nothing too fancy just gotta get the timing on when to throw the lk’s out after the 1st rocket punch hits…also make sure the opponent is fairly close to u when you do the aircombo cuz if they are to far it’ll miss, just do one attack while in fly mode before u do the 1st rocketpunch and you should be close enough to follow it up…hope i helped you and didnt confuse you:D
here is a triple RP combo you can get almost any time you catch them with a launcher, launch /\ lk fly lk lp-rp lk+cyke mk dprp, dprp there is a video of me doing that somewhere on go for broke
that combo is pretty cool but the one i’ve been practicing with little luck is lp, fly, lk, lp. rp, lk+commando, fp, dp. rp.
i’ve been practicing for weeks but can only get it once in awhile. i guess my main hangup is after the fly i try to do an up+lk because i feel the secret is getting high enough above the opponent to get the last rp to connect. however instead of flying up a little bit, my sentinel will actually jerk back… i know it has something to do with the stick going back to neutral and how i’m moving the stick but it’s just hard to fix.
a lot of times i’ll hit everything but miss the last rp. anyone have any advice on getting this more consistently? it’s a devastating combo and i want to completely replace the basic ff combo with it.
hmm sometimes when i’m flying if i can catch someone with a lk, lk, i’ll rocket punch, and i’ll try and fly up fowards on them and connect with another lk. if it connects, i’ll do another rocket punch and try and fly towards them again. or call out commando. whichever
i’ve linked a rocket punch three times against another sentinel before in this manner. i’m pretty sure they were blocking wasn’t paying attention to the hit counter though.
launch, SJ, lp rocket punch, lk, flight mode, lk, HP+commando assist, rocket punch. massive damage. takes some time learning the timing but when you do shit takes massage damage. you can sub commando for cyclops and fly forward and end it off with another lk, lk, rp. or iron man but stop the rocket punch at the end, dash down to the body and do whatever u want.
i like playin sent with thanos somtimes…a quick lil’ devestating move wit em’
its a ground combo that can have potential for a fly combo…
rush player…then clk, standing mp (2hits) + thanos’s bubble, RP, let bubble catch victim, RP xx HSF…or w/e you want…
You can do nearly twice as much damage with a fast fly combo than you could with a regular combo.
Fast fly combos are generaly stronger because they alow you to do more damage with less hits (because of all the fierce/hard attacks). Less hits means less damage scaleing.
with the normal combo you get 5 hits (not including the launch) with rp being your only hard attack (it’s decent but imo desperate damage. Like when your scared you gonna fuck up)
with fast fly you get fp, your assist and rp all in one combo befor the damage starts scaling. The more hits you have the less damage you can dish. So if you have a 5 hit combo with Fp, Commando and RP it would be twice as much stronger than a 5 hit lp, lk, lp, lk, rp.
If you catch some with sj+lp, immidietly fast fly and do, lp xx rp, lp, dprp.
Thats probably what your talking about with desmond. any time you land a rp from close range you can chain another if you time it right. He knows the timing pretty well.
Newbie: j+lk, hp is the best way to end it, but not against cable. The only way your gonna “link” HSF of this is to catch them with the unblocakable on their wake up and do rp xx hsf.
i was skimmin’ through this thread…i dunno if anyone else pointed this out…
how come you can somtimes connect a lk, rp, lk, rp, etc…to your victim AFTER you do a launch lk, rp air combo? like i did it to a friend of mine 3 times in a row…took some major damage.
when you land and their on the ground. Tim the crouching fierce so they wake up into the unblockable frame.
Turbo Sent - I don’t know why but I seriously doubt that. But in this game I still havn’t seen it all. If that combo is possible, then I instantly retire. lol