Yeah, it’s very possible to combo from a 2-hit
Does this work for War Machine since his fly animation takes forever to recover?
umm that shouldn’t work, you can’t call an assist after unfly (unless you refly)
magz would have to be called while flying.
finally got this combo down… i can’t believe it… tnx to everyone…
yes you can, i do it all the time. its the combo i ALWAYS go for in the corner. after HSF, do the same combo minus the PROJ and its the unblockable setup
yeah I realized it. I mean…it SHOULDN’T happen, but it does…'cause it’s marvel…
idk if this was answered in here but i mean it really is frustrating to find an answer in a 13 pg thread lol so …i was wondering what would you have to do in order to continue a combo in fly mode…cuz i saw sanford do this in some of his videos and idk if its him unflying then re-flying or if he just connects it all together?..ex: launcher,lp,lpxxfly lp,f.lp, (then he continues into another set of lp) f.lp, f.lp then RP
i saw him do this in the evo pools video against rowtron
lp, lp, fly, lp lp, unfly, fly, lp lp, unfly, fly lp lp. very difficult to do. probably the hardest combo to do speed wise
so i guess thats what they did…(im assuming)…it does seem pretty hard to do…canceling fly again and again i just thought players just continued the combo by tapping another direction and continuing
I see this combo all the time.
What’s the big deal of using this over short forward up-rocket punch (fierce roundhouse)?
i think i agree, isnt it more reliable to not use assists, especialy since it is very possible to combo after doing a rocket punch in fly mode.
something like lk, fly, lk, mk, rocket punch, lk, hk, or
lk, fly, lk, mk, rocket punch(dp), lk, rocket punch(lk)
becuase sent can do two rocket punches in one combo without even using unfly yet, i think every sent user should know a double rocket punch combo.
every sent user should know a corner chain that does high damage and a double rocket punch air chain that can be used anywhere.
Adding an assist increases the damage, and double RP combos are more difficult (and more risky) to do.
two rocket punches does about the same as one RP w/assist. two RP’s + assist, barely does any more damage than one RP+assist. two RP’s require stricter timing and specific positioning of sent. you could even do 3xRP but the damage isnt as pleasing as you’d think.
Yeah, it’s called the corner combo.
So I take it it’s risk vs. reward?
If you’re talking about fast fly combos, not really. It’s fairly easy to bring your execution rate past 90%, so there isn’t much risk if you practice. The same can’t be said for double RP combos without assist.
i disagree abotu the double rp combo. If u can fast fly then u can do launch lk fast fly lk lp rocket punch. A double rocket punch combo wiht no assist just adds a lk, rp after the first rocket punch u stay in fly mode u dont even need unfly. its just
launch lk fast fly, lk lp rocket punch, lk, rp. is easy enough that there is no “risk” if u miss u can just land and keep playing and u already took off damage with the first rocket punch.
Doing RP (is that lp or hp?) is likely to raise them too high to combo the second after the first RP.
Furthermore, the risk is not in the potential for taking damage, but rather in the potential for missing out on giving guaranteed damage. A regular FF combo with Capcom does a little under 50% on Cable, not including a launcher. A double RP combo without assist will do around the same damage, but it’s harder to set up because you either need to do it off a launch, or you have to get the while you’re significantly higher than them (position-wise).
The problem is, random is extremely risky, so you can discount that as a method for doing that. after HSF is perfectly acceptable, but after HSF, damage scaling kicks in and successive hits do much less damage (rendering the double RP combo pointless). You’ll be in a much better position to simply do hpRP after a midscreen HSF, because chances are they’ll get thrown into the corner, which is where (almost?) all characters excel, but especially Sentinel.
As for the other method of pulling it off; even if you happen to catch a random, what happens if you catch them on the very tip of your kick? You’ll get FF lpRP… then nothing, because you can’t catch them after the RP. Now, if you happen to do the dpRP anyway (and it’ll happen every now and then if you try stuff like that) and you don’t pull the fist back quickly, say hello to free punishment. AHVB, MT, DHC into Hailstorm, whatever.
I really cannot see why you are trying to argue that the double RP combo is superior or even comparable to the conventional fast fly combo with assist. The chance of fucking up is just too high. I haven’t even mentioned the possibility of messing up the timing of lpRP into (to catch them) even if you’re at the right height. Of course, it can be safe and somewhat consistent to do dpRP dpRP against Sentinel/Jugg/BH, so if you get the first two kicks and RP, may as well try for the next two kicks (but hold off on the RP if the kicks don’t connect).
If you’re solo, then by all means go for the 2xRP. trust me though if you’re going to do two RP’s MIGHT AS WELL use the assist if you have one. why?
1.) with Mag proj. assist, you have better postioning
2.) if you don’t do the 2nd RP you could always dhc for a nice chunk of damage
3.) it does more damage
4.) doing two RP’s especially with two normals before the 1st RP, puts the opponent kinda high. if you’re playing against cable and have no unfly, you’re gonna get shot.
5.) if you have UNFLY, it opens up for an extended combo
you have to be at specific height to do two rp’s. if you catch someone on come in, then shit go for it, you’re most likely not gonna mess up… if you have an assist that works with the FF, i would never just pass them by. kind of defeats the purpose of having an assist in the first place.
i belong in the, refly, ff club.