Eternal Fighter Zero

Chances are highly skewed for Miyako to get close enough to land her ground throw-makes me think that the guys that made this game were the scrubs that got continually thrown in SFII, so now their getting their revenge or balancing that “problem”. :stuck_out_tongue:

That throws are bad takes away nothing from the fact that when Miyako lands a throw, she can do 3k off of it. Whereas most people are stuck with 1k or less. I don’t see how Miyako has a bad throw and no one else gets theirs mentioned.

I would personally probably switch Makoto and Misuzu myself… also I’d put Mayu up in Top. Kano and Mio definately belong there… don’t know about Shiori but she seems a likely candidate for it as well.

You also missed Mishio… I usually hear her put in Low, but I’d probably rate her closer to Mid… on account of her jawsome crossups, good mixups, great throw, and ability to poke you safely, and turn those pokes into high damage combos. She does lack a bit in other areas, so she sits pretty close to mid to me.

My rankings:

Top: Kano, Mio, Mayu
High Mid: Misaki, Shiori, Nayuki, Nanase, Ayu, Sayuri
Undecided mid (could be either high or low): Misuzu, Mai, Unknown, Mishio
Low Mid: Kaori, Makoto, Ikumi, Akane
Low: Doppel, Minagi, Mizuka

The only character I am not very sure about is Mishio, since I haven’t seen much of her. However, she does seem to have potential. Red mode has safe offensive attacks and blue mode zones very well.

2B or not 2B, that is the question.

If you think she’s bad now, you haven’t played with her way back when, when should couldn’t chain into EX godpress, didn’t have the Genocide Cutter counter, didn’t have air fireball, didn’t have sword slash, had a crappy 45 degree angle run… who cares if some of that is useless now, the point is she didn’t even have that extra fluff back then…

… ah, those were the days, the days of a squandered youth…

Ayu had her boss j.C fist slam, too, instead of the wing slice she has now.

Damn I’m old, even at doujin games wth.

I was just joking. I’ve been playing since v1.12. I know exactly how bad Sayuri was back then. :sad:

Now, I’m Best Sayuri in the US!

LK: you’re the only sayuri specialist in US

Misaki is the best, oh yeah

First out of one still equals best.

But, apparently, VMan has this crazy notion that he’ll force me into early retirement. :confused: We’ll see come AX time.

Replay from 4/9 casual

Page 5: bellreisa (Ikumi, Minagi) vs. Lovely_Kitsune (Sayuri, Misuzu)
Page 6: Raiblade (Misaki, Mizuka) vs. FatalFuryD (Misaki)
Page 7: Raiblade (Mayu, Mizuka, Ikumi, Akane) vs. Lovely_Kitsune (Sayuri)
Page 8: FatalFuryD (lots) vs. Lovely_Kitsune (Sayuri, Misuzu)
Page 9, 1 through 7: FatalFuryD (lots) vs. bellreisa (Minagi)
Page 9, 8 and 9: Raiblade (Mizuka, Mai) vs. bellreisa (Minagi, Ikumi)

Best Mizuka and Minagi in USA has come out!

Does anyone know wat the point and or storyline of this fighter is and why most or all of the characters are girls? :karate:

First page, long post of mine.

Edit: I see that you have just registered. To avoid problems in this forum, I really recommend you to read at least the first pages of threads, and use the search function before risking to be flamed fro asking something for the 104802th time.

Misaki turtles it up in the replays~
I’m uneffinmovable!

watch the purple misaki and teach me how to be better

Half man, half god, all noob.

some replay just to bump the thread up

also Mai’s combo vid is up in

Ok. open on a new browser:

After much deliberation and clarifications of the manual with Lina and Rai, I present a new standard for terms to avoid further confusions with the Instant Charge:

IC or RIC = Red Instant Charge (red RF bar)
BIC = Blue Instant Charge (flashing RF bar)
FIC = Flicker Instant Charge (equivalent to false roman cancel)

In the past I sometimes refered Blue Instant Charge as Flicker Instant Charge, under the wrong assumption that the EFZ manual entry for Flicker Instant Charge referred to the flashing RF bar Instant Charge. In reality, the manual makes no mention of the Blue Instant Charge or its properties, and Flicker Instant Charge refers to the one used to cancel fireball-type moves.


V, noone knows what yo’ure talking about.


That’s what happens when I am under a mental breakdown.

You should relax and watch the Mai combo video so you can hear KOTOKO KOTOKO KOTOKO.

Oh right, and maybe go to combovideos and watch my piece of trash EFZ video while you’re at it.