
Frames dips every where. Oddly enough you’ll most likely be seeing all the frame dips when fucking nothing is going on.

Console wise: Ps4 is a lil better than xbone in terms of maintaining a 30fps, but it still dips pretty bad at times. Xbone it just always dips.

You should be good with the GTX 760. Game is running really well on my 560 Ti with the graphics dialed back a bit, and your card is a significant step up from mine.

Nvidia released a driver update yesterday just for the game, of course, so do make sure you have that.

Well okay, good vs bad is subjective so I can’t argue against this. Game on PC with my lackluster rig is totally playable though, and I expect most people with better gear are going to be fine with it.

I am enjoying the PS2 graphics.

Not judging you on the cheats because do whatever you find fun in a single player game, but I don’t think turrets were a big enough deal in previous Fallouts to warrant it. Even a melee character can use something ranged well enough to deal with them in a pinch, or they often end up being hackable if you’ve got computer skills.

So for the last 15 hours straight I have been playing this.
So far I am pleased. It is basically Skyrim with guns. If there were any hardcore FO1 and 2 fans hoping for a return to form, this is not it. People look for more of the same? Rejoice.

-On my pc, game runs great. No performance issues, haven’t had a single crash. No real bugs to speak of. Load/Save times are only ok.
-Graphics are good “for an open world game”. Occasionally the lighting/weather effects create some really interesting scenes/enviroments. Other times you are just crouch walking through some very familiar rubble/random dirty interiors.
-Attention to detail is still there. There are just so many little…vignettes that tell a story without any words. World still feels huge and like the is just tons of stuff to do.
-Probably the single greatest improvement is the gunplay, as it actually feels like a serviceable FPS now.
-Multiple pieces of armor and clothing can be worn at the same time. I enjoy that. Reminds me of Morrowind in a tiny, insignificant way.

-Reused music. Come on. After putting a few hundred hours into fallout 3, I got sick of the music and never turned on the radio. And now you’ve made me unable to use the radio in this because every 3rd or 4th song is from FO3. The reused assets for the crafting sound and the potion noises from skyrim don’t bother me at all…but the music is probably my single greatest complaint. Also the DJ is annoying…maybe after some quests he’ll stop acting like a bitch…and maybe get some new tunes out of it…but still. No es bueno.
-Being forced to map "grenade’ and “melee” to the same button. Ok. Consoles. Controllers. I get it. But what in the fuck man? Did nobody think “hmm, you know, accidentally throwing a grenade that explodes on contact at an enemy in melee range might be really inconvenient for the player”? If it would be nice, if I could just pop out of cover and throw a damn grenade, and not have to wait 2 seconds for my character to decide that they aren’t going to melee the cluster of enemies on the other side of the room. The game would be so much faster and move fluid if you know, you press one button and you get the thing you want to come out right away.
-There are some wonky interface design choices. For Consoles/Controllers? Maybe…but it seems more like…just bad planning. Like, for all the streamlining they did…there are still some unintuitive things going on.
-Is adhesive going to just be like, the real currency of FO4? It seems really messed up that I get more excited to find duct tape and wonderglue than scoped machine guns and laser rifles.

Ehhh…I’ll have to sleep on it:
-Removal of the skill system. Just like how Skyrim took out all the attributes and replaced it with Health, Mana and Stamina, FO4 takes out all of the skill and just replaces them with the revamped perk system. It really bugged me during my first couple of level ups…but now I “get it” and I can kind of see what they are going for, as they move away from “RPG” to “Open World Action Game With RPG elements”
-Weapon Crafting, It feels like there aren’t a huge amount of weapons. Also killing raiders used to be great, because they’d drop guns, which are valuable, you’d repair them together and make them even more valuable. Now most of what they have is trash and is barely worth taking half of the time.
-Where are all the towns and vendors? No, settlements don’t count. It was hours before I found everybody who would buy anything, not that anything I have is particularly valuable. I have literally not bought a single item yet. It took like, 10 hours for me to even find anything that could be “stolen”
-The reason I haven’t bought anything yet is because guns and ammo are EXTREMELY common because there are just TONS of enemies. I see what they are doing, now that combat isn’t all janky…so its more like an actual shooter…but it felt weird the first time i went to clear out a raider base and I killed like, 15 and thought “well, that should be most of them” and then I end up killing twenty more, then some ghouls and a bunch of turrets. Ok, you’ve got passable shooter mechanics…show some restraint now and again.
-Followers…have only found a couple of them, they aren’t particularly interesting.

  • Story and quests are still very much up in the air for me. I am sensing a disconnect between the guy who desperately wants to find his son…and the guy micromanaging chair placement in one of his many farmvilles.
  • The settlements, they seem “alright”…and I mean, more content is more content…but they don’t do a lot for me. Yeah I will occasionally poke around the first one, but I’m definitely not going to build up every single one I find until I am really bored with the main game and all it’s sidequests.

