Fast Fly/Unfly combos

you have to tap the joystick forward for sentinel to combo another move after flitgh mode. then you can call your assist while pressing a button.

cool thanks!

yep no problem, i would recommend tapping up right after you fly, easier for me. if youā€™re near a corner i would go for the lp mp RP, unblockable setup combo though, i just use fast flies for mid screen or if i have commando or cyclops.

What I do is:

  1. ^ (setup varies)
  2. fly (buffer the QCB so that you can hit lk+hk immediately after lk)
  3. Immediately after you hit lk+hk, let the joystick go to neutral
  4. As soon as you see the blue [flying] flames instead of the yellow ones, tap forward+lk[+assist]
  5. Finish the combo (hp lpRP, hp dpRP, mk dpRP, etc)

You might find it easier to do FF combos if youā€™re higher than them.

hi all.
At the MVC2: King of FFA tourney on 2/18, i saw some guy did a sentinel fastfly/unfly combo continuously in the wall. It was almost like IronManā€™s fly/unfly infinite. I was hoping to know the command for that. Iā€™ve been messing around trying to figure out the buttons but still dont know the exact one. Any clue? thanks.

Itā€™s just [, f.hp, unfly lk, fastfly] repeat. It can be done midscreen too, but itā€™s easier in the corner.

I still have trouble doing this [, f.hp, unfly lk, fastfly] repeat. I cant seem to connect the lk after unfly. and is this when opponent on the ground? The one i saw was executed after magnetoā€™s projectile assist or after hsf so that the opponent is midair. Then the guy did something like, s.lp fly, lk, hp, then a hit before he land then repeat. I think

Itā€™s done in the air, and yeah there are variations. I guess if youā€™re low enough to the ground it could work the way you described it, but youā€™d still need to connect an unfly lk or lp after the f.hp for it to work.

Connecting the unfly lk after the hp is the hardest part-- you need to unfly and hit lk IMMEDIATELY after the f.hp hits. Itā€™s tough, but itā€™s not so bad if you do it in the corner.

ok, this may sound like a dumbass question, but I still cannot grasp the concept of fast fly. Do I actually have to move the joystick to manual right after doing the HCB+KK command to fly or do I let the stick go back to neutral by itself and THEN press any direction+attack? I didnt understand the way someone explained it to me cuz when you tell me to move the stick to neutral, I automatically think that I just have to let the stick return to neutral by itself and not manually.

_practice going into an air combo off a launch (s. Fk).
_after launching do a (sj. wp, sj. wk) jabXkick FlighT (QCB KK).

    • FLYING or going ā€œintoā€ flight mode takes about 1 frame* *
      $$ HEREā€™s the kEY*$*$
      _Do flight modeā€¦but when you do execute the QCB (quarter circle back) motion, Donā€™t leave any tension on the joystickā€¦ Itā€™s like you almost let the joystick go completely before attacking after Fast Fly.

IMMEDIATELY ! ! after you leave the joystick tensionless (untouched) hold foreward and do more attack actions such as hold foreward
(f. wp+Capcom AA - f. Fp XXDP rockpunch)

Itā€™s a matter of getting use to Neutral (tensionless (untouched) mode on the joystickā€¦Anyone can press buttonsā€¦but getting gOOd with the joystick is KEY ! !

Hope I helpedā€¦I have a tendancy to ramble often .:rock:

Later suck ass

Try practicing FF instead, like ParryPerson recommends. If you can get all 4 hits to combo, then you can fast fly. Otherwise, keep working on it.

Then you can move onto stuff like: FF

and then slightly tougher (two hits) FF

Once you can do those you can probably do ^ FF f.dpRP

Then you can start doing the ones with assists in them.

D: not a single re-fly combo in this whole damn thingā€¦ not that i looked through every page, but if itā€™s not discussed on the first or last combos, itā€™s probably not hereā€¦ why?

Iā€™ve been messing around with some sent teams on my DC. I was wondering if someone can test something for me because A)I only have one controller [not even a stick] and B) Auto-guard isnt reliable.

Sent w/ Omega throw:
Launch, sj.lp, lp XX fly, fly lk + omega red, fp XX hard drive[whiff], Omega red grabs, and, c.fp [unblockable].

It looks like this is a perfect set up for the, but I really cant tell if its actually the unblockable because autoguard, by then, is no longer guarding. Also, with proper timing you can fly fp them into the the coil, then unlfy, land, but I think whiffing the Hard drive allows you to land faster. Or Im just slow.

Im willing to lose a meter for an unblockable reset, though.

So, is it an unblockable set up?

Donā€™t know if this has been posted yet or not butā€¦


st. hk + Doom, sj. lk, sj. lp xx fly xx f. lp, f. hp, rocks hit, lp rocket punch.

how can you connect this combo? -> launch, lk,lp fly lp,lp unfly-fly lp,lpā€¦

iā€™ve been practicing it lately and i donā€™t know why it doesnā€™t connectā€¦
i know my unfly and fly is fast enough and after the fly, i put it in neutral before forward or upforward lp,lpā€¦ but i canā€™t to connect itā€¦ iā€™m really getting frustrated and this is only the 2nd time i posted to ask how to do a comboā€¦ the 1st is the ROMā€¦

pls help anyoneā€¦

p.s. - i can only practice in the arcade because we donā€™t have consoles here in our placeā€¦ so practicing in practice mode is probably impossibleā€¦
and for now, this is the only combo iā€™ve seen in the videos that i canā€™t doā€¦
i can slide infinite w/ magneto. i can trijump lk+hp infinite with storm and other difficult combosā€¦ but this one is still beyond meā€¦

Itā€™s nothing to it. The key to landing that combo is wrist speed. If the hits arenā€™t connecting, you simply are not unflyxxflying fast enough because the unflyxxfly has to be insanely fast, and when I mean insanely fast, I mean you donā€™t see the yellow flame again fast. Thereā€™s no secret to that.

this is a combo from tricks of the trade ch.16:

sent vs cyke

drones, (guard break), launch, magic series, uf RP, fp, lk, rk(otg), lk xx fly, air throw, lk xx lp RP, lk, mk xx uf RP

what bothers me is this:

how did sent execute a lk after the rk(otg)? he didnā€™t re-jumpā€¦ he did [fp, lk, rk(otg), lkxxfly] while falling from his air comboā€¦

Iā€™m downloading the video as I type, but you can definitely rejump after OTGing with after a corner combo.

Not too sure about the cancel into flight.


i was wrong bout the combo i posted aboveā€¦

sent DID re-jumpā€¦ and i srewed up on the lk and hk of sentā€¦

sorry dudeā€¦ =(

I can easy fast fly in an air combo - lk, ffly, lk + assist, hp, rocketā€¦ but this one you said,, ff, lk, hk is too hardā€¦ I tried a lot and just do in practise modeā€¦ almost never in matchā€¦ mp needs to hit twice?? I was trying with a mp wich just hit onceā€¦