Eternal Fighter Zero

I’m sorta the Ikumi person because I didn’t know better enough to pick someone else. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m moving back to SoCal Sunday, if you want to get some games in sometime hit me up.

So far all I’ve got with Ikumi is…

Dash around with 5A and 2A, or sometimes 5B.
Poke with 2B… and As.
Dash around with 5A and 2A, then randomly grab.
Standard B&B with red IC (HIC?), ie whatever to 236B IC, dash 5B XX grab, dash 5B

And her grab super is fun. Haha.

My biggest problem is the loops, I can’t IAD off 663C well at all on pad yet. Gotta keep practicing. And I really have no idea what’s going on in the corner either.
Meh. I have like 2 weeks to learn some combos, but I guess I can win off setups and mindgames or something…

Ikumi stuff.

Ground dash is fastest in the game. Think Cammy from MvC2, but with command grabs.

Dash B is great for pressure, will outright stuff your opponent’s pokes with sheer speed and can’t be low blocked. Fairly safe on block, and you can combo into command grab on reaction. Dash A isn’t as good, but you can use it to tick every so often.

A note about dash B -> command grab; PAUSE for a second. Do it too fast and Ikumi will completely whiff. If you use dash A, you want to do it as fast as possible, but considering both have the same range there’s no reason to use dash A at all.

Dash C is slow but reels, and 5C itself has deceptive range. If you have RIC, you can RIC off a connected dash C on reaction into dash 2C loop.

Dash 2C loop is ESSENTIAL with Ikumi. If you cannot do dash 2C loop, your Ikumi is subpar. End of story. She does not have any other reliable, non-super method to deal damage.

Ikumi’s really only got two major BnBs. With just IC, do 2AB -> 5C -> 236B (IC) dash B -> command grab -> dash B. With RIC, do 2AB -> 5C -> 236B (RIC) 662C -> 96C -> … Now, because Ikumi’s dash is so fast, because her 236B carries her quite far, and because 662C carries her farther and 96C puts her farther even more, you can essentially do this combo if you’re cornered and still push the enemy into their corner with your sheer horizontal trajectory. I use a simpler variant of her corner loop: BnB (RIC) 662C -> 96C -> 662C -> (wait) j.C -> 662C -> (wait) j.C -> 5BB -> j.AABC -> dj.ABC. You can omit one 5B if the enemy’s too high up. The key is to wait for the j.C just long enough so that you can land and immediately hit with the next 662C. You can also alternate into her wallbounce combo, which is something like BnB (RIC) 662C -> 96C -> 5BBC -> (IABDC) j.C -> (airdash 1) j.C -> (airdash 2) j.BC -> 5BBC -> … The timing for that one is atrocious and it doesn’t really deal much more damage, but it does look pretty cool… and for the length it lasts, you can peace out any RIC meter your enemy may have. After the default 662C loop you can option into an airthrow if they tech. If you end it with a ground hit, you can also use A Clone to start some rather nasty mixups.

A Tornadoes are good okizeme in the corner.

You can juggle off 623B depending on character weight and size. 623C is a guaranteed OTG (I use 2AA -> 5BC) into wallbounce.

Unpredictability is the key. Bombard the enemy with random pokes and dashes, and just do command grabs out of nowhere. With Ikumi’s speed, you are practically guaranteed to land one.

236 and 623 are both safe on block, but not against RG, so don’t abuse them.

2B is a pretty good poke, as is 5B.

Ikumi also has some situational combos. For example, if you do a dash B and hit confirm into command grab, dash B after the grab, FIC into 662C loop. Or, if you are close to the corner, you can dash B, then attack right away with 5ABC into a wallbounce, which you can FIC to add juggle time and start her wallbounce loop mentioned above.

Avoid Genocide mode. Her 662C bounces 1.5x as high and becomes impossible to loop with. Her dash B knocks down. It doesn’t last very long. Your only real benefits are hyper armor (but you can still be thrown) and fully-charged 236B, which can combo into grab super. What you want to do is avoid spamming her special moves (all of them cost one chunk of blood meter) until you’re one or two bars below max, then burn any excess by doing tornados, overheads, or runslashes according to your distance from the enemy. Keeping the blood meter at 1-2 bars below is optimal for Ikumi. If you accidentally get into Genocide mode, your only real recourse is to blow through attacks and go for the command grab (Captain Storm isn’t available to you in Genocide mode) or grab super by doing dash As or simply dashing in.

Gimme a few and let me see if I can fix something up here…

You can even do the 236b -> super grab outside of Genocide mode. But it’s still fun to watch the other person turtle / run away from you.

Blah, I can’t find a wallbounce setup that makes me happy. So instead you get: ghetto ways to tick into Ikumi’s grabs.

  • blocked 2A
  • connected 2A (feint going into her BnB)
  • blocked dash A/B
  • connected dash A/B (pause for a second, or combo straight into it)
  • meaty tornado off wakeup (yes, “meaty tornado”, dammit)
  • blocked 236 or 623 (extremely predictable, do not use often)
  • 236B with orange blood meter or Genocide mode (will combo)
  • blocked j.A x 2 or j.B (2h)
  • connected j.A x 2 or j.B (2h) (works off the same principle as blocked/landed 2A)
  • connected 236B or 236B (IC/RIC), either pause a second so it uncombos or do it as part of the combo for less damage
  • empty dash-in
  • Genocide mode

And remember you can land Captain Storm after a command grab.

Against some people in the corner, you can do grab, 662C into combo. Maybe not the best thing to do but it looks cool…

Also, after the double jump ender to the corner loop, a lot of Japanese players seem to do whiff adC… if the other person techs, they eat the adC, and Ikumi has her way with them…
So smart people wouldn’t tech that particular setup after a while, haha. If you do it correctly the adC should be active and sticking through them long enough that they can’t safely tech and are forced to hit the ground and put up with whatever oki you feel like doing.

Now I just need to actually do the corner combos, haha.

Mai sucks, period.

Dammit, my secret Ikumi technique is revealed.

There’s method to that madness?



are all the characters in this game girls?

Yes, they are.

clearly that’s one of the factor that makes me love EFZ and IaMP
so i dont have to see male weird character while playing. Example: Some naked professor or director who likes to NG people in MBR.

meh, i never really liked girl chars in fighting games. i like to look at them though… :tup:

EFZ has no fanservice at all. Adding the fact that the character design is pseudo-SD, I don’t think you can like the game just for its presentation.

The closest thing to fanservice in the game is when a girl’s clothes burn. I actually got into the game because Nayuki’s air dash is getting kicked by a frog. That’s enough presentation to win me over.

Don’t forget that Kanna gets nekkid.

You just went and broke the game ;(

you sick basterd