Eternal Fighter Zero

So whose Overdrive move is your favorite? I was debating back and forth between Misuzu’s and Kano’s but am gonna go with Kano’s since in the end I just can’t see how Misuzu’s would actually harm anyone. Of course my decision is probably influence by the fact that of all the series that these characters come from, AIR is the only one I have seen so I understand the significance behind their ODs.

I like the overdrives in this game because they often don’t just do damage… they have some special kind of effect or purpose.

As for specifics… hrm… Mishio and Mai’s seem to have the same goal… last ditch ‘spamomatic’ super which doesn’t really guarentee anything so much as it tends to make it very easy to score some hits with. Mishio can infinite use her big lightning attacks, but that doesn’t really get her anywhere other than some minor chip damage. The mixups she can do are basically the same kind of thing she can do with Lightning Mode to begin with (Plus she does have the l.623B attack either).
Mai’s is good because it means turning any random hit into a decent chunk of damage… but, she can do the same thing with Bunny out normally (and usually get more damage). So, not really sure about those two. I guess I’d need to play around with them more to see if they are really practical, but it’s hard to do that when you rarely get to use them in matches anyway.

I like Kaori’s because it essentially makes people incredibly paranoid to attack her. Great for stuffing people who want to try to poke out of something. It’s probably my favorite in terms of actually using in a match.

Nanase’s always seemed really good to me too, but again it’s like Mai/Mishio’s where it doesn’t really guarentee you anything, so much as just increase the potential.

EDIT: NVM 4.01, i cant get the patch to work, is it neccessary to have 4.02 working in order to use netplay?

Chibi: clean out your PMs!

Yes, netplay needs 4.02. Patch route is Bad Moon Edition > 4.01 > 4.02

Man this game is fun! My best characters so far are Ikumi, Mayu, and Shiori. I’m trying to also pick up Mai, Kaori, Misuzu, and Ayu (i think thats her name, has winds, falls a lot, runs away well)

question: is there some sort of trick to combo j.C with ikumi?

ie. A,B,C,cancel,66,j.C,etc.

never works for me, the j.C is always too high.

You have to make sure the opponent is high enough. There are two options:

  • After a wallslam 2C > IC > B > C > etc (hitting an airborne opponent with C wallslams).
  • After dashing 2C. Dash 2C > IAD > j.C > etc. Dashing 2C pushes back a lot more in 4.x, so it is not doable midscreen anymore. Midcreen you are better off doing something that helps you push the opponent to the corner.

I think there is some sort of midscreen loop still available that used j.B, but I am not sure about that.

i think i might have worded it wrong.

in this replay:
the combo starts with what looks like a j.C but it knocks the enemy into the air.

how exactly is that done on a standing enemy and have it knock them airborne?

Oh, ok. While grounddashing, do down+C and when it hits, just cancel it with a forward jump. Most dash attacks are actually totally different than regular standing attacks, and some have the ability to launch characters.

Curious, though. How did you find my site? My meta consists of nothing…

ah i get it, so vmana was right, sorry about that, thanx for the help, im gonna try it out now.

EDIT: got it! now all i got to do is find a mid screen loop with ikumi, thx again

I should have been more specific :slight_smile: Yeah, dashing 2C looks exactly like a J.C. Ikumi becomes airborne, but for some reason the move is not dash cancellable. It is, however, jump cancellable. So for you to be able to move forward you have to cancel dash 2C into air jump into air dash, so it becomes dash 2C > IAD in the air

Characters that run in EFZ have a different set of standing and crouching normals whenever they run*. Sometimes its just the same move with different properties, sometimes its a whole new move. This applies to both normal and crouching moves.

  • run as in “dash that doesn’t has a fixed distance and is attack cancellable”

Midscreen loops are usually something like A > B > C > 236A/B > IC > dash > dash A/B > 51236 (command grab). The command grab is the move that gives Ikumi the most blood, which is useful for tornado traps, beffier 236 moves, etc. Since Ikumi’s midscreen loop got nerfed, its better to just use the opportunity to push the opponent to the corner.

yeah thats the midscreen combo i do midscreen, i usually follow the command grab with a dashing b. but if you jab a person out of the air, is there anything you can do while midscreen? such as A, j.B, airdash, j.B (2hit),|>, dashing A/b, j.B…?

A few questions about Akiko.

Why is it that when you do all six of her EX Knife attack combo, sometimes it hardly does any damage and somtimes it does major damage?

What does her fire extinguisher do?

What is the time bar for after you connect with that super where she flicks you on the head?

Akiko’s knife attack (all versions) needs to hit “cleanly” for the maximum damage. It’s a matter of positioning the last hit.

Her extinguisher, lowers the opponent IC bar.

The time bar is how long the effect lasts on the opponent. The greater the level, the more things sealed. Level 1 is their dash for example.

Define “cleanly”. As far as i can tell, you cant really change Akiko’s position during the combo. Or do you mean that it depends on the distance between the two characters on the initial hit?

Do you happen to know what gets sealed for level 2 and three?

The speed at which you do the move, as well as their starting height, effect the reletive height at which you swing. Distance also comes into a factor. Really hard to say specifics on how to do it. I’ve found one or two guarenteed setups for the A version, but haven’t really found any good ones for the C version.

There’s actually two different clean hits for the C version. One does something like ~2000 damage, the other does ~3500 (total damage for the whole attack, unless this got toned down in 4.02 after I tested it).

Level 1 - No dash
Level 2 - No dash, no specials
Level 3 - No dash, no specials, no jump

And Rumi will take half damage of hit as well during Ramen-install. Though with, Ramen Install pullable only at Critical Point, you cannot get virtual double bar.

Any new replay currently? And who can fill me in about this “netplay” mentioned few posts above?

BTW, whatever happened to Eternal Romancia? It has been offline for like 2 weeks long as far as I remembered. Discontinued?

how to use the netplay and some new replay can be found here

Please Help!

I am still unsure if i am playing on version 4.02! I downloaded the patch and i dumped all the files into the EFZ folder and overwrote the old ones. when i run the patch setup file, i get some error then a directory list comes up. i tried the efz folder again and i get another error. Now, is is neccessary to run the patch setup or do i only have to add the new folders? Is there a way to check what actual version im playing on? im positive i have 4.01 at least. THX


I said in the ABC X contest thread I’d give it to you on disk at Breakdown, but looks like you’ve got it already.

I guess you’d like to test out the netplay sooner or later, perhaps we’ll get a good connection?

Also you just have to copy all the files over I believe, there’s no way to tell if it’s 4.02 or not (oddly enough).

Right now I play Misuzu, Akiko, Sayuri, Ikumi, Ayu, and more!
