
Just received an email response from BJ, told me my parts should be in next week and that the stick should be ready to ship in a month or so. OL-44

Hell YEAH! Just got my refund. I’m so glad to finally be done with this mess!:rofl: I hope those who are still waiting will get your sticks soon.

i just got an email from BJ. im OL-45(last order) he said my stick should be ready to ship in 5 weeks

I can vouch for BJ, i got a stick made by him and its great, i was one of the very, very first few orders with EDG3. The reason why he was so held up was that his parts never came in. It took nearly a month before he was able to get parts to make sticks and yes he is still having some trouble getting parts. I’m guessing japanese parts in a high demand. Also, BJ has to balance out making sticks with school, I go to school with him and we’re just about to hit finals weeks.

BJ really is working hard to get your sticks out, we hold sessions at his house and while everyone is playing SFIV, he’s actually in the corner wiring and building the sticks. For all of you who ordered sticks off of him, please be patient, i know that its been quite some time since you guys placed your orders, but the reason why you guys haven’t gotten your sticks quicker is due to problems of BJ getting parts from distributors.

is he waiting to finish all of them before sending any out?

Look, all of us are understanding about the parts trouble. We accept that delays happen, and they’ve hindered BJ’s business. We’ve heard this same song and dance from numerous apologists within this thread. Fine. We know. Shut up already.

That’s not the goddamn issue. Why the hell do I have to wait six (!) days to receive a goddamn email response from BJ? The issue is communication, and this is entirely within BJ’s control. His response time has been abysmal and unacceptable, and is the principal contributing factor to most of our unease. Incredible that there are people out there that apologize for this. In an era of mobile computing, the man can’t respond to inquiries by concerned customers within 24 to 48 hours? Ridiculous.

On May 6th, I sent BJ an email after patiently waiting one week since our last correspondence. I received my answer on May 10th. I remind you that the last time I attempted to communicate with BJ (in April), it took him six full days (including the weekend for chrissakes) to respond to me. He now tells me that my stick will ship “sometime this week.” I’m not holding my breath. He’s already failed to ship my stick last week, as he previously indicated he would. The level of anger in this thread is far below what it should be. Blah blah, delays, blah blah, BJ’s a good dude. We get it. It does not excuse the bullcrap piss-poor levels of communication that we’ve all been patiently dealing with for months.

I’m tired of being at the mercy of some guy who only gets around to communicating with me when he feels like it. Between terrible email response times and website updates that come every two weeks or so (and ultimately state nothing) I’ve been completely in the dark for most of this experience. I’ve never had to chase someone this hard for a purchased product in my life. The fact that we are resigned to using this thread to beg each other for scraps of information is testament to the validity of this debacle.

There is no use getting angry over it, the situation is what it is. Your options are wait it out or cancel it. Besides communication, every online stick vendor has had this problem, and it’s been shown that calling or texting BJ will get you a response well within the day.



I’m just gonna be patient and wait it out, no use getting upset. I know it will come sooner or later.

Yeah, I hate to sound like a whiney sympathiser, but seriously, be an adult. This is clearly not a scam, and thinking otherwise is merely trying to pin the blame somewhere fruitlessly (and a little ridiculous and paranoid). If you’re that unhappy with communication, get a refund. Believe it or not, anyone reading all 7 pages of this thread realizes you’re upset. We also realize businesses should not operate this way. However, this is not Farmer’s or USAA. This is overworked college kid.

So, this thread should be used for anyone receiving information from BJ that wishes to share it with the community, anyone who has questions about ETAC, or anyone who has something constructive to say. Believe it, there are other people out there on the Internet we can listen to whine about not getting what they want when they want it. We don’t want to come here to get it.

Please, all disgruntled customers, take a page from Raa’s book. If you’re unhappy, get a refund. If you’re not so unhappy that you want to cancel your order, SHUT UP ABOUT IT. ^___^ Thank you.

I don’t pretend to be anyone associated with ETAC, and I don’t want to start any sort of flamewar, but I read this thread (and the rest of SRK) to stay informed. If you want to rant, take it to your blog. (not to single anyone out, or start any fights… just want to say my peace and keep this thread cool)



But to answer someone else’s question on whether or not BJ is trying to make all the sticks and send them out all at the same time, no, BJ isn’t planning on sending them all out at the same time. Whatever stick BJ finishes he sends out as soon as possible after testing and what not.

Has anyone from orders OL-001 to OL-006 received either their stick or a tracking number for their shipped package?

anything from BJ anybody???

Obviously nothing new has happened concerning this situation. I still find it funny that not one stick has shipped yet.

are you serious, NOBODY has even recieved ONE confirmation.

Now, i know hes not scamming, but the sticks of OL-001-018 were all placed on the 8th of march, so were going on about 9 weeks here and not ONE has shipped, I find that a bit disturbing as parts were recieved over a month ago now.

BJ please give us an update.

Wow, that is pretty ridiculous, I have to say. Really glad I didn’t wait around, been enjoying my TE for the past week.

This is pretty sad.

Aside from that, good luck getting something from him right now. It’s finals right now for SJSU, and everyone I know has their heads in the books.

Wow i’ve been done for 3+ weeks now. Oh well, that means they should all be shipping quickly after this/next week.

Its really sad to see you guys waiting 9 WEEKS for your stick to arrive. Or even receive confirmation/notification about your orders. I totally understand he’s busy with school and finals.

First off, I would like to explain that we are not here to try and take his customers away. But instead give you guys a another option for those who are tired of waiting for their arcade stick to arrive. Our company is based in San Jose, Ca (same city as BJ) and have been building custom arcade sticks since December 08’. Our current turn around time is 1 to 2 weeks. We can give you status updates on the progress of your orders. But again we are not trying to sell ourselves on his thread. So if you want more information feel free contact me in six months when I’m eligible to sell.

09 members cannot sell.