Nayuki is really funny to me for some odd reason. Her stance changes are the best(going back to sleep). She’s definitely the coolest drunken arts type fighter that I’ve seen yet.
Bell. I saw your replay that was posted a few pages back-this file… -and I like your style. The command grab setup you use is sound, I see no way around it whatsoever. but how come you don’t use Genocide mode, or qcbhcf super too much?
Reasons for anti-Genocide mode are outlined in that long-ass post I made above…
Blood burst super requires a seed unless you’re in Genocide mode. Once you plant the seed, it’s super-telegraphed and more or less worthless as a wakeup (which is all its good for, or extra damage after a non-corner command grab). Also, it’s sorta slow, it’s not like Misuzu’s feather super which is almost instant. You can do blood burst (seed) after a command grab -> dash B (cancel the dash B), or after command grab -> 5BBC in corner (wallbounces, cancel the 5C), but generally you have to find situations or setups to land the burst, and landing a super grab is just a matter of connecting 2A (into her BnB), from which you have about a million setups: stop the combo randomly, IC and super grab, IC -> pause -> super grab, IC -> dash B -> super grab, IC -> dash B -> pause (uncombos) -> super grab…
The dash B setup isn’t foolproof, btw. It’s just VERY hard to see coming if Ikumi’s been mixing up comboing and uncomboing the grabs all round.
I got some matches in with Raiblade last night, but we didn’t get any replays. Next time I’ll show you what I’m talking about, it’s easier to see in action.
Had a chance to go over to Bell’s yesterday, and played and watched some MBR and EFZ matches. Lina was around too, but honestly there was a gap between my current level and theirs so I didn’t get to have too much serious matches. If my level is around 4~5, theirs was probably 5~7. So we goofed around, mostly with doing lvl 3s and stuff. Lina blames his characters for messing up hehe(sarcastic “good job, len”). Still, it’s much better than playin my friends who don’t really care too much for the game. We recorded serious matches on Bell’s computer which should be on the MBr thread, and then when we goofed around we recorded on my comp, which I’ll post later.
Arcade infinity needs to fix their cvs2 machines. I can see now though why people prefer that place over camelot. Their games were much better. Then Bell got us to some good chinese cruisine which had waaay too much food for me with even the cheapest food on the menu. Seriously, they gave me like two pounds worth of chow mein… I felt kinda bloated afterwards, so I let the two play more. Good shit man. We gotta do this more dude, it was fun.
finally got the magical blade working properly. Thanks to those who gave the advices.
Currently sharpening skill with Nayuki and Misaki, though not to the level of the god-like EFZ players out there. ^^;; Now that Planetarian & CLANNAD have come out, I can’t wait to have a copy of EFZ’s latest edition.
I highly doubt we’re going to see Eternal Fighter Zero: Rolling Cloud Edition or whatever anytime soon, if ever. They seem to have moved on to Touhou now (though a Clannad expansion would be pretty awesome).
FFD: Mayu’s 2A is extremely good in a different way than Nanaya’s in Melty Blood. Although Mayu has no range at all in her 2A, it is pretty much instant, has pretty much no recovery, but most importantly, is LOW. Low enough that if both characters are very close, Mayu will win for the simple fact that the other character’s 2A will whiff. Mai and Misaki are the obvious examples I can think of.
So in other words, you need to keep at least a distance of one body when fighting Mayu (outside her 2A range). Problem is, that 2B > air 236A/B allows her to be on your face after a blocked string, and ICing a 214B is more effective than Nanaya’s dashes to cover distance.
2A by itself won’t do much, 2A combined with other tools that keep her on your face is what makes her deadly.
IMO Mayu is the kind of character that loses if the opponent can keep her away, but if she corners you, you are dead.