
It may be futile, but I do continually email him even though I never get a response. At this point that’s about as much as I can do

Good to see this thread. I am in the same situation, order OL-039 waiting for a refund of $ 230.00 dollars. I have been doing the same thing as TheBrandonOne without any answer.

looks like the electric-trouble website has gone down permanently.

more proof we didn’t need that he probably isn’t going to give a refund to the rest of us.

Well, it seemed that when I was about to go to his school with the local police is about the time he woke up and issued some refunds, maybe somebody needs to pick up where I left off and pay a visit to SJSU with the police, just a suggestion.

Man, this is still not done? That’s pretty disappointing. I thought refunds were being given to everyone but I guess that’s not the case.

Any news? Anybody email him recently? Still waiting…

no news, apparently he only responds to legal threats…

So anyone in the area willing to help out fellow gamers and get in contact with BJ? Although I’m pretty much resigned to the idea that I may not see a refund, I can’t stand to let this guy get away with this without any reprocussions. I can understand that this kid got in way over his head and wasn’t able to deliver, but now he has an OBLIGATION to pay back those he was unable to provide any services for.

Honestly, does anyone have ANY possible way of contacting BJ? A phone number? An email address?

Look through this thread. I believe there’s plenty of contact information to go through.

None that will work.

Apparently the phone number given has been disconnected, and since the website is down, I doubt bj@electric-trouble.com will work either.

That’s unfortunate… So, basically, he has successfully managed to steal money from a certain number of people at this point. That’s just sad.

Wait, BJ is just some kid?!

Oh man! this is like the ultimate scheme.

Someone’s gotta take him down!

Hey guys,
Should I put Electric Trouble on the Wall of Shame?


Well, it looks as though there is no way of even contacting BJ (all contact info on the forum no longer works). I guess the last thing I can suggest is to ask those who are close to him (or know him) and speak to BJ on our behalf. Perhaps it may be useless at this point, but I want to think that he has a shred of decency within him. For those whom have defended him throughout this ordeal, can any of you even talk to him?

Heck, I’m sure that people would be willing to part with a portion of their refund and give it to whomever can help them get their money back.

the blueprint for getting your money back is within this thread. i had no contact with him either. it boils down to how bad you want it and what your willing to do to get it.

How is none of this on the Wall of Shame?

It should be. I never did receive a refund and there is a 99.9999% chance that I never will. Just out of curiosity, how many other people never did get theirs?

I did not receive mine, and probably will not at this point.

Dude this is just plain wrong. I thought it was bad when it reached 10 pages, now we’re at 20…still with a bunch of people that didn’t get their money back. It’s gonna be Christmas soon for godsakes, not even ONE WORD of an explanation???

I feel bad for the guys who didn’t get there refunds and wish you the best of luck on getting your money back scammers are horrible, even if he didn’t scam just did really get consumed by time he should have provided info sooner and sent money back.