
Contact Voltech, he may be able to help ya out. He has a thread in the trading outlet, but he makes custom cases, maybe you should PM him and he can work something out?

Thanks! I’ve contacted Voltech and I hope we can work something out.

can anybody say WTF? I haven’t seen one person say they’ve gotten a refund, yet he is supposedly on his “next round” for a week. He probably just told us he was giving refunds so people would stop reporting him to the police.

I spoke to a friend of mine who ordered from BJ and he still has not received anything… sounds like it was just talk.

Ordered back in February, and I haven’t received a refund yet either.

Still haven’t gotten a damn refund…

and yet another day goes by with no refund or update… we are in for the long haul…

While I feel for whatever BJ’s personal/health issues are, he should refund people their hard earned money. No one here wishes him any ill will or misfortune–people just want their money back if he’s not going to deliver the sticks they paid for.

A friend of mine(A long time lurker lol) just told me that he ordered from BJ as well thinking that it would be nice to suprise his son with a custom made joystick. He’s order number 30 something I think, but he’s said that he’s given up on getting a refund or a stick from BJ. He went to Gamestop and picked up a TE. We’re going to see if we can customize the graphics for his son(He’s a big fan of Dragon Ball Z).

For what its worth, I am OL-016 and still waiting for my refund.

Why does he keep giving us these guarantees in his site only to not even come close to following thru with them? You would think that after the first one or two deadlines he misses that he would be a bit more prudent in giving promises? I think this behavior is part of the reason why people are really starting to think (and have been thinking) they have been scammed. :confused:

Sounds like a lot of people got fucked over this =/.

Hi everyone,

I’m OL-23 and i’ve been keeping up with this thread for a while. First time posting though. I dont really know what this is, but i got an email from paypal just today. It goes as follows:

Hello Paul Nguyen,

Previously, we notified you that PayPal received a complaint from a user regarding merchandise not received or received not-as-described. The following transaction was placed on hold pending completion of our investigation:
Transaction Date: Mar. 11, 2009 11:53:23 PDT
Transaction Amount: $128.00 USD
Buyer’s Email: pnguyen_3kgt@yahoo.com

This transaction was reversed for the following reason(s):

Taking the precautions listed above should keep you from bearing the costs associated with fraud in the future.


The PayPal Account Review Team

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.

I think this would be a refund from BJ? But i checked paypal and i dont have anything in my balance. Might just take a while though. Hopefully some of you will get yours soon as well…

I got my refund today too. I am OL-024. I think a reason why I may have gotten my refund before others is because I PM’d that other person (I am so so sorry I forgot your name) who said he was going to talk to BJ personally all of my details.

I am still losing money though because I am Canadian and the conversion rate was MUCH MUCH higher back then
Exchange rate:
1 U.S. Dollar = 1.32086 Canadian Dollars
but now the rate is
1 U.S. Dollar = 1.05482 Canadian Dollars

So I am out 50 some odd dollars.
Oh well, I guess I can and will have to live with that.

I now consider this case closed an am going to withdraw my IC3.

This was the email I received from Paypal.
Previously, we notified you that PayPal received a complaint from a user regarding merchandise not received or received not-as-described. The following transaction was placed on hold pending completion of our investigation:
Transaction Date: Mar. 11, 2009 15:18:30 PDT
Transaction Amount: $203.00 USD
Buyer’s Email: ilovealan@gmail.com

This transaction was reversed for the following reason(s):

Taking the precautions listed above should keep you from bearing the costs associated with fraud in the future.


The PayPal Account Review Team

I got the exact same email but the money is not showing up in my paypal account or my bank account. Does it take a few days or something ?

I don’t have the money yet either, but that’s because I paid by Credit Card so I am hoping that it will show up in my online statements within 3-5 business days. I know that paypal has already processed (reversed) my payment so everything on BJ’s end is done.

Got my money. Glad to be done with the BS.

Hmm OL-016 and no email of the sort for me yet :/. And I did PM KuroShin my info.

Maybe its just taking awhile for PP to process? At least its good news to see that things are finishing on BJ’s end.

Hi all,

The money just appeared in my account, looks like the refunds are starting to come. Hope everyone else gets theirs.

well i just got my money today. It turns out BJ isn’t an out right thief so i wish him all the best if he actually tries to stay in the stick making business. I doubt i will be a customer though. Not because it took so long to resolve the issue but because i felt utterly ignored through out the entire process.

got my refund on the 22nd. glad to be done.

bah still haven’t got mine yet, but seeing that many others have got theirs, I hope I’ll get mine soon.