Preppy said that maybe he was going to upload some of commy’s stuff…because the site is down
this is the sitePreppy’s site
Preppy said that maybe he was going to upload some of commy’s stuff…because the site is down
this is the sitePreppy’s site
I never heard of the 6 rocket punch combo either, but i kinda did one close to it.
Mine went like this:
Launch, sj.lp, sj.ik,, xx fly, [lk, mk, hp. Rocket Punch] Repeat Bracket
I can do it up to three times. Usually the third time kills them and if they are in the corner you can infinite that.
Hope that helps!
Im not quite sure if this is the one yer talkin bout
but heres a 6 rp combo Ive made
sent/ cyke - b in the corner
c.Short, s.strong, jab rocket punch, HSF, run, Launch, superjump, short, fast fly, short + cyke, jab rocket punch, (cyke hits), DP + jab, grab him with fierce, short, jab rocket punch, short, forward, and dp + jab
I thinks thats it
unfly with mag combo
alright, i been trying to get this combo down (launch, lk fly lk+mag, unfly hp then crouch hp sent. force), but the problems is i cant connect with the unfly hp i can do most of sents unfly combos but for some reason i cant get this one down and i have no i idea if ur suppose to delay at a certain point or its a fast combo or whats up but if some one could tell me how to do this combo it would be great
6 RP combo was fisrt done on vid by a guy from Florida. Can’t remeber his name atm. I think he is Sentinellls Force. The combo was hella cool but didnt do squat for damage. It may have been 7 rp’s but who knows. the vid is hella old(2002 maybe) and had some good sent hsf pushblock escape stuff.
its a fast combo as soon as u go to fly mode then u hp mags assists hits him then u rocket punch down if u need help more help with it just hit me on my pm
hitting em into mag assist then rping isnt hard, hes tryin to get sent back on the ground then go to hsf for some options (snap, unblockable etc.) ive only seen that combo done in the corner, and the way its done is lk fly lk hp unfly lk+mag hp land, crouch hp hsf. trying to get a rp is kinda iffy sometimes since sent doesnt always land in the right spot. revive my qna thread if you have more questions hehe
yeah i know how to do the one in the corner thats nothin really but the one on mid screen is hard thats the one am trying to get down i seen sanford and i think jmar do it but yeah if anyone can inform me about the timing it would be a big ups
I don’t think U guys understand his his combo. It’s not the same ol fastfly frying pan into mags projectile RP combo. If I understand correct u unfly then fryingpan LAND ON THE GROUND then c-hp into HSF. Is this the combo u mentioned or am I reading to much into it. Well I can’t help cuz I suck with Sent and am just getting into learning him myself, i was clarifying for the others.
fast/unfly infinite?
i was thinking, is it possible to do a fast fly/unfly infinite on the ground? havent really read anything about it
but it makes sense. someone try it out. i’m about to but im not too good at ground attacks to fast fly
[, fast fly,/\,, unfly, hk,/ dash in] repeat brackets
i suppose you can replace the with whatever attacks you want in to the fast fly, but its just the easiest for me. if you did, it would look sexy as hell because each rep would be different
Got a question about the CapCom FF combo:
sj. lk xx FF, f. lk + AA, f. fp xx fp RP
I can never get the RP to hit after the fp, the RP comes out too slowly. Am I supposed to lag the AA call a bit after the f. lk, or do I cancel the fp into the RP as quickly as humanly possible?
CapCom has to hit imidiatly after the HP and during your cancel to the DPRP.
just make sure u hit capcom at the same time as the LK, practice doing the fast fly with mag-a (lk, fly, lk+mag, hp xx qcf+LP), it will get you solid on almost every other FF combo
Yeah, I can do that one. But CapCom makes the opponent fly away too faast.
Any tips on the execution of ^ xx FF dpRP dpRP? After the opponent gets hit by the optic bullet they fly behind me for some reason.
The easy way to do that combo is use a sj.lp xxx Fly xxx lk+Cyke aa lk down rp wait a sec up rp I land that shit all the time just practice its not that hard!
the combo:, sj.lp xxx fly xxx lk+Cyke AA lk down rocket punch pause up rocket punch
Seems like the lp RP wouldn’t always be able to hit after, though.
I’ll try it later, thanks.
After launch, jump straight up. Tap up-backward when you fast fly.
If you do launch,, SJ.LP, fly, unfly fp, land c.fp hsf
The extra lp in there puts ur opponent at a higher level so you have more time to land w/ sentinel.
I have a question now that these excellent combos have been posted for me to try. Now the question is:
exactly how fast are you supposed to let the stick go to neutral during fast fly? By this I mean: Should I let go of the joystick right after the flight command and then hold forward+attack button?
or should I slide the joystick to forward position passing the neutral point. I hard to explain with words, I know but I ask cuz i want to learn those cool Strider/Doom/Sent team combos I constantly hear about.