Evo West!

I have a question:
Is it necessary for all team members to attend for the Guilty Gear XX Slash 3v3?
The reason I ask is that one of my team members may not be able to make it. He wishes to know that if we do qualify with just 2 people, are we still able to compete with the original 3 in Las Vegas?

I bring this up because some people have in the past joked on occasion during a team tournament where someone did not have to play and decided to post their character as a different one from what they normally use. (This may be irrelevant)

So basically I ask now because I need to know if I should be kicking off this person to look for a new guy that will fill spot #3, or if he can still be on the team even though he can’t make Evo West.

Kick them off. It’s only fair.

How many pplayers get to qualify at this tournament? Is it top 8? Top 4? How many get a free ride in vegas?

Also, for the payout at Vegas Evo are entree fees being added on top of the 5k first prize? Payout for the top 3 like usual being added on top of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prize would be nice.


Hey, are you the new guy at DVC? if so check my av you’ll know who i am.

Btw, wouldn’t it be cool to have an east vs west at the main evo tournament using the winners of the qualifiers? just a thought.

Planet Zero!

Maybe i didnt see it or im looking in the wrong spot but is guilty gear being conducted at these quals? and if so how?

Please guys, post some kind of scedule of events for this tournament. It is REALLY important otherwise im sure its gonna flop really bad. Please just make somethin up. I didn’t even know about this until today. I just got this sick new job and i can’t really offeord to take a day off like that. man, too short notice. sigh either way, please post a schedule. I can’t stress enough how important a scheddule would be. Man, I’m lucky its in so cal other wise i just wouldn’t be able to make it.

Chaotic Blue

p.s. Actually any details would be much appreciated. I mean do we win money in this event? if so how is it broken down. im sure you could almost cut and paste the current evo or previous ebvo schedule and post it up / rules and how the money will be split and that would work. but we really need something.

Rules Posted:


Team Vegas will be there

We need a third member :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to ask (once again) that some sort of rough schedule be posted so that people will know for sure if they can go. Especially for those of us possibly playing on a team, and need to let teams know if they can count on their teammates coming or not.

uhh, Please?

Well, if you are going to qualify, you’ll need all day saturday and all day sunday free. What else is there to know?

plan for all day sat and sunday.

Ok, seriously, when is Evo East? It’s been a really long time already…

hey i have a realy good question,for the people who is atending at evo west:how much take you to book a room at the marriot? because am been unable yet to find one ,they say have no info about the event(evo),about that:i dont want book a single one for me,if i can share it with more i think it should be even cheaper,if any one can answear me about those issues am open to talk mailme at ukokcdk@sbcglobal.net thank you for read this.

This might be a dumb question but if you wanna enter this just for fun, are you still gonna have to pay for the real EVO? So if we’re really casual players and have no chance of winning, will we end up paying 35$ for this and then another 35$ for the real evo come august?

Also, if thats the case, is casual play free? or is there an attendance fee to get in?

I called last night the 800 number and i was able to get the deal no problem. just make sure you ask for the E V O 2 K deal. Spell it out for them, alot of the reps are old and might not understand what you are saying. If they cant find it, call back and ask for someone else.

as far as i know, no one will FORCE you to reg and go to evo vegas…
attendance fee = registration
i’m not sure if they’ll let you in to play casuals and shit without registering.

I was on the phone with them and I didn’t have any trouble with getting the special rate. However, it appears that the information on the Evo West site regarding the price of the suites is wrong. According to the suite rep I talked to, the special group rate for Evo2k does not apply to suites. Suites are still $299 a night. Just a heads up.

I ended up booking a double instead.

I just realized that EVO West and Anime Expo both happen on the same weekend :confused:
It’s too late to back out of EVO West since I already registered. And session 2 for my summer classes starts the following Monday, which means I can’t make it to the 2nd half of Anime Expo. I guess I won’t be attending Anime Expo this year :sad:

i was planning on hitting up both… but mainly for anime expo hotel party. :sweat: it shouldn’t be impossible if you’re not playing many games (and if the tourney schedule is convenient).

but i guess it may not be worth sacrificing being at all of one event to be at a small portion of the other… i don’t know. my travel pre-planning is always so… nonexistent.

Isn’t it like a 45 minute drive from Evo’s Marriott hotel to Anime Expo’s Marriott/Hilton hotel? Take me too, I’ll give you gas money :sweat: :wgrin: