FFA SF4 Challenge!

i’m rolling by…'round 930 or so…

SF4 2P Player side - Jap side Jab button isn’t working.

GGs traze… oh wait you flaked on us again :frowning:

^ gasp

FFA tonight! Renting console setups again, if we get 4+ ppl it’s only a dollar per hour :slight_smile:

hey thats an awesome deal! but i got something better for you…how about you and traze818 1.0/traze818 2.0/traze818 3.0 thats 4 people already! and what if other people show up!!! you will save even more francisco! :razz: damn, I’m too good for these things. :badboy:

Havent been to FFA in a while…apparently they have console setups now? Does denjin have that too? Curious where the main Super SFIV gaming will be happening since there wont be an arcade release.

I’m heading over

Alright yes I know I fucked up last night but trust me tonight ill be there my bad frisco

Anybody going this friday?

theres a big Denjin tourney on friday so I doubt a lot of people will be at Fam…

Anyone going to FFA tonight? Maybe rent a console setup if we have enough people?

going to denjin tonight to get practice on their setups before sunroute, I’m down to play at FFA friday day, or saturday


Hey fuller sounds good…What time you planning on going on friday…Tourney is at 8pm right? I’m down to head there as early as possible on friday to get a feel on the standard definition cabs they have…Lemme know fuller :tup:

I’m thinking about going to denjin early to get practice in before that place blows up (its going to be so crowded) then come back to the valley and take my norcal friends to ffa for more games then go back to denjin around 7:30 for the tourney

on another note, where the fuck have you been?!

Alright sounds good…I’ll plan to probably do the same…

And on that other note…I’ve been caught up with school over here in loma linda…It’s close to james games and a little closer to AI than the valley…So i’ve been going to AI to get some games…And I had to do the whole lame girlfriend thing last week so I couldn’t be down for the tourney at FFA =/…I’m free from now on. Miss the whole valley crew and getting ready for the weekend…Yeah wish you had more sessions on the weekend because that’s when I’m usually free in the valley…I heard you do it often on thursdays…,See you at denjin!

i’ll head over tonight

Jake I think you’re better off going to Denjin tonight (It’s not that far off from FFA). I don’t know who’s going to be at FFA tonight, but some of us will be at Denjin.

ok i’ll try to see if I can make it

not sure if I can even go out tonight :sad:

still at work…

anyone going to ffa tonight?