Replays from the 3/26 tournament, Epic 2005 #reloaded.
All characters and players are noted in the .rar file.
Replays from the 3/26 tournament, Epic 2005 #reloaded.
All characters and players are noted in the .rar file.
This is the latest batch of replays of Hadou and myself, plus some games adding the TX B-team (Cez_TS and Daphnes).
These replays show the new tactic that Hadou discovered as I was away. Generally, as long as I can keep Mayu relatively away I do fine, but by ICing 214A and following 2A with 2B > 236A/B he can stay in my face much longer. Misuzu suffers the most since she has no good wakeup AA.
I guess that this set, together with the Epic #R replays, shows the latest stage of the US EFZ scene.
Yeah Mayu is cheap! Just run away from her all Storm style and you should be fine. But if she gets ya on lock down you better start mashing something, kinda like some of the supers Vman did :lol: anyways I dunno all i did was rush down more, i didnt think i did any new tactic. Just dont talk shit if you beat Vman :lol:: first :wow: -> :bluu: -> :shake: -> :mad: XX :3p: on the keyboard. :lol: j/k Vman you’re pretty good
I will stab anyone and everyone. That is a guarantee.
Team Discovery Channel knows no defeat. <bitter hatred> EFZ 2a’s are just as gay as MBR’s 2a’s. MBR is just man enough to not try and pretend otherwise. </bitter hatred>
eternal fighter, yeah that game rocks.but it’s hard to find people around here who play it.prolly why i stop playing it. hey anyone know if you can jam online with this game? or meltyblood?
Still waiting for Fierce Gear on both of those.
a couple of questions for y’all in meltyblood is it true that ceil is the sol badguy of the game? see my buddy and were jammin on it and he heard that the only way to win at a tourney is to use ceil. because of her insane priority. which is lame cause i’m a hardcore kohaku fan <---- uh the girl with the broom. comon molotavs!! nothing more beautiful. Also if anyone knows, whos top tier in EFZ badmoon? someguy online told me that the girl with the frog is high up there, but that the girl with the raging demon attack is no1. so anyway, help a brother out.
Dopple nanase and Minagi, you can ask linalys about it
he’s the no.1 Dopple user in USA
Ciel has weaknesses. She just slaughters people that don’t know how to fight her…and Chaos and Waraka. Avoid EX Runpast, abuse heat/blood heat life regen, and watch out for crossover j. b, and you’ve practically won. She’s braindead easy to learn and use though.
Everyone else is going to say Ciel is top tier. Everyone else hasn’t used Ciel in tournament level play!
Hisui&Kohaku is pretty much considered the best character(s) in MBR.(Its mostly Hisui’s fault)
There is a MBR topic on these boards too.
Holy cow, that means there’s more than one?
In the community of 4? j/k
EFZ is very difficult to tier since the game’s balance is very good and there are counter matchups. Some characters do have an easier time than others, but in the good hands every single character is very strong.
Nayuki is very good but only if she has nine jams. Good if at least seven. If you keep her knocking down so she won’t build jams she is in deep trouble.
I don’t think Akane (hair girl) is top. she got traps and can pressure a lot, but she needs meter for damage and her midscreen combos are limited unless you get to corner them. Plus, her crossup shenanigans can be stopped by Recoil Guard (Just Defense)
The only characters who seem to have an easier time seem to be Kano (blue hair, magic) and Mayu (ferret). A good Kano can destroy you if you get cornered because of her huge range. Mayu is a monster if she gets close (very good 2A, very good air priority and a hundred mixups). However, Kano takes a while to learn and is slow, and Mayu’s pressure game is stopped by good wakeups.
There is a thread for MBR, as someone said. Answering your Ciel question, she is good but not the “definitive” character to use. Other characters are easier to use effectively, and Ciel needs meter for damage. It can be argued that Nanaya, Hisui, and Hisui&Kohaku are at least as good as her.
I’m #1 because I’m the only one. =p
Oh, but by July you will be #2
In no order:
Top: HisuKoha, Ciel, Nanaya
HisuKoha: Both characters, plus new moves, assists to cover gaps in their attacks, new super. All the best parts of Hisui, and you can use all the best parts of Kohaku along with it.
