stick to Fierce TT… does more dmg

Paper, there’s a difference between a legitimate complaint and being a whiny douche. Sniping like yours aren’t appreciated by either Ralph of FFA or Bagrat of Denjin (I speak to both of them on a regular basis). Encouraging any kind of bickering or taking sides between one arcade or the other hurts the entire community as a whole. Attitudes like yours also make it VERY difficult to coordinate any kind of inter-arcade events. FFA players don’t pull any of this on Denjin threads. Stick to legitimate complaints, please.

Yes, as long as you provide a form of ID at the register to hold as collateral, you can check out a stick. If you have any problems, PM me.

Anyone going to FFA tonight? I know it’s freeplay for TVC and MvC2 … Just wondering about any sf4 players going…

one week I was able to rent a cab and stick with my ID…the following week, I was told FFA got rid of the Hori sticks and had to stick to American cab stick…i play Guile, so that didn’t work well with American stick. BUT, I ended up getting some good experience with Abel on American stick…lol…now I can’t play Abel on Jap stick…:shake:

sloppy2nds: Uhh, we have NEVER gotten rid of the Hori sticks. Unless one of the sticks is physically broken (our Wii sticks might be flaky right now), we will always have a set available. Who told you that they were gone?

Doesn’t matter who said it. At least I now know I could get set up with Hori sticks when I rent out the cab.

Arlieth Just out of curiosty, are you the guy who mains vega and hugo in 3rd strike??

double post srys lol :karate:

Yeah, I use Hugo for fun but for serious matches, I switch to Makoto.

Oh man you’re beast…I saw you and gootecks playing 3rd strike last week OMG you guys play on like … Jesus mode or something lol

finna ball out in an hour or two.

hey ggs to whom i played on Fri night. doing good till that gief rolled in. good matches everyone.

Hey, good games to everyone and thanks for coming out on Saturday. Will post results up soon.

PS: I hate Seth. :frowning:

Hey Alieth…You probably did the best a Vega can do against Seth…GGs…Good job for putting it together…:tup:

Any one heading to ffa tonight I’m gonna try to be there tonight

I’ll be there later tonight :).