All in all, it’s fun. If you liked 3 and Vegas, you’ll like this one. If you didn’t like those ones? You probably won’t like this, but maybe the combat will be enough to string you along. Maybe. Doesn’t quite hold up to a “pure” first person shooter, but it is still enjoyable.

Good review Kromo.

I am not that far in, but now I am less excited to continue Call of Fallout.

I have spent most of my time on the settlement to be honest but I have no played long, I still need to find something else to plant for this stupid quest.

Good shit Kromo.

Yeah, game is definitely too easy on the default difficulty. It isn’t that you can’t die, but if you have even the slightest chance to think about what’s going on you aren’t really in much danger. Watch out for grenades and explosives, and make sure you’ve got enough space between you and melee threats and you’re good. Just tanked a minigun aimed at my chest by a quest boss while wearing nothing better than stuff scavenged off raider corpses. Non-combat spec’d character too, 5 Endurance no combat perks.

Is it just me or are all the early enemies kind of OP?

Skyrim with guns but even more shooty kromo?

So it’s fetch missions that revolve around you killing shit?

I remember seeing a friend play the 3rd game and holy shit did it look boring as fuck. Just a whole lot of nothing. I just watched the trailer for this and I was like, THIS is a ps4 game? Yo, the first Bioshock looked better than this.

Soooo if you don’t like Elder Scrolls games, would you like FO?

I think it depends what your problem with Elder scrolls is. The combat is more ummm “fluid” in FO in my opinion, Vats gives combat an old RPG “feel” at times.

But the Bethesda bugs will be present ( I haven’t played the new FO, but what I am reading its pretty much the same).
In my opinion the atmosphere is better in FO, but its very similar in a lot of ways… So in short, if you hated everything about Elder Scrolls, FO won’t do much to change that.

The setting, atmosphere, characterization, and humor in FO titles are very different from TES games- but the mechanics of how the games are played and behave are similar.

So yeah, it really depends on what you don’t enjoy about Elder Scrolls.

Meh I decided to get this shit after all, think am about 20 hours in.

Loving the fact Luck is now a worthy attribute and probably the best in terms of combat, as usual Cha is very important in Fallout and am happy my default Cha heavy character is pretty good here. Removal of skills and going pure perks is interesting and works out good. Main story is engaging while it lasts.

Things am not happy with, since am playing on PS4 I dunno how much right I have to complain but the graphics are terrible, the sound is terrible and very outdated. Combat feels a tad inferior to Fallout 3.

The build a settlement mode is pure and utter garbage. It needs its own paragraph so I can hate on it. Not only is this insanely crap base builder a large portion of the time sink, the way it has been implemented is almost at joke tier. Battlezone did it better. A game made in 1998 did it better and made it look better. Holee Shiat. Fallout 4 directly copied the base builder from a game that is 17 years old and fucked it up. Settlers are stupid, settlements have a very unnatural and rigid feel to them, they dont grow like you would expect from a AAA release like this they shit just kinda happens and its very ugly at every stage.

So yea, am actually having fun with the game, am enjoying the story a lot, the prologue got me really hype and emotionally engaged which the previous games didnt bother to do, dicking around in the wasteland is always cool but so far the crafting system doesnt hold a lot of interest, the Power Armour is staying put and never used and honestly its just Fallout 3 all over again with some new paint and a shitty gimmick attached to it. So far the game is getting a 6/10 from me.

Playing a melee centric cannibal is great.


Gotta keep it cute though, I don’t care if the stats are shit, pretty pink dress + stylish heels are god-tier pieces of armor.

EDIT: putting them shoulder pads to use

Game is fun and would be worth me investing time if the game wasn’t glitched out. Seems like even with all dat marketing money Beth couldn’t spend a fraction of their resources to … I don’t know… make a game that works!? Rhetorical question.

One of the devs mentioned playing the game for 400+ hours so I imagined that was enough time to see some of the glitches and patch them up before release but no, hilarious

Just curious, what platform? I’ve had zero serious glitches on PC (not rushing to Bethesda’s defense, just relating my experience so far). A few minor glitches, but nothing impeding the game for me.

In other news, the game is much more satisfying with the difficulty cranked. Particularly on the somewhat misnamed ‘Survival’ difficulty. A few enemies end up ridiculous, and ammo shortage becomes real, but overcoming that shit is half the fun.

I am playing on PC, I have had some issues such as the game randomly crashing for no reason but nothing too serious yet.

Leveling up seems pretty quick in this game, currently lvl 32, no idea if thats high yet but even at this stage its pretty hard to specialise. Still have zero combat perks lol.