Eternal Fighter Zero

Hey guys, I can’t seem to get the Memorial patch to work; what should I do?

Memorial patch is not a standalone game. Just FYI. You need original EFZ, and either Blue Sky Edition or Bad Moon Edition in addition to Memorial patch.

First, set your computer’s non-unicode programs to Japanese language; Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, Advanced tab, select Japanese language on the first box. Reset your computer.

Before anything I’d uninstall/move the voice and netplay patches away. Unofficial patches are infamous for messing with updates when it comes to Japanese indy games.
Put the CD in your computer after booting. Select Default directory for installing, you can change directory after installing if you want. Install EFZ Revival.
Then, update with Blue Sky Edition. I don’t believe updating with Bad Moon Edition is necessary. When updating, you have to select EFZ folder, and that is at
C: asogare\EFZ

After all that, you should download the patch from Tasogare Frontier’s web site, and install the patch as you would the expansion CDs; locate your EFZ folder in Tasogare folder.

That’s the standard way. If anything, I’ve also heard that manually copy/pasting files work too, but I’ve never tried that. After fully updating to 4.02, the character folders should be as follows(I believe the game’s folders are case-sensitive);

and the key files are named in capitals;

Ok then. If pirated, I can’t help you out. If not and that didn’t work, hit me up on aim.

Make sure of course that you update v3~ > v4.01 > v4.02 . If you don’t it probably won’t work right.

Yes copying/extracting does work. Instead of running the the install and having to go through the annoyance of turning ur comp into japanese region; Simply extract files to the same EFZ folder by right clicking on the file and selfecting extract to. This works on install files too or patches. (and this works for many other games too.)

Thanks for you help guys; I really appreciate it.:tup:

Well, so far I would have to say I enjoy this game more than Melty Blood; it plays like GG, and there is a hint of KoF as well.
I haven’t really immersed myself, and I don’t know any of the name syet, but I like playing with Swordy McSkirt-Slash and Stabby McBlood-hand.

Mai and Ikumi? Two of the most popular characters beginners pick up here. I mean shit, we’ve got 3 people who play Mai just right in the MD/NoVA area. I posted a bunch of info for Mai on DLoop… nothing for Ikumi though (don’t know beans about her in V4).

Haha, really? Damn, I always have a tendancy to do that.

Hey Guys,

New favorite character thus far: Akiko

Does anyone have a fully updated movelist? I can’t seem to find one for memorial.

Don’t think there is one. Just use the old one for the most part. There were some change lists that had the new ones listed at some point.

I think Akiko’s list is something like…

236* - Bazooka
623A/B 623A/B 421A/B - Knife Attack
623C 623C 421C 623C 421C 623C - EX Knife Attack
214* - Fire Extinguisher
236236* - Vehicle Super
214214* - Finger Point Super
2A2BC - Overdrive

She has a time slow super too, but I forgot the input for that… 641236* ?

Her normals seems a lot more useful than her specials. f.B is one of the best AA’s in the game. 66B is a nasty multi-hit overhead that combos into a free 25% or more. j.B in general hits half of everything, it’s really insane. j.C is equally as nuts, but basically hits below her.

Thanks, but I’m not really coherent to the ‘number’ system sued to describe direction. Could you break it donw for me? I agree with her specials being better than her supers, save for her qcf, qcf+a/b/c; I found a pretty good combo using the cancel system last night. I think it went somthing like: BBd+C xx BB qcfx2 a/b/c
I could be wrong though…
Her time-stop super is ->, hcf a/b/c, I believe
I didn’t know about over-drive. Thanks.

hcf is vacuum, hcb,f is time slow. Time slow is probably Akiko’s best super. Used properly it’ll deal more damage than the vehicle super.

So, does it slow the opponent down? Nice av, man; where did you get the sprites for it?

Forgot the vacuum, silly me. I almost never play her, and when I do, I almost entirely rely on her normals. I’m actually interested in what combos you can do with Time Slow, I’ve never seen any done on v4.02.

Numeric notation is described here:

It’s got weak-medium-fierce-special setting so it’s closer to Fatal Fury than kof :slight_smile:

Kimchy Swordy McSkirt is hard to win imo, but she’s the funnest. Seriously. Grab follow-up does more than 4000 damage, I’ve landed it correctly ONCE ever, and that was like the greatest feeling.

I can’t believe I confused Swordy McSkirt-Slash for Mai. Nanase is not really that popular from what I can tell… she’s kind of simple, and relies on very simple but huuuge damage attacks and combos.

I’ve landed the grab follow up a few times, but only play her rarely, so I can’t get it down. Someone who has the timing down with her becomes a frightening person to play against. Someone who can also do the Overdrive followup is someone you just run away from all day. :frowning:

I think I heard something reagarding this befoer but I’m not sure. Is there supposed to be a voice patch for EFZ? Additionally, what do Nanase and Dopple Nanase’s Overdrive do exactly?

Voice patch was only released up to 1.20 (which is about half the current cast). Tasofro themselves asked for no more voice patches to be released.

Doppel’s overdrive gives her extra speed and auto meter fill.

efz should join the SUICIDE CLUB

Nanase’s Overdrive makes her almost have super armor, as far as I know (in other words, she can never be hit out of whatever she’s doing).