Ciel: 5C x 2, EX Hiero, shield frames in a dash that is lower than most characters’ crouches, j.B crossup
Nanaya: 2A -> 4500 damage, unblockable BH Eyes, Last Arc, shield frames in completely cancellable, fast dash, invincible backdash
High Mid: Nero, Walachia, Akiha, AkaAkiha, Satsuki, Hisui
Nero: Huge range normals, immense zoning power
Walachia: Difficult to bunker multi-hit normals and huge range, plus some of Nero’s zoning abilities thrown in
Akiha: Crossup IAD flame ribbon, a huge normals moveset that leads to extended, 4500-5500 damage combos that net 200%+ circuit, easy infinite
AkaAkiha: Raw speed, land any knockdown -> OTG relaunch x 2 which is 3000-4500 damage for 0 meter
Satsuki: 623C, easy-mode combos and low learning curve
Hisui: Dust combos, bento setups, incredibly good airdash, resets off air book attack (j.2B, I think), Hisuidoken is best super in the game
Low Mid: Arc, Warc, M-Hisui, Shiki, Sion, V. Sion, Kohaku
Arc: 2A -> almost 200% circuit netted, launch from half-screen away, sorta-stupid 50/50 wakeup with j.2B and 2A, resets off air throw, 214C, easy-mode 8500 damage combo in Heat mode. Very one-note and predictable
Warc: Rings, EX Teleport is fast, rings, EX Ring, rings, rings. Shitty health
M-Hisui: Inexplicably in 85% damage tier, tons of chipping normals, EX Lasso loop, but a bit slow
Shiki: Like Nanaya with better EXs but shitty normals that prorate everything
Sion: Nerfed to hell. Bad normals that trip crouching enemies, iffy specials, tons of proration. You need to work HARD with her.
V. Sion: Less-sucky Sion because she has Walachia’s moves and better C attacks. Both Sions have wacky infinites against Satsuki and Hisui
Kohaku: Drug-On Install = free BH and hyper armor. Mr. Chin setups. Other than that, bad specials and all of her command normals got stolen by Hisui
Low: Ren, Miyako
Ren: Low damage, low-range normals, laggy specials, slow EX moves, iffy Arc Drives, almost-useless Last Arc, bad health
Miyako: Low-range normals, no range game, bad dash (though an impractical glitch allows infinite forward dashing), crappy throw
All very subjective. In addition to being heavily matchup-based, EFZ’s also got the randomizer of a parry/JD-like system which evens things out for the lower tier. Also remember that all the characters in EFZ have some sort of strength to outweigh their weaknesses, so even though Doppel sucks she still has an easier time dealing damage than other characters above her.
Top: Misaki, Shiori, Kano, Mio
High Mid: Misuzu, Nayuki, Ikumi, Nanase, Ayu, Mayu, Akane
Low Mid: Kaori, Makoto, Mai, Unknown, Sayuri
Low: Doppel, Minagi, Mizuka
Tiers don’t mean much in EFZ. Aside from the established fact that Kano is very good, there’s a lot of ways a matchup can go, and as previously stated, ALL characters have a strength.
EDIT: While I actually know what I’m talking about with MBR, EFZ’s a little less certain as far as tiers go. I’m convinced my top tier is correct, though everyone else in the middle can probably be switched around a little. I’m fairly sure my low tier is correct too.
Misaki is a top tier? what makes you think of that?
How does she have a bad throw? She can combo off of it anywhere for ~3kish damage. Sions and Akiha are the only other ones who can combo off of throw for damage but limited at that. Plus her air throw is godly. =p
Just the ground throw, not the air throw.
Miyako still sucks worse than Ren. Hurr.
FFD: She’s got all the high-damage combos, all the guard frames in her moves, a really versatile moveset, and lots of dirty tricks.
Misaki’s plusses: damaging combos, autoguard frames on fierces, good wakeups (grab super, 236B has good startup priority and is relatively safe, 236C has insane startup invincibility, counter super), fast dashes (though toned down), good crossups (j. B, 236A), good meaties (C, 66C, 2C, low air 236236), good supers, counter can help her to get off pressure, 623 is a very good antiair (unblockable and range) that leads to damage (both midscreen and corner), decent pokes.
Minuses: she got toned down, 236 is not doable in the air unless EX, she was slowed down, relatively tall (easier to hit), j. B no longer makes two hits (reducing crossup effectivity).
Overall, she is very solid. I would put her in high-mid because despite her pluses, she no longer can rape you like Kano and Mayu can given the right situation.
Sayuri sucks.
Worst character ever.