August 7, 2009, 9:01am
Opponents DCing on you can cause your software to fuck up, and need to be restarted just so you can connect with someone. Just playing for a random length of time can cause that.
Player lobbies will randomly implode due to the above problem.
Lag is sometimes extremely bad for no apparent reason(although universal virus and his 56k modem is probably on when that happens).
There is a problem with the game not correctly saving controller configs, and forcing constant reconfig and testing to make sure it sticks.
Sirlin has now spread a possible suspicion that there may be input problems in the PS3 version, but this isn’t confirmed yet.
Here’s something unique to my software, I can’t join player invites. Dunno why but the game just trys, fails, and doesn’t even give me an error message. I can join tourney invites though.
Seriously, $15.00 and its not even half as good as the xbox’s. If I ever have a chance at a cheap 360, I’m taking it just for this game.
Isn’t there the Ryu meaty cr. fierce glitch too?
Opponents DCing on you can cause your software to fuck up, and need to be restarted just so you can connect with someone. Just playing for a random length of time can cause that.
Player lobbies will randomly implode due to the above problem
Yeah, i read that MVC2 is having the same problems with droppers messing up your game and forcing a restart, and has been equally shoddily cared for in it’s online multiplayer features. Damn i hate it when developers like backbone get away with cheaping out on stuff, especially when they do it more than once and mess up what could have been an awesome game. Sounds like they just copy/pasted a lot of the questionably developed stuff from HDR straight in to the MVC2 port to save on costs. Come on capcom, how about some quality control? It’s not like these bugs are undocumented, theres millions of posts griping about them on SRK alone.
Lucky i don’t give a crap about MVC2…i mean i honestly don’t get what all the fuss is about:zzz:
August 7, 2009, 8:04pm
Can you link me to that discussion?
August 7, 2009, 8:18pm
Are there any plans for a patch at all? Has this been brought to capcoms attention? If not, lets get that started.
I vote for hdr to stay, although I would like to see a patch for these known problems and have the suspected problems to be investigated on ps3.
Edit no Jutsu:
I started a thread on capcom unity:
August 7, 2009, 11:04pm
First up I played a T.Hawk player who I barely beat. I could not even execute Rekka punches at all for some reason. After the match, I asked to test the equipment and verified that Rekka punches really weren’t coming out. I don’t even mean the series of 3 punches, I just mean doing one in the first place–just a qcf+p motion. I could get it maybe 20%. Something was wrong. Then I switched sticks and did the test again on the same PS3. The new stick was SweetJohnnyV’s and it was also a Madcatz TE stick, which should be identical. This time I could do Rekka punches 100%, a dramatic difference. Maybe the first stick was just broken? I assumed so and forgot about that whole thing until later…
So I tried Fei Long. I have beat numerous Ryus, but of course John Choi’s is on another level entirely. I won one game, but lost the set 2-1. Now, let me clearly state that Choi is a champion, Choi is a better player than me, Choi deserves his place (he went on to get 2nd). But, I don’t feel that match was representative. I actually think some sort of ps3 bug was going on that hurt me pretty badly. I started most rounds with fierce rekka punch, except it came out 0 times. Every single attempt came out as low fierce. During that match, many rekka punches (even rekka x 1, I mean) did not come out and I just got fierce. But sometimes it did come out. Rekka x 3 seemed almost impossible. It felt just like that very first match against that T.Hawk player where I thought the stick was broken. But this time, I know there was no problem with the stick. I just played with it for hours right before the finals (though it was on a different ps3…).
Now, I have bad execution, I know that. It’s not like “I missed a combo therefore some equipment has failed.” Not at all. But I don’t even mean combos here, I just mean a basic ability to do moves at all. I’ve started hundreds of matches with a Rekka punch, and I don’t recall ever missing it once. It’s just a fireball motion. I wasn’t nervous, I wasn’t thrown off by ps3 speeds being different (they are, it seems, though with 2 days of practice on ps3, I never had this problem at all except here and in that t.hawk match, first round.) If this problem is real, and I don’t know if it is, it’s pretty insidious. Checking buttons by doing normal moves worked fine in both cases and moving my character worked fine. It’s only special moves that didn’t.
Later, I realized something else. I heard this second-hand, but from two different people so I’ll assume I’m reporting it correctly. Apparently Watson and Choi did some test of Ryu vs. Ryu. Ryu1 knocks down Ryu2. Ryu1 then does meaty fierce as Ryu2 gets up. Ryu2 attempts to reversal dp. Apparently Choi claimed (and I heard this second-hand, so sorry if I’m getting this wrong) that he could not reversal dp in that situation at all. Literally zero times out of many, many tries. I initially wrote this off as ridiculous because of course you can reversal that, I have done it plenty of times myself…on Xbox360. But it sounds suspiciously like the “specials moves don’t come out sometimes” problem. Perhpas some sticks with some PS3s have this problem? Perhaps there is some randomness and it’s hard to tell when it will occur? Perhaps it’s not real at all? I don’t know, but I don’t trust PS3 anymore in this game. We already know the confirmed button config problem on PS3 (slowed the HD Remix team tournament by hours probably). And PS3 online play is worse, so it’s bad to practice on during the year. Also the speed seems different. So Evolution should really, really switch to Xbox 360 next year for HD Remix, MvC2, and basically everything it can.
This is what sirlin said, for those who didn’t use the link shari provided.