morphiend, if it was lp then rocket punch, there woul;dve been a comma, so your second guess was correct, they want the downward rp.
and whats sent’s best no assist FF combo?
morphiend, if it was lp then rocket punch, there woul;dve been a comma, so your second guess was correct, they want the downward rp.
and whats sent’s best no assist FF combo?
cool thanks
I have one thats alot better.
what is it…cuz that combo he just posted was type beastly:D
i found out that the motion for fast fly without assist is a little bit different than what i’ve been doing. with capcom (or mags, or cyc) assist i can actually take my hand off the joystick after the fast fly and connect lk+commando… without commando you really do have to hold u/f…
also i’ve been connecting the double rp combo with the straight rp with no luck using lp rp. 97 fucking points of damage on cable vs 85 with standard lk+commando, fp, rp!!!
*edit…you actually can connect the 2nd rp if the first rp is a diagonal up…it all depends on how close you are to the opponent and the timing of the lk+commando.
other note…lp,lp, ff, etc does 3 points of damage less (94 vs 97) than a single lk, ff, combo. it’s interesting because for the regular lk+commando assist lp,lp does 2 pts more than a single lk (85 vs 83)
thanks to whomever posted up this combo. it looks hella cool and does tons of damage.
how much more dmg do ff combos do than regular ac into rp?
anybody know any good normal fast fly/unfly combos that lead to the unblockable? u can post some using assists but i know some of those, if somebody could tell me the fast fly/unfly combo to unblockable it would be appreciated.
i think charlie goblyn said something about this combo leading to the unblockable…but i never got a chance to try it out cuz i sold my dc:bluu: but here it is anyways…try it out max n lemme kno plz:D
launch,,, f.fp, unfly, lk, fp land unblockable
i think it works best in the corner or something…thats what it was if i recall correctly cuz the last fp send the opponent bouncing…something like that…
yeah; i think it works, u juss gotta delay the last lk and fp
also, there is another one where u dun even have to have unfly, i saw it in some sent video, hit me up on AIM for it one day foo
i would hit u up on aim if your ass would come on more often:lol: :lol:
Hmmm… what comes after this fastfly/unfly combo:
Launch, lp, lk, ff lk + mag-A, fp, unfly, lk, lk, sj lk, lp…
Basically that’s where I’m stuck. What else can I add onto that? I know it’s like a fastfly/unfly infinite or something, but I don’t know how it goes. I usually put a lk lk dp RP at the end. Any help?
Lol if u think thats beastly u havent seen shit.
i havent…my sentinel is garbage homie:D
The fastfly/unfly setup in the corner to unblockable was by me, on the AZ combo vid, not by charlie g. It sucks, anyway, only do it on magneto and/or psylocke since they eat the unblockable for free.
Launch, lk, fastfly lk + mag, hp, unfly [pause so mag hits] lk, lk, [land] sj lk, lk, fastfly lk, unfly lk, fastfly lk, hp, unfly lk, fastfly lk, unfly lk, fastfly lk, hp, unfly lk, fastfly lk, hp, unfly lk, fastfly lk, unfly lk, fastfly lk, hp, unfly lk, fastfly lk, unfly lk, fastfly lk, hp, unfly lk, fierce, [land] UB =P (is that what you wanted deadeye?)
Fastfly with IM-b: dash in c lk, s lp, fastfly lk + IM, hk, unfly lk, [land] dash back and pause (so IM does damage), hp, HSF, dash in s lk, s lp xx sj lk, fastfly lk, unfly fierce, [land] UB.
This isn’t a fastfly,but it connects what you want…
{Fly ( lk+mag-A , hk) , Unfly , cr.hp , hp-rp , HSF}
i was wondering if anyone could list me some semi infinity or infinity corner combos with sent the does not involve flying. I dont want to start i new tread just for this question. Any help would be appreciated. Thx in advance.
Double Rocket Punch combo anyone?
I’ve seen X do it repeatedly now… he catches another character with lk, lk, rp (while in fly mode) and then chains a second set of lk, lk, rp.
Can anyone explain how to do it?
ya… Its an assist kill combo
Actually, it’s not. While you can do it to the assist, that’s not what I mean… I’ve seen him do it to the point character before (A recent vid between X and Infinite… second match)