Eternal Fighter Zero

basicly it means that this is the New Standard of calling IC

Red IC and Blue IC

instead of stupid wrong shit like FIC and RIC (which i dont know even know who is the genius that invent it and make this great wrong impression to the EFZ community)

whoever fail to meet this new standard will be get some head chop by the kingz

Just call it fuzzy guarding.

I know I repeated this question, but who can tell me what does Doppel Nanase’s Overdrive do? It does not seem to be any good with its auto-gain gauge, when it takes 3 gauge bars in the first place.

After having this game for quite a time, I notice that the AIR girls and those implemented at v3.10(Kaori, Mishio, D. Nanase and Ikumi) lack the voiceover. Who knows where to find the voice patch?

Well, considering that a lot of Doppel’s damaging combos require one or two lv. 1 supers, being able to have meter for free can really help her out.

As of other effects, I think she is faster, but I don’t know if she gets defense up or offense up, though. Don’t follow my word on this one.

There is no other voice patch besides the one for 1.20 since Tasofro themselves requested to not create voice patches. The exact reason I don’t know, but I think the fact that the voice patches copiped voice samples of copyrighted material had something to do.

Auto gain guage is awesome, especially when you can manage to catch the opponent in a power wave loop. The overdrive mode also makes Dopple and her attacks startup and recovery faster. This means she gains links that were not possible before. The ridiculous requirements to use the super negate its usefulness though, not so much the three levels as the last round and 1/6th health.

My Ikumi won’t shut the hell up.

Aside from the sounds of crimson tornados and blood drops, I don’t think I hear Ikumi says anything like “Chi no hoshi” or something to that…

Who has the translation of the winning quotes?

Those who are going to AX:

There will be an EFZ tournament/gathering where most of the current active will be present. Most likely it will be done on Saturday night.

Those interested for either single or team tournament can go to Raiblade and/or Bellreisa’s forum for questions, info, and input:

Each forum has a gathering section.

umm… can one take a screenshot? also, prepare to fear my shiori come evotime

What do you for mid screen loops Boleslaw?

Hell, tell me your corner stuff too, I want to compare.


umm im pretty shitty so midscreen, a b c jb ex ice cream beam falling ice thingie, im trying to add more hits where i can, but i cant figure out the practice settings, or any of the settings for that matter

currently i prefer to never let anyone get close enough using ice lazer,falling ice, snowmen and exacto knives to keep them away while barely hurting them, i do lvl 3 ice orgasm for jump ins or if i get knocked down, or if i dont have the meter ex spinny shawl, if close to death ill use kula super or sometimes ball super to kill them, though truth be told i dont use either effectively

Training settings:

F4 = RF bar setting (hold for how full you want it)
F5 = full life/red life/normal, also fills RF bar
F6 = CPU jump/block/crouch


F6 is stand/crouch/jump
F7 is block/not block

I just got this game, and I’m loving the hell out of it. Thing is, I don’t know shit about what to do. I would alt-tab back and forth between this thread, the big FAQ, and the game, but EFZ seems to hate alt-tabbing. I watched a lot of the replays posted in this thread, but I notice a distinct lack of Makoto in the ones I’ve seen. Is she just not very good or something?

Yes, EFZ is not friendly when losing focus. Alt+TAB or any window taking over focus = EFZ dies.

Makoto is a pretty damn good character, but only after you get a hang of how her traps work. She is popular in Japanese replays.

shiori in corner with no ex meter, a a b b crouching c fierce spinny shawl followed by another fierce spinny shawl, best combo ever

hello all, i have searched the board here and I am still wondering… can anyone provide links or suggestions for finding decent voice patches. i really think EFZ would be much more lively if I heard girls screaming out their specials and supers!!

I know the voices are fanmade, but still would be nice to have some!

Schnoo, no need to cross-post the question in other boards. I answered your question on World of Eternity.

Shiori in mid screen???
This is what I use:
a, b, c, jb, c(still in the air) and after c hits 2 times,(air still)
dash foward, b, c, land, b, c, jb, c, c ice beam, land, spinning thingie, cancel, then blizzard super

  • only if you managed to get your opponent to the corner.*

something easier…
a, b, c, jb, c, a or c ice beam, then whatever you want while they’re frozen.

Shiori is really good in my opinion, but she lacks air-to-air attacks, I think that’s her weak point.

Shiori = Kano killer!!!
Shiori = Keep-away-whore and if you jump, the anti-air whore w/super.


public class random
public static void main (String [] args)
String VmanRealName = “I wont say”;

System.out.println(“Hey Vman, give me a link of some replays”);
System.out.println(“You the fag”);
System.out.println(VmanRealName + " is" + " low tier");

My name’s on my sig =)

Anyways, I can post replays to a couple Japanese tournaments, I can do it sometime tonight or tomorrow. Don’t remember how much Shiori is in there, though.

My regular Shiori combo is

A > B > C > j.B > air dash, j.B > air dash, j.A > j.B > land, B > C > air combo if in corner.

Following your combo Daphnes, you can add a j. B in the middle since Shiori got double air dash:

A > B > C > j.B > j.C > air dash (after 2 hits), j.B > air dash, j.B > j.C > B > C > air combo

I know that the first combo can be done twice if you do a Blue Instant Charge. I have to check about the second.

public int compareTo(Comparable other) throws ClassCastException
Player otherPlayer;

if (!other instanceof Player) then
throw new ClassCastException();

otherPlayer = (Player)other;
if (!otherPlayer.getName().equals(“VMan”)) then
return this.fight(otherPlayer);

return -1;

Respect your sensei.

edit - wtf with taking out leading whitespaces?