Evo General FAQ

About the controllers being provided, will it only be d-pads? If that’s the case then I am fubar because I play Boxer on the 360 with my wireless hori stick…

A Very small amount of the community has no problem lending out sticks to players, but then again, you aren’t Daigo. I bet that’s the reason he jumped at the MadCatz sponsorship, no more having to borrow sticks!

hey anyone know if mad catz will be there with sticks to sell? im a 360 player so ima buy a ps3 stick either before i go, or when i get there, but if i can buy one at the tourney thatd be great.

There are no vendors at evo.

ahh well then that answers my question, thank you.

i was wondering if there will be casual play that thursday before evo.

There will be Mad Catz and Hori onsite selling sticks.

There is no casual play before evo, find a hotel room where people are playing.

how about the evo jersey do i get it that thursday before evo or i have to wait the day of when evo starts

can someone tell me how to cancel a registration?.. i registered my brother and now he can’t go and i’d like to see if i could get his entry frees back… the support@srk email isn’t working…

Contact Mr. Wizard, Inkblot…or Ponder.

i’m a pad player, is there going to be one available for general use or do i have to bring my own?

if i have to bring my own, it must be a wired controller correct?
how easy will it be to find someone to lend me a controller for the match?

just curious do we have time to change our button configs before a tournament match and if so how long.my button mapping is rather un-orthadox.

Registrations are non-refundable. Says it on the website.

You have to bring your own. Yes it must be wired. No clue how easy it will be. If I were you I wouldn’t count on it.


What kind of layout do you use??

Fierce RoundHouse Strong
Jab Short Forward


Does anyone know when we’ll receive the player bracket listings? I’m participating in the SSFIV tournament but have no clue when I’ll be playing, any help would be appreciated.

thanks for the answer.

any advice on the best place to buy a wired controller? don’t see them on the best buy website and the amazon reviews are terrible… plus i need to get it in 1 week.

Nice and informative for newbs like myself. Thanks

they’ll tell you what pool you’re in. You go to that pool and wait.

:lol: I’m a pad user and I really suck with an arcade stick. I plan on using a Ps3 controller and connecting it with a usb cord into the ps3 it’s self. Is that allowed or am I screwed? :wonder: