
Or his house, which i could easily get you the addy to

As much as I dont think anyone was scammed, would be good to see people happy…

No refund for me either. I took all the steps I could: PP, bank, contacting BJ by phone and email 20 billion times, IC3…

Anyone know anything else? This is ridiculous it’s taken so long and nothing’s been able to happen. When righteous nerds rally together under one banner they’re usually unstoppable, but I feel that nothing short of hunting him down personally is going to fix anything.

Anyone that can physically do this PLEASE make it happen if at all possible. If it weren’t a 30-hour drive I’d do it. It would seem to me that BJ’s put this behind him. Building two sticks and giving two refunds has put this in the back of his mind so he thinks he can blow us off.

He does seem like a nice guy bla bla bla and I’m sure he has serious stuff to deal with bla bla bla (I think I’ve seen some of it a tiny bit in old blogs and posts of his on other websites. Yeah, I tried hunting him down.) But this is crap and someone nearby needs to do something if any of us ever want to see a penny. It’s been the better part of a year.

I very much second this. Any ideas?

Wow, I was cleaning out my car when I saw this guy’s business card…I talked with him briefly way back when fanimecon was in san jose. I tried hitting up the website but it didn’t exist and sk I checked srk and whaddayaknow…he’s a scammer. Good luck guys.

Wow, never expected for this to still be on the front page.

I got my money back as soon as there was a sign of the first delay and used it to buy a TE almost a year ago. I doubt he was a scammer at first. He probably saw all the work and said “screw it” and closed shop and ran with the cash.

Haha I never expected to not get my stick! I have this thread bookmarked, and although I don’t play SF much at all anymore, I still check this thread occasionally to see if anything comes up. I have given up 99% of my hope of getting my refund a very long time ago, but the part of me that deserves a refund still…well…deserves a refund. So still I check back occasionally. Ironically I just sent him a message on Facebook. We will see if he responds at all. I am assuming there are still at least a handful of us who never got their stick or refund.

Anyone hear anything new? I have also given up hope on the business end but I sent him a facebook message as well hoping for a response.