So did anyone try out what I said?
I just tried a bunch of time.
I couldn’t even do the cr.Short>Super or the cr.Forward>Super.
Though this is not surprising because I can’t do most the the complex combos in the game.
If nobody more proficient at comboing is gonna step up, you might just want to tell us the issue that pops up when executing these sequences propertly.
hmm… Sorry Gan, but the fact that i have to practice just to be even ABLE to do certain moves in ST(Cwing, 360,) means HDR is better for EVo.
Easier is better for the masses. ST is hard. And if you keep ST at EVo then how do i practice for it? Most people dont own a DC.
These facts alone are proving that only the ST hardcores are going to make the trip to EVO if ST replaces HDR.
This is why VF never gets numbers! :wasted:
Honestly, I dont care what version is used. They’re basically the same game to me. But I guess that’s easy for me to say since my chars weren’t drastically changed like some other chars. Maybe that’s why I’m unbiased towards either game.
Both games are exciting to watch, IMO. You still can get some close matches in HDR (see Devastation 2009 Ea Megaman vs Watson), just like in ST.
I think ST is a better game overall, but Remix is better for the tournament scene.
So let’s stick with Remix.
I love to play around with every character and experiment. I hated original T Hawk’s ridiculous dexterity requirement in order to execute his 360 throw during a match. I love Remix’s artwork and music. But as far as gameplay, in my opinion Remix is more balanced. Thankfully Old Sagat doesn’t exist in this game.
Keep HDR. And if the game was balanced with 16:9 in mind, use that instead of 4:3.
From a visual standpoint, having 4:3 just doesn’t cut it when everything is 16:9 these days.
Might be just me, but I prefer to live without 12323 matches of O.Sagat.
For me, before the Japanese entered Evolution (ahem B series) tournament, ST final 8 almost made me fall asleep in my chair.
I’m just mainly speaking out as a Evolution audience rather than a player.
On Sirlin’s website, he stated there may be problems with the PS3. He suggest using 360 version.
Yeah that’s some bullshit right there.
I can understand capcom not wanting to patch the game, but PS3 players fucking deserve one.
care to ellaborate on that
Are you serious? Have you played the PS3 version of HDR? Even offline there are tons of problems.
Nope I have not. I have only played the 360 version
but if what you say is true, a patch tojust fix the glitches that affect gameplay would be nice
Opponents DCing on you can cause your software to fuck up, and need to be restarted just so you can connect with someone. Just playing for a random length of time can cause that.
Player lobbies will randomly implode due to the above problem.
Lag is sometimes extremely bad for no apparent reason(although universal virus and his 56k modem is probably on when that happens).
There is a problem with the game not correctly saving controller configs, and forcing constant reconfig and testing to make sure it sticks.
Sirlin has now spread a possible suspicion that there may be input problems in the PS3 version, but this isn’t confirmed yet.
Here’s something unique to my software, I can’t join player invites. Dunno why but the game just trys, fails, and doesn’t even give me an error message. I can join tourney invites though.
Seriously, $15.00 and its not even half as good as the xbox’s. If I ever have a chance at a cheap 360, I’m taking it just for this game.
Kidding aside that’s really weird. I had a good match against him the other day. He might have been laggy, but it was still playable. But yeah it’s really annoying when your opponent leave and you have to restart your game. A few times I’ve had to use the rear switch to kill the power to my PS3 to get it to reboot.
Its hard to find someone who has bearable lag with virus, its so teleporty when I play with him I refuse to. Others have said the same thing.
It doesn’t help that he called me a faggot, and went out of his way to hatemail me like 5 times.
Aw, he just has a crush on you. :lovin: Anyway, I finally got to meet SRK_Boxer and what happened? Frame skipping, roll backs, and button debinding. Poooooo gas.
Well you can’t always get good connections. . . especially on PSN. . .
Why not just have them both at EVO?
Why not just have both or just add Super Turbo to “the bring your own console tourny”. Shit I could care less if they removed smash brothers even better MARVEL(let the flames begin) from EVO and replaced it with VST. If peeps are willing to bring their own arcade cabinets to EVO just to get some VST going that’s gotta tell you something. I gots 4 dreamcasts and I’d be happy to mail them to Wizard,Seth or NKI in prepaid mail boxes just to get some VST footage of you guys duking it out. I don’t think guys like Diago would complain. I’m sure there’s alot of players who live closer to EVO than I do that wouldn’t have a problem bringing a DC or PSX or whatever console is chosen to solidify some old men in action. Seriously whats the big fucking deal…if it takes a little more hall time then charge more entrance fee, people WILL pay. Face it VST will never fuckin die.