Eternal Fighter Zero

I’ve got the correct timing for the boxing girl’s dashing attacks already, but I’m still struggling with Doppel.

It seems that it’s easier to do the 236+M followup when using 41236+M (grabs air opponents), as the correct timing is when I hear the sound of her grabbing the opponent…

Or is it because her follow up moves for 41236+L/H have changed into something else? I’m still referring to this for the movelist of the characters. I can’t find any other updated movelist.

The followup for the antiair grab needs to be done faster than the ground one. The aintair one has to be done almost immediately, but you need to pause after the ground one. Try delaying the command a bit for the ground one, you seem to be doing it a bit early.

Both grabs have the same followups.

Hey guys, i’ve been playing lots of this recently. I’ve pretty much got my main character Mizuka to a level where i’m comfortable playing her, but Kano still interests me, and i try using her, and most of the time i spam magic attacks and poke and run away. I can’t seem to do any real high damage with her, is there something i’m missing when it comes to Kano combo’s (the most i do is against a wall d+BBC j.AAAAB and it doesn’t really do that much. And i read here earlier in the thread that Japanese players rarely use magic with her (cept lvl1 lightning super and maybe a qcfA), and thats a lot of what i use to win. So im just wondering what i’m missing…

And also i cant seem to find any good dd+c cancels with her, i’m sure she’s got some, but i can’t really find them. I want to learn Kano because Mizuka, while fun as hell, isn’t exactly the top of characters…and Kano seems really solid, but i can’t get a full grip on her…Thanks in advance for any strat…

Ooh show me how you play Mizuka, I’ve gotten a fondess of her lately.


What i like to do is if they’re cornered:
A A B 2C 623B (22C cancel) double jump J.B J.C 623A (or 623B if you used a silver bar 22C where the damage is increased since the second hit of the 623B whiffs if the % is around 50-60). Then i make some music notes while they’re flying down and i’m already recovered. If there’s music notes when i do this it works well too and thats usually when i do this one. Otherwise i go for this one:

etc into 2C then A B C J.B J.C 623B 22C cancel double jump J.B J.C 623A/B

These are both corner obviously, if i’m in the middle and i land a standing C while they’re in the air, i’ll go for J.B J.C 623B then i’ll usually 22C cancel that and double jump j.B j.C 623B or dash forward and see if they’re close enough to a wall and maybe i can get another J.B J.C 623A

If im on the ground and i hit them with a jab, i’ll do either A A B C 236A or A A B 2C 236A. I try to set them up near music notes so i can combo after the 236A hit the explosion thing which hits them.

As for supers, I like 214214A a lot when they’re cornered and just throwing out a 236A but i also like 214214C better if im in the corner and i knock them away. Knock them down then do it and rush them down because they’re not gonna risk attacking when a whole mess of music notes could come and blow them up, plus the air combo’s you could get after it. 214214B is REALLY intimidating too, but they can just dash away from it and then they’re pretty much safe. And if i’m in a situation where its a mixup, i’d rather use 214214A for the pressure. her 236236A/B/C supers are average, i’d rather use the bar for her 214214 supers, especially since i havent found a good standing combo with one of them… Her 641236A/B/C super is kinda cool in the fact that it’ll explode all music notes on the stage, but they won’t disappear (which is really cool when you use it with her 214214B note, 2X the use for that huge explosion) As for combo’s, it’s actually kind of weak…but thats ok because it doesn’t seem like that’s the purpose of it…And her desperation super or whatever its called when her bar is flashing is pretty worthless. You cant get a lot of damage cause you have no access to music notes or bar and they stay frozen most likely in the air for a short period of time where you only get a few j.b j.c 623A’s on them…not worth the 3 bars.

her EX attacks or whatever, the ones you do with C when your bar is red or silver are pretty useless for the most part. 236C is cool, but your opponent is probably gonna be attacking you and you just want your stick back, not a lot of time to make it fly around to add more music notes, lol. And with her 22C being so usable so quickly, its not worth it to waste on EX moves, especially since her 623B is WAY better than her 623C, lol.

She’s pretty basic, setting up music notes is kind of something you have to get a feel for, and knowing the distance on her music notes and which way they’ll bounce etc is a big part. I wouldn’t spam out a ton of music notes, because if they’re not in that area, then you just wasted the bar for them. But a few here and there, act like they’re not there until they get comboed. You just kind of have to get a feel for combo’s with and without music notes. After a bit of playing, you’ll get used to it.

