FEEL HEAVEN'S WRATH: Thor Thread Reloaded

I’m not denying that, but it would be nice if ONE normal range weren’t just ass.

Ahh, guess I missed that part… Then maybe the build from LIJoe/S-kill showcase was either newer or older than 1.0… or maybe we weren’t paying close enough attention and there really isn’t a discrepancy, I was distracted through most of the stream, so idk.

I’d have to go back and look at the RipTen stream, but there’s no doubt how bad the ranges were for Thor’s grab without Kara right now. Good thing WITH Kara, they’re good.

Some dude wanted the taunt to be a counter, I mean really, I know this is marvel and all but c’mon lol.

Also, from the stream: Thor can’t KFC from his super grab until really late (after the opponent hits the ground). I was hoping he could super grab, KFC, shockwave but I guess he can’t. :confused:

Still though, Royalflush said he could get DHCs after it in the old thread, so he can probably DHC into something that OTGs.

the thunder god lives!

Fucking Godlike.

The Odinson triumphs!! Man, Thor is going to be the reset king! I wonder if orward Mighty Strike>Mighty Tornado is a possible reset spot for Hurricane. I think Seth did it in that Joe video.



Well, small tight-knit Thor community, it’s been nice knowing you. :rofl:

Seriously though good shit to Tragic for doing this. We had some theories about this for a while so it’s nice to see them confirmed.

Yea im getting more and more inclined to jump on the Thorwagon. Guy is downright scary.

Just wait til this shit hits front-page SRK news.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Oh wow.


Yeah…instead of putting those on the front page of this thread, I’m just going to wait for individual Character channels so we can funnel his vids.

I remember Seth saying you can use XF to guard cancel with anyone. But it seems to be even crazier with Thor by being able to grab them and absolutely destroy them after the grab.

Here it comes! Choooo Chooo! AAAAALLLLLL ABOARD!

I never left the thor wagon. So i guess inb4 the fake thor fans pop up

If I ever pick up Thor, just remember, I was the one who posted his entire moveset in the previous thread, therefore, I cannot be a bandwagoner with Thor.