They need to bring back the Master.

What? Bethesda put in only the most minimal of effort to get the game out the door? Color me surprised! I had no idea this was going to happen, no sir. I bet it wont be a glitchy, held together with digital duct tape piece of junk either! Nope, I don’t see that happening either.

I’ve seen most of pre release footage and wasn’t impressed. Game looks like a re-skinned fallout 3. I’ve seen modded fallouts look better actually. I was hyped for this game for console but it is a let down, at least graphically, for console players. The game will be decent for the PC crowd who will patch the game shortfalls.

Some PC screenshots on Ultra settings (via NeoGAF)







So far it looks alright. I can’t wait for what modders can do with this game.

Can’t wait to kill a bunch of massholes.

It depends on the game usually, try looking around or messaging one of the sellers.

If it’s from Green Man Gaming, it should work.

Anybody playing yet?

Not till I get home from work.

Some asshole on one of the streams I was watching last night spoiled the fucking ending for me :frowning:

Still wanna grab this, just dunno when I’ll have the money or time, since I really wanna get Battlefront later this month.

Thinking about making my first character a minimum intelligence high charisma alcoholic whoring her way around Boston, like my sister, but I think it might be sort of boring not having any useful skills.

Perks: Idiot Savant, Party Girl, Black Widow, and Mysterious Stranger to represent her reliance on guys she barely knows to take care of her.

What’s her Twitter :wink:

this game better be good. people talk about the games as if the place exists

Still unsure what archetype to make… I usually go melee, but then I get fukt by turrets lol

F4 looks like garbage, in both visual and gameplay terms. Can’t say I’m surprised after F3 and Skyrim.

What’s stopping you from connecting your computer to your TV?

Playing through Fallout 1 atm… dont really wanna get 4 it kinda went downhill after tactics for me :bee:

Got about 2 hours in last night, probably about 40 of which was actual playing and the balance of which was character creation, reading terminals, or figuring out controls/menus. Couldn’t get the Pip-boy app on my phone to sync with the game at all yet, which is disappointing. Yes, I did toggle the menu option and restarted.

The removal of the skill system leaves a feeling at the beginning of nonspecific same-iness regarding the character. Like, the SPECIAL stats do matter, but within those stats I’m equally good or bad (mostly bad) at everything right now. That will obviously change in a few levels as spending perks will specialize the character in some direction or other, but it reminds me of an issue all Bethesda games have where if you play them long enough your character blurs into a jack-of-all-trades because you’ve already maxed out the stuff you liked best.

The starting areas are too easy on the default difficulty. Reviews tell me this changes quickly, but I am sorely tempted to crank the difficulty right now. Haven’t needed VATS at all, can’t even remember at the moment what key it is bound to.

Early game novice level locks are plentiful, but there is a severe scarcity of bobby pins to pick them with, so be very cautious with your early picking attempts.

Charisma looks like it is going to matter quite a bit in dialog options, so depending on how you like to play it isn’t as much of a dump stat as it could have been.

Game looks great. First game I’ve owned though that makes it apparent my gaming PC is aging (GTX 560 Ti graphics card).

Radio is awesome again, but there are more songs carried over from FO3 than I would have expected (great songs though). I badly miss Three Dog, but the new DJ is at least occasionally funny.

Don’t take anything I’ve said so far as a strong negative- I’m the type that thrives on exploring in a game so Bethesda could screw up a great deal of stuff here and I’m still going to love the hell out of this game.




How is the optimization for this game? I have a GTX 760 and wondering how it would run on my system.