Fast Fly/Unfly combos

The most practical for Mags IMO is lk fast fly lk+Mags, Fp, hab Rocket punch. Thats the only one I use when I play my assist only Mags.

As for Cyc you can do the same combo stated above but I like this one insted after a launch

lk, FF lk+cyc, Upwards Rocket punch now Cyc beam will just hit keeping them in the air leaving you free to fly up and lk,mk upwards rocket punch…

I know my explanations suck but I thought I might try to help out.

edit I noticed the last one is similer to the one that carnevil posted but It’s always worked for me you just have to make sure it’s a DP rocket punch and not a normal one.

is there a rule on when you can and cannot do more hits after a
lk,lk, ff, lk,lk,dp rp or a ff,lk+capcom, , fp, rp

sometimes i can throw in another lk+capcom,lk, fp, rp but sometimes the low kicks are blocked. is there a way to get them all the time?

is it completely awkward for anyone else to do the fast fly combo with an assist 1 character? the lk+assist 2 just feels natural but i can’t consistently get the lk+assist 1 to connect. thats why i stray away from dhc’s cuz it messes up the order. anyone have any possible solutions for a sent, storm capcom team?

It used to be for me…Thats where training mode comes in, A few hours a day and now the assist doesn’t really matter just keep track of whos where. I use my ring finger to hit the assist one button try it out you know never know it might work for you.

thanks for the advice. i just practiced for a couple minutes and was getting the lk+assist 1 pretty consistently from a launcher. i then tried to do it manually without a launcher with a super jumping computer drone and it was all wrong. more practice i guess.

Thats all it is practice, I find also if your not doing it after a launch I try to land a lp rather than a lk the over head just makes it easier your useing Commando right? The one I do with Commando is lp,lk,mp xx ff yadda yadda yadda I was watching a bunch of Josh Wong videos and he kept doing that and I wondered why after trying it for myself I saw why.

10,11, 12 hits off of Sent’s stomps and assist

I’ve seen it done where a sentinal, flying and unflying, using an assist, gets 12, 13 hits off of lk, hk-ing an opponent to death. How is this done with the timing and everything

Use Ironman’s anti air assist, it’s not so hard then.

10,11, 12 hits off of Sent’s stomps and assist

ask jaminis

Sent in Unfly with Storm projectile assist:

fly hk unfly hk fly lk hk + storm proj unflylk hk fly forward lk hk unfly lk hk dash forward lk lk rp xxx hsf dash forward lk lp sj lk fly lk hp unfly lk lk sj lk fly lk hp unfly lk lk up rp

Sent in Unfly with Mag-a:

fly lk hk unfly lk hk dash forward lk lp rp xxx hsf dash forward lk lp sj lk fly lk hp unfly lk+mag-a hp laser rp xxx hsf dash forward sj lk fly lk hp unfly lk lk sj lk fly lk hp unfly lk fly lk hp unfly lk lk up rp


Oy, be sure to send me the video or at least tell me where you posting it. Any idea on the deadline?

Best fast fly combo?

I see people doing either sj. LK, FF, f.LK, f.HP, (Capcom hits), f. DP RP or sj. LK, MK, FF, f.LK, f.HP, (Capcom hits), f.DP RP as the most popular FF combos.

IMO, the second is easier to do and more damaging, but the first seems to have more range overall. Which one is the choice of the top players?

( When I am superjumping below my opponent I start it with sj. LP. It is better, right?)

Best fast fly combo?

ever seen, ff,, f.lp rp,, f.fp, cap hits, f.dp rp

that is a tyte one too

question on sent vid

i remember a while back seeing a vid with sent doing multiple rocket punches i think around 6, is that possilbe to pull off in a game? and also does anyone happen to have the vid?

Re: Best fast fly combo?

so you go sj short, fastfly, forward short, forward jab, rocketpunch? because won’t that then send the character flying across the screen? or is this a corner combo?

Re: Re: Best fast fly combo?

Flight mode attacks don’t cause flying screen. Fastfly up is easier cause you want them lower when the jab rp hits. Works outside corner.

The best Sent fast fly combo I have seen is;

Sent in unfly mode;

fly lk hk unfly lk hk c.hp rp xxx hsf dash forward s.lp sj. lk fly lk hp unfly lk+mag a hp c.hp rp xxx hsf dash over s.lp sj lk fly lk hp unfly lk lk sj. lk fly lk hp unfly lk fly lk hp unfly lk fly lk lk dp rp

That’s a big combo. :cool:

unlfy short, short, land, sj. short, fly short, is hard.

is there any way to connect a hsf with mag-a assist, besides the fast fly lk fp unfly lk+mag, fp laser rp hsf? i’ve sworn i’ve seen a fast fly combo without the unfly lk, fp that uses mag-a to connect hsf?

i’m confused about the notation like the other person i guess. does the “ f.lp rp” mean light kick, then a jab, then any rocket punch (3 hits)? or a light kick and then a rocket punch with light punch meaning it aims diagonal down? (2 hits).