Eternal Fighter Zero

Alieth: BC Alieth? the one that’s friends with tsukino?

I’m working on getting this added to Fierce Gear netplay. No promises though.

Word. Tell programmer that EFZ’s worthier of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

EFZ sucks!

gb2/gcc AMinorThreat

MBR > EFZ. =p.

:0 omgz noo

LOL no one’s helping you Bell =)

Yes, it is infact me.


<— Opm. I didn’t know you played this shit too.

PS. Urafgt.

Yeah, I do, same with MBR. I actually got Tsukino to play MBR for the first time since WoW came out today ^^;

PS. It’s Aleith, not Alieth :

It sure does!

<3 efz!

gg’s today linalys and LK!

raiblade: no fights today, but soon :karate:


1p Nero Linalys Chaos 2P Lovely Kitsune
1P Taiji 2P Lovely Kitsune
1P The Crimson Raven 2P Lovely Kitsune
1P Nero Linalys Chaos 2P Taiji
1P The Crimson Raven 2P Nero Linalys Chaos

Lovely Kitsune: Had a very methodical Sayuri. Would always do 2ab5c A sword into IC’ed starball wakeup/crossup. Very annoying to fight against as I can’t RG starball’s 3 hits yet. I think he’d be better if he didn’t sit on his lvl 3 supers so much and just used them in combos, he certainly gets enough openings. He also seemed to think that using Magical catch was a bad thing. shrug Unfortunately for me, he picked up on spamming far 5b which I used on him earlier.

Taiji: Didn’t get to see enough of his famed Makoto but I got a small taste of it. Very knowledgable of how her moves works and has some nice combos, loved the combo into OTG lvl 3 gun. After getting hit by his Makoto corner pressure a few times, I picked up on it and rendered it mostly ineffectual. His Mishio was pretty good for a new chara. Knew enough to give me a pretty hard time while fighting her. After he learns Mishio, I’m sure he’ll start beasting on me.

Raven: Finally beat him, even if he was using an off character. His Mai still as good as ever. After getting beasted on several matches, I think I learned the secret to winning against it. But I’m still not capable of pulling it off yet. His Mai knows exactly what she’s doing and it shows. Not much to say as these fights were pretty one-sided.

Linalys: What can I say? I think I did pretty well for my total lack of dedicated training. My Sayuri was a pretty big flop as she saw the least training time. Plus even with easily comboed supers, it was hard work trying for damage with her. I think I’ll drop her along with Ayu. Nanase, I kind of liked but I didn’t experiment with enough A’s to know how they worked. So mostly b’s and c’s with her. I had an ok success ratio doing the 5c IC combos I practiced. I had a high success rate grabbing people with hcf C, I think I should practice the timing for the follow up. Shiori, I played the most as because she got me the most wins. I don’t really have too much to say about her. I was happy to get the fireball RIC combo out once in a match. The most interesting time for me was when I played D Nanase against Raven in the end. I dedicated 100% of my attention to RGing as much as possible, so I turtled more than usual and got maybe about the same about of RG’s you’d see in a normal non-turtlish Japanese replay. It doesn’t sound like much, but compared to the non-existant RGing in the other matches. I’m quite happy with how much more I RGed with DNanase.

Personally, I don’t think Sayuri has a better strat than knockdown -> fic fireball -> pressure. She’s pretty much a one-dimensional character (a very good one, though).

As for my replays, everytime I do a point blank range magical shot after a ground chain, that’s supposed to be a DP. I’m not used to my new pad yet.

My goals in life are…

  1. RG as much as possible (goddamn that fucking chainsaw)
  2. Land Sayuri’s grab super
  3. Land Sayuri’s level 3 (EX Magical Press -> FIC A Magical Shot -> Magical On Stage), which doesn’t work on Ikumi or Mishio.

Winning and using good judgement are secondary.

Good games to all. I beat taiji one out of ten times in Marvel. That’s a moral victory for me (it used to be a lot worse). :tup:

Try learning to use EX Wallslam. It is a very good and deceptive move, plus allows for a decent damage juggle loop (non-ICed)

Too busy ICing Starball, but thanks for trying!

I’m still stuck on old v1.20 strategies. I always forget that you can combo into ex wallslam now and also do a lot of other things that were suicidal back then.

How do you follow up on a EX wallslam? I know like a total of zero combos in this game and it pains me to FIC magical shots when I have a full blue IC bar (because I sure can’t use that bar for combos).

Great Sayuri player there who wins the Necca Off 2-on-2.