
I don’t mean to suggest that he’s ‘scammed’ anyone of their money. I apologize now that it’s seemed to spark a mild protest.

I am sure that he’s busy and that he is understandably way in over his head by taking in too many orders at once. I’m not gonna fault him for being a bad guy who wants to steal your money, because from testimonials here it seems like that is completely wrong.

But the point still remains: People have given him money as a business transaction and as such he maintains a responsibility to at least keep a direct and honest line of communication. If I was promised a stick in nine weeks and paid money up front, then I should be confident that I will receive it on time as opposed to wishing I had preordered somewhere else.

I guess I know why BJ had that shitload of wiring with him at tourney last week haha. The guy is working like mad to get everybody’s orders done but is being held back by the limited supply of arcade parts. He’ll have your stuff ready shortly I bet, especially those who requested dual pcb mods.

People sure were buggin him a lot to use his sticks at Fudruckers last week (128 man bracket) and his sticks looked really solid (he was working on 3 at the tourney alone lol).

was really hoping atleast 1 person would have gotten a stick by now.

what? you mean he brought his pcbs and wood to a tourney?


dang it one of the local gamestops had a te stick in stock but i passed it up cuz i already i ordered a custom stick from BJ…o well…has anyone received any word from BJ? shipping confirmations??? im OL010 and nothing so far…

So I assume you haven’t gotten any news yet. Even though the sticks up to OL-018 were supposed to be shipped last week… Great.


I wonder what the hell is he doing at a tourney when he has people waiting on him to deliver?

i know right…he said he was gonna send some sticks out this past weekend so order # OL01-OL018 please respond! im OL010 and no word from him yet! let us know when you guys hear from him via email or something!

i almost ordered from him… but I thought it was ironic his nick-name was “trouble”… i knew something was fishy…

i guess we all know where the priority lies at … whatever happened to his family problem situation … A+ business man …

I had opened the dispute with Paypal Friday but I might escalate it to a claim sooner then I thought because I’ve had enough with this shit.

man i cant file a claim with paypal cuz my its been over 45 days! i placed an order on march 8th…this sucks…i dont know what to do now…

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the people who didn’t file a dispute and weren’t worried in this thread should be now.

i’m not on the waiting list so i have a different view of this, but the guys gotta have some fun and the guy said he was stripping wires so it wasn’t like he abandoned everything to go to the tournament. Sometimes you just gotta get away from work and just enjoy the time off (although it wasn’t really time off)

Dude’s been working on our sticks for 2 months and not ONE has shipped.

I can see that you guys are frustrated and it is understandable (i would be too if i was waiting for a stick) but he had the exact same thing that happened to LL where he had a massive string of orders before he prepared and when he did get his parts about two weeks ago (he probably should have everything prepared such as wires, PCB, etc) he still has to finish the stick.

And he did send a guy a case because he didn’t have to wait for the parts so he is doing something

Yeah, well with the lack of communication and with the couple of promises for shipments I can’t trust this any longer.

It’s been one week since BJ last responded to me and claimed that my stick would be ship-ready in “about a week and a half.” I’ve sent him an email to inquire about the status of my stick.

Hopefully, I’ll hear back from him promptly.