
I too will be up on Monday. I didn’t get an order number, but I suppose I’m O44 or so since we paid the same day.

I don’t think it’s worth stressing about that much. Basically, you will eventually get your stick. Or, if you don’t want to wait, you can file a Paypal claim and get a refund and not get a stick from ETAC.

There’s no way this is a scam. I’m pretty sure it’s just a bunch of delays (supply and personal related) that got blown out of proportion and is causing way too much grief and griefING. Come on now. Clearly this guy got swamped out of his mind with orders, he’s got finals, he’s spoken of family/health/personal issues (which he shouldn’t have to disclose for any reason and are usually very serious to warrant a production slowdown), and to make things worse there was a huge parts shortage.

So, bottom line, we can either shut up and be patient, be mature adults who know how to deal with disappointment and cancel our orders to get money back, or continue to freak out over an Internet message board as if our immediate lack of a proper Street Fighter controller is more important than any of the problems BJ is having getting the sticks out.

Yes, we paid for them. Yes, we can take that payment back. Yes, it is a business and businesses should keep good customer contact. No, BJ does not have a staff of 50 working round the clock to keep everyone up-to-the-minute on what he’s doing to get parts and ship sticks. There is a big difference between a large online retail business keeping good communication and an overworked, undersupplied college kid keeping good communication.

Sorry, not to single you out Flux. And no offense. Just thought someone should stick up for him. ^___^

^^Yeah, no problem. I guess I’ve been trying to get a stick for soo long (Ordered SE Fightstick in 2008 and my EB Games still hasn’t recieved one and now this). Having others in the same dilemma, I guess I’ll wait past Monday. I just hope everything will be alright in the end… BJ, please post in this thread or something!

i sent him a text message on 4/28 (found his number on paypal) and he actually replied the same day. This is his exact words in the text

“A few sticks will be shipped this week, i hope to have yours done by next week if not earlier”

so it sounds like he’s just been busy testing out joysticks and finishing up. Im still confident that this is not a scam and imma give it another week. if i dont get my stick by the end of next week then imma start to worry and do something about it.

I’m not in denial about anything. I’m canceling my order as soon as I find another stick if mine isn’t finished. If it’s after the 45 days I’ll just go through my credit card company. I’m just calling it how I see it. I just don’t see someone putting this much effort into a scam where the scam (if it were one) is extremely sloppy. Like I said there’s a couple of people who’ve been here a while that have vouched for him. One guy already got a case from him and posted pics. And while he doesn’t communicate often, he still communicates. I mean, if it were one and he actually did have time to communicate with us, wouldn’t he be doing that to keep the scam rolling? It doesn’t make sense.

Right, but I didn’t mean you particularly. Anyways, it’s nice to know he replied to you and so quickly, t.bang.

:shake: this thread

I’ve met Electric Trouble at two recent tournaments. While everyone else was generally having a great time socializing, talking shit, watching matches, eating and drinking, he was… cutting and stripping wires. (For your arcade sticks, no doubt.) He also provided tech support for everyone who had their sticks act up on them during the tournament; gave out a few QDs and did some on the spot rewiring.

No way he could be a scammer. He’s too nice and he’s definitely capable of building these sticks if the part shortage weren’t preventing him from doing so (people were asking to borrow his sticks, so you know they’re good)

He finally responded, 6 days and 7 emails later:

(Emphasis mine)

I was quoted 2 weeks once he received parts (which I’ve deduced to be Saturday, April 18th based on a statement in this thread), so he’s already exceeded his previously quoted delayed timeframe. Despite that, it is good to hear from him.

I am more than willing to remain patient provided there is adequate communication. Like I said, I myself don’t view him as a scammer given the evidence I provided in a previous post, but for chrissakes, communication really needs to be improved. It’s the least you can do when you have a group of very patient people who have entrusted you with a sizable chunk of their money wondering what is going on with their order.

