Eternal Fighter Zero

There’s an entire batch of replays as an attachment in the first page of this thread.

… they are broken.

But I DID finally find some jap matches on the 5th page. Haven’t seen any of ikumi thus far, but maybe…

Oh, wait, I set my posts to show 100 per page, so it’s still “the first page” for me.


Ayu is a goddamn whore. Why do combos never work on her?

Found a good replacement corner combo for Ikumi in the corner: command grab, 5B, j.B, airdash, j.B j.C, land, 5B 5B 5C, wallslam, j.C dj.C. Decent damage from 2700-2900 with no meter or IC bar needed. You can also do this off her BnB with RIC with some pretty good results. But it doesn’t work on Ayu. Works great on EX Mizuha and Mayu! Not on Ayu, because she falls all weird. Goddamnit.

I’m trying to learn Minagi now as a secondary. Any advice? Lots of it seems to revolve around Chiruchiru Spinnykick and Chiruchiru Flyinghead on wakeup for okizeme/mixup and Chiruchiru Flyingkick as a combo extender, since Minagi’s own moves are somewhat lackluster.

Yeah, Ayu seems to have a small hit box, AND she falls like a brick. I’ve developed combos specifically for use against her.

Hey guys, here’s some more replays from the friend I played last time, but he got MUCH better. You’ll know what I’m talking about when you watch the first match. Just three full pages of nothing but Makoto vs Misuzu.

I did pretty good, but I’ve got plenty of refining to do to her (I just today nailed her loop down pat) but lots of great stuff in every match. Makoto’s high low game is scary ._.

Anyways, download and enjoy. Have at it experts!

If there are any matches in particular you liked, tell me and I might just frapp them and send them to CV for fun. Comments and all that are always welcome.


In my continuing series, “Ikumi combos that deal decent damage for people whose execution is too shitty for IAD 2C loops”, I’ve found two combos even easier to do than the previous ones. The main drawbacks are that these combos do not net as much blood (barely any at all), but deal more damage due to less overall hits with more of them being C. Still don’t work on Ayu, though.

Simple variant
Better variant
Non-wallslam variant

The last one actually is the easiest to do out of the lot, deals a respectable amount of damage for being so simple to execute and doesn’t need to include a properly-timed wallslam. Deals like 4800+. Also leaves them in front of you so you can keep them in the corner.

More Japanese replays.

I’ll update with my impressions as I watch later on, but there is an AMAZING Misuzu in these replays. Chibi, you have to download this one.

EDIT: Watched some more of it. Mio is an annoying bint. The Shiori play in these replays is superior to the ones in the original replay batch, IMO, and I have a very hard time believing she’s not top tier. There’s also some good Kaori and Doppel Nanase action, something missing from the original batch as well.


5.A, 2.A, 5.B, 2.B, 2.C, 41236+A, 421+A, 236+C, 214+A, 214+C, j.A, j.A, j.B, j.C, 623+A.

Too good. I learned an immeasurable amount from these replays bell, thanks for putting them up.


That Misuzu is very very good. The corner combo is pretty much the same I use, but those replays have a completely superior way to use 41236A. Normally I just do 41236A > C > 412 > air combo, but the replay shows how to add a series of attacks before the air combo, plus you can poison multiple times. Nice.

V can you just transcript his corner loops for me? Is it what you said?


yay for ikumi full screen dust loop…

2A-2A-2B-C -> 236A -> IC, 663C -> iad.C, land, 663C -> iad.C, land, C(wallbounce), walk back, j.C -> 66B -> 66B-C, land, B-B -> JC, j.A-A-B-C -> DJC, dj.A-B-C

or something like that… replace B-B -> JC, j.A-A-B-C -> DJC, dj.A-B-C with B-2B, A-B-B-C -> JC, j.C -> DJC, dj.A-B-C

both are about 6K. both are fullscreen.

haha, she actually has pretty damn good damage without super, surprising.

Oh yeah, if you use IC to start her dust loop, you can combo into knockdown for about 4600 damage from anywhere on the screen.

2A-2A-2B-C -> 236A -> IC, 663C -> iad.C, land, 663C -> iad.C, land, C(wallbounce), walk back a bit, B-C(knockdown)

you can do it from a command throw in the corner too:

command throw, C(wallbounce), walk back a bit, B-C(knockdown)

that knockdown, you have to wait so they are low enough and won’t wallbounce when you hit them with C. And yes, you can hit with C right out of the command grab. This knockdown is perfect for her blood spout thingy as okiseme, since it situates them not entirely in the corner, you can do some cross up stuff with her one super, or go for pure corner lockdown.

Yeah, Ikumi would be cool if IAD 2C loops were easy to do, but they’re not. I’ve yet to come across any combo in the game with more difficult execution than hers, really, except maybe for Kaori’s RIC Rush super -> multiple tornadoes. The point of the replays was to make easier Ikumi combos because at the rate I was whiffing the IAD 2Cs, I was wasting my RIC meter way too often.

Good damage without meter’s unsurprising. Ikumi’s supers suck. Blood fountain would be good without setup, command grab has 0 invincibility and no vacuum at all, and the clone super… eh, too much setup required. Her overdrive is good, but relying on it is a bad idea because it always means you’re losing.

Still tinkering around to find a good midscreen combo that doesn’t require the double IAD 2Cs. It’s unfortunate that playing her at high levels pretty much requires being able to hit those consistently.

