OK, so here’s the deal
this thread isn’t about what version of the game is better
there’s already a big thread about this here
The purpose of this thread is to discuss what game is better for the community to keep at EVO. As you probably saw on the thread I linked above, it seems that a lot of people prefer Vanilla ST over HDR, that includes OGs and respected new school players.
I like ST better as well, but at the same time, I also think that it would be better for the community to keep HDR since its appealing to new players, and anything that contributes to the growth of the community should stay. This year HDR had more entrants than Marvel, and ST never acomplished that in past years.
Even though HDR is essentially the same as ST, the twists give people the feeling that its something new, and that helps a lot, so I dont think that using the classic mode version on HDR is an option, that and EVO finals this year were really entertaining for everybody to watch, even if they were not familiar with the game, while if you didnt know anything about it last year, it was very easy for the ST finals to look boring.
Now, this is just my opinion.
I do expect however that when it comes the time for the EVO staff to make a descision about it, the latter will be based on the majority’s opinion.
Regardless of how much I agree with NKI’s arguements for example, I don’t think his voice should sound louder than the majority’s.
EDIT: I forgot something, plz dont bring that stupid “HDR can stay if a patch is made” arguement.
WTF is that???, that shit just made people lazy
back in the day we had broken shit and we adapted to it instead of crying on a forum asking for a patch, so plz, dont bring that arguement here, be a fucking man
if a patch comes, fine, but dont count with it, just stay with what you have and adapt.