Whoa, that’s rough… And it’s nice that you’ve also gotten an answer, Jay. From these statements I guess he truly is trying to balance a lot of things at once… Isn’t it good that he disabled new orders after some time, though? He would probably be feeling really overwhelmed (more then he probably is now). Kind of like what happened with LizardLick.

Yeah, and I’m also very willing to remain patient if I know it’s coming, which I think I do now. I doubt I’ll see mine any time soon, but at least I can expect it to be done eventually (hopefully before Marvel Vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes :p).

man i feel bad now cuz i filed a claim like yesterday i believe? but i only did it because i have already paid for the item and the lack of communication got me a lil iffy. i think it’s just that i have never wait for anything this long, especially something i’ve ordered online.

So I hadn’t heard from BJ either and placed the order on the 3/25. I got the receipt and didn’t really pay attention to it. Well after seeing no charges and no responses I got concerned and contacted paypal. I then started looking over the receipt as I was talking to the paypal guy and saw a lot of fishy items. For one the date was in 1969 among other oddities. I then spoofed the receipt that I did through ETAC’s website and got this.

Maybe mines an isolated incident since some of you seem to have been charged but just something to keep in mind. Check your receipts.

Wait, what? How did you not get charged if you put in an order? Everybody here who placed an order already lost that money…

I think whatever program he’s using got hacked or something… I don’t know. All I know is the receipt I received using his tool was not legit according to paypal.

I e-mailed BJ about it and I’m hoping to get some form of a response.

So you did get charged, right? If his account or whatever got hacked he could easily have told us on this thread…

No I didn’t get charged… that’s the odd thing. Also I don’t necessarily think his account got hacked either. I’m waiting on his response to give a proper response.

I merely posted this up to make people aware that this has happened and to be sure and check your receipts.

This may not be BJ’s fault at all, the only thing that irked me is that when I sent him my image and the receipt he didn’t respond stating that it was suspicious (as I missed it).

Checked my receipt multiple times, including when you posted, got charged and there’s no weird charges on my account.

Dude, don’t feel bad. We still don’t know what the hell is happening and therefore there’s a good chance that you did the right thing.

I just want some confirmation that people are actually getting their sticks. I am past my 45 day limit and am getting increasingly nervous at the perpetual lack of communication. I just think he got drowned in sales.

I’m in 19 & up group and I never received an email regarding parts as promised on his site.

Edit: Reworded to avoid miscommunications.

Man, you guys are blowing this way out of proportion.

Poor communication? yes

Scammer? no

Hes not scamming anybody, hes just busy. I have some friends in cali who know of him and all vouch for him, as well as hes shipped one box, and sleazoids testimonial.

I’m order ol-017, I ordered march 9th, am past my 45 day pay-pal return fee, im not worried a bit.

You all have a right to complain about poor communication, but not the right to call him a scammer, or even hint at the idea of being scammed, as nobody has been scammed.

Good things come to those that wait, be patient. For you to cancel your order and order from another stick supplier and wait another 9 weeks is just silly.

Dont you see the unfinished stick cases in the pic BJ posted on his site? you really think hes a scammer who builds boxes to show ppl just to scam them?

If he was a scammer, he would be easy to have arrested, he doesnt exactly hide, attends the fuddruckers tournies every time in cali.

Just chill out and be patient folks, you will be glad you did.

Edit-oh ya, www.devastationevent.com get hype!!!

Regardless, just to feel assured I’ll open up the dispute with Paypal probably tomorrow. I’d still be interested in re-paying him to finish my stick if he replies to the email I sent him asking that in particular but I don’t want to feel nervous.

Even though he is technically our competition, I have to speak up for him a bit. I don’t know him personally but we go to the same school. I don’t see how he even has time to work on the ammount of orders it appears he has recieved. I think he fell into the same trap that Lizard Lick did, not having inventory control to be able to control his workload. I’m sure you’ll get your stuff… eventually. He just bit off more than he could chew.