For what I remember, this is a breakdown of what I saw.

  • Brackets denote the loop to be repeated

Corner loop/41236 setup 1 (what I use)
A > B > C > 623A > IC > j. B > j. C > land

Corner loop/41236 setup 2 (what he used the most)
A > B > C > 623A > IC > j. C > land

Corner loop/41236 setup 3
A > B > C > 623A > IC > j. B > j. C > double jump > j. A > j. B > j. C > land

Loop 1, corner (what I use)
corner setup, [A > B > j. A > j. B > j. C > land], finisher

Loop 2, corner (variation)
corner setup, [A > A > j. A > j. B > j. C > land] , finisher

Finisher 1

  • Standerd air combo

Finisher 2
j. B > j. C > air dash > j. C (whiff)
The whiff is there to prevent a recovery from the opponent. As a result, the opponent either stays on corner (allowing to pressure) or eats another combo.

Loop 3, mid screen
setup, [j. A > j. B > j. C > air dash > j. A > j. C > land], whatever

After 236A/236B 1
j. C (high) > air dash > j. B > j. C > land > air combo/41236

After 236A/236B 2
j. C > double jump > j. C > IC > j. C > air dash > j. B > j. C > land > air combo/41236

41236 setups

  • whatever > 2C
  • Any loop combo where opponent is juggled (not in ground)

After 41236A (mine)
C > 623 > air combo

After 41236 setup (most common)
C > 236 > B (623 hits) > 214 > 623 > 41236/whatever

After 41236 loop 1
[41234A > A > A > C]

After 41236 loop 2 (if you need more feathers)
[41234A > C > 463214]

really, I don’t have a problem with those iad dust loops… my keyboard is making it hard, but if I had a stick it’d be easy. It’s just a matter of getting them down, don’t settle for sub-optimal play just because you can’t execute it reliably at the moment. That’s like playing johnny and not using his JI divine blade combos because they are too hard, or not roll cancelling in CvS2. If you practice, it’ll become natural.

On the upside, some characters in this game have ridiculously easy combos :slight_smile: (misuzu corner juggle, mishio’s corner juggle, kaori’s corner juggle etc).

and ikumi’s command throw is weird. generally, i just mix it up with 66P as a mixup, or after I land from an iad string, mix it with a low. In those instances, it seems to have good reach. heh, 623A seems to have some fun uses :slight_smile:

And about the clone super… do the knockdown string I wrote out, follow it with the clone super, then do a blood fountain (probably B version), dash into a jump or iad for some lockdown. I found the BEST okiseme with the clone super is the B version of the super. You set it up like I said, but you cancel the last C into the B clone super, and then dash-jump over them, land into a 2A-2B, then do a cross up or high low game as the clone is hitting them. if the clone connects, you can do an iad.C into the dust loop, and it’ll do huge damage. A neat 50/50 you can do is to do the 2A-2B mentioned earlier(you get more leeway if you cut out the 2A)into a very low iad.B, land, then either j.A off the ground, or 2A for mixup. The last hit of the clone should cover both of those options. This oki is awesome looking. =D

was just playing around mishio… her corner juggle looks cool as hell XD on top of being cake to perform.

in red sparkly form, 2A-B-C -> 236B -> IC, 66C -> JC, falling j.B, land, [B-2B]x2-5, B-C -> JC, j.B -> DJC, dj.B-C

easy as pie, but fun to look at =P slice and dice!


2A-B-C -> 236B -> IC, 66C -> JC, j.B -> 66B, land, B -> JC, j.B -> 66A-B, land, [B-2B]x2-5, B-C -> JC, j.B -> DJC, dj.B-C

that’s all for now, I’ll try to make some replays of full setups + oki =)

Broke the game today. Mizuka VS Makoto… I threw the high batton (236B), it was RGed, Makoto flew off the top of the screen and never came back. Guess I’ll see if I can reproduce it again, I only managed to record the end result.

<Makoto> Yuuichi-kun no BAKAAAaaaaaa…

I’ll play around with Ikumi some more after I indulge in Touhou demo. YAY TOUHOU

alright, here are the replays of the dust loop + aircombo, and the dustloop + knockdown + okiseme.

The okiseme one just shows one part of the mixup. If you do 2B -> iad.B, you can jump straight up after landing from the iad.B, and do a j.B
from there, you can do 66B to continue whether for pressure or comboing (since the last of the clones hits occurs right after the jump up B if done right). The other part of the mixup is just to land into 2A, which leads to dust loop(to further clarify, if they duck, you’ll fly over them while the clone hits them, and you can do a free ground mix up after… or, if they stand you’ll push them into the clone a bit and sandwich the opponent, at which point you can do the really tight mixup).

Blah, I need to mess around a bit more…

edit: blah, i messed around…

apparently, you can stop someones wallbounce from moving away from the wall if you jump with them, so a theoretical loop if you will (because I tried it enough to actually nail it yet):

663C -> JC, falling j.C, land, [C(wallbounce) -> JC -> DJC, falling j.C -> 66C, land]x2 + finisher

just a thought…

The config program doesn’t work at all for me in this version. Last demo version, it wouldn’t read joystick inputs correct. How hard is it to get a working config program, seriously? :confused:

This is addressed in both the Touhou thread and at Eternal Romancia. I’ve had no problems with C66 config.exe aside from the whole “music dies” thing.