But yeah she’s mad fun and i wouldnt be having nearly as much fun with the game if i didnt play her…hope that helped…if someone else has something to add/correct, please do so. :slight_smile:

Raven got a very solid Mizuka. He could probably give you some advice with her regarding note pressure/mixups and her loops.

Just some real basics on learning Kano… the reason most Japanese don’t use much magic is because of Charge Cancel. Basically you can use it like Mist Cancel. If you don’t have a full magic bar, you can charge by hitting S. So, if you do a move that has a lot of recovery (6C), you can cancel it into a charge up, and then cancel out of the charge up instantly. That way, you can quickly again attack and continue a mixup.

If you are playing Memorial, good luck finding some big damage BIC combos. Her down dives (2A/2B/2C) got nerfed in v4.01, so her loops and ease of comboing has dropped drastically. However, Kano builds meter. LOTS of it. Making supers your primary source of damage is not a bad idea.
Really basic usage is to put someone to the corner and do A B C 236A FIC 236236C. Good damage and then you get some extra coverage for free. Her lightning strike (632146A, I think) is also really popular. You can do some good tricks and mixups with it by holding down the button to delay firing.

Well, that’s real basics. I’d like to hear from someone who actually plays her, because I have no idea if she’s even still the powerhouse she was in v3 or not. Still seems very dangerous, but doesn’t seem to have nearly as effective of a rush down anymore (and seems like far less damage without supers as well).

Random tip for Mizuka… 663C is airborne and cancelable. You can do 663C > Note setup for an instantly canceled attack and free note. Proceed to mixup and high reward combo thanks to possible note bounces.
Also, uh, learn her C loop, because using an IC for a simple combo like that is a huge waste. You should get 5-6k with a BIC in the corner.

Yeah, and that wall slams too. It’s a wierd move. If cancelled into qcb+A fast enough, she’ll stay on ground. It’s not a good pressure tactics though, it’s imo-and like you said-just a good enough move to put the notes where needed.

thanks for the tips, as it shows, im still a newbscrub at this, thanks for the tips.
And what’s Mizuka’s “C loop” and BIC for that matter…sorry im not too familiar on the notation T T

BIC , I’m guessing, is when use IC (22C) when the bar underneath the special meter is flashing blue. You use it in combos in order to start your next attack in the combo without recovering from your last attack.

BIC is Blue Instant Charge = IC with full (flashing) RF bar
RIC is Red Instant Charge = IC with just red RF bar

BIC gives extra damage and juggle time. RIC doesn’t.

I don’t know Mizuka’s C loop, but it is something like ‘something that gets opponent off ground’ > BIC > dashing C > j. C > air jump > j. C > dashing C > repeat. j. C could be comboed into j. C by air dashing as well.

There is also FIC and BFIC, which is the EFZ equivilant of an FRC (canceling a projectile or other non physical attack).

Yeah the C loop just consists of comboing j.C into itself as much as possible. I don’t really play her much so I’ve forgotten the specifics of it, but I seem to recall it was something like… Launch > BIC > C > jc.C 66 C |> C > jc.C … etc. I can work it out when I get home later, if you don’t figure it out by then (or someone who knows better already has it).

Ah, thanks for the help guys.

Okay, a basic C corner loop looks like:

A B 2C 623A BIC > j.C 66 j.C |> C > jc.C 66 j.B C |> C > jc.A B C > jc.A B C

You can end it with the DP or a note set or whatever else you want.

VManofMana, (or anyone else with insight) you seem to know everything about EFZ so here’s a question for you. I recently order Eternal Fighter Zero Memorial from Himeya. It came in a dvd case with a picture of three of the the characters hugging on the cover. Is this the actual game or is it just the latest update because I can’t seem to get it to work. After I install it, I open the application but all that happens is the screen goes black and you hear a “ding” sound. After that nothing happens. Is this because i need to get all the previous versions?

Last I checked it was a Stand Alone DVD, so you shouldn’t need the previous versions. I’ll check the install process once I get mine though.

Check the Config menu, maybe you need to setup some things.

Unfortunately I cannot help you, since I don’t have the Memorial DVD… yet. My understanding up to this point is that it is supposed to be a standalone game, so it should work.

Can you have a quick look and let me know what is the total size of the Eternal Fighter Zero folder? It should about 365 megabytes.

It was over 700 MB

Hey my Copy of Eternal Fighter Zero was deleted off of my computer by my friend and Its like finding a needle in a haystack when it comes to get another copy of it. If anyone could give me a link to finding it or by chance send it to me through Aim i would really enjoy that cause I havent played it in about 2 months.


I hope you realise that you live nearby a bunch of people who play the game already.