
Has anyone received a refund from him yet? I also got to remember to drop the IC3 complaint when I get the refund.

I can say BJ did a good job on the stick. The only issue I had was that one of buttons was missing from the lineup due to being left out. Everything worked fine, but once in a while, instead of doing an ultra, my guy/girl I’m playing would try to “throw” instead. That did get frustrating. I told BJ about it, but he was overwhelmed I’m sure by that time. Anyway, everything else, I have no complaints. I just wish the medium kick button didn’t bust like it did (either because of the wires or the button). I tore up the button trying to fix it. I therefore ended up buying some from a local store (Play N Trade) here in town and got some of the connectors from Radio Shack. Unfortunately, they weren’t the same, so it was never really fixed. The joystick then gave out as it did not let me move to the right anymore after a while. That was too frustrating. Anyway, I don’t blame BJ. I think I just overplayed the darn thing. As for the the info, thanks a lot. It’s too bad he’s in Arizona. I was hoping for someone local. I’ll contact him to see what he quotes. Hopefully I won’t have to pay more than $50. I know that’s asking a lot, but I’ve already spent about $175 on everything prior (replacement buttons and connectors included).

Check your PM’s buddy! I’m a San Jose guy

I wouldn’t mind looking at your stick free of charge, given that the stick doesn’t need new parts. But I wouldn’t be able to get around to it until Aug 12th, next Wednesday.

Perhaps I spoke too soon, a refund is only good once it arrives :(.

Yet to receive a refund. Anyone who held off on filing a complaint because he “said” he’d refund us, I would still file it. Just retract it once/if you get a refund.

I have not received my refund.

I just finished filing my IC3.

I’m just getting back from my trip to visit BJ. I can honestly say he is dealing with a lot of life problems which I do not feel are appropriate to discuss. A combination of many factors has led to his absence from responding. I am not trying to validate in any way the last two months of lack of communication, but I can say I understand and believe if I was in a similar situation I might have the same reaction and prioritization.

In regards to the refunds, he is waiting on funds to be processed into his paypal account and from there will be doing refunds. Hopefully within the next day many of you will be receiving refunds. I gave him a list consisting of those orders which were messaged to me. I assume these people may receive refunds first as they are readily and easily referenced.

BJ unfortunately will not be making any joysticks for those willing to opt for a product instead. He plans to ebay all the parts he has already received from distributors. The rest of the material it seems he will be eating the cost.

I hope everyone receives their refund soon and are able to move forward from here.

Thanks for the info, hope to see that refund soon…

thanks for the heads up!:tup::tup::tup::tup:

I wish BJ the best of luck, sorry for the misfortunes. I believe business is never personal, so with that said, I sincerely hope things get better for him.

I am looking forward to my refund so I can put some closure on this and be done with it.

Website was updated again (before anybody who has not been paying attention to the thread thinks I am BJ and flames me, this is copied and pasted from his website, not my own words):

:: Update - Aug 11 2009 ::


Funds from my bank account as well as refunds from various suppliers are currenty being transferred to my paypal account. The transfers should be finalized within the next 24 hours, at which point I will begin the next round of refunds.



(Again, copy and pasted from his website to keep you in the loop, I am not BJ, just a concerned customer)

sooo has anybody been on the receiving end of his “next round of refunds”?

to me that implied that some of us have been refunded already.just curious

Hello Everyone,

I too registered onto this forum in hopes of getting a refund for my purchase (Order OL-036) and I am thankful that we are finally getting somewhere in terms of communication with BJ. I was just wondering, if I didn’t submit my order info to KuroShin, is there any other possible way with communicating with BJ? I just sent another email to him, will he even bother reading it?

If you end up needing parts or help just give me a PM.

I have never met BJ, I have just followed this thread from time to time and I can understand how an issue in life could really cause big problems. Especially considering the crazy demand for arcade sticks. If something would have happened to me that knocked me out of commission for a week or two AiaB would have been in some serious trouble as well.

What I want to do is offer my services. Since BJ is unable to build sticks, I assume he is unable to repair them as well. I would be happy to offer my services to repair broken sticks from ET. I just ask that the customer pay for shipping both ways an if any parts are needed unless it’s a button or something small. , but I will take care of the labor.

If anyone wants to do this just shoot me a PM.


Like I said, ed is the man.

Ed AND his sticks both rock, and as soon as i get my refund, i have my eye on a custom transformers stick, my mario stick is getting lonely.

looks like i wasn’t part of the next round of refunds even though i requested a refund like 2 months back.

Doubt there we any. Ol-29 here, haven’t heard anything since april. unless by “rounds” he’s doing like 2/3 people at a time.

I am OL-24 and I have not received a refund yet.

On a side note, does anyone know of a place that will make a custom joystick for a lefty? Joystick on the right, buttons on the left?

I’ve tried searching through SRK and also online and have contacted at least 5 people/stick makers/companies over the past 2 weeks, including AIAB and no one has responded to me.

I’m OL-026 and I still haven’t received a refund… Something tells me we won’t be seeing refunds anytime soon with the way things have been going…

This is ridiculous. It’s been nearly half a year since we’ve placed our orders, and now we have to WAIT some more for our refunds. Regardless of his personal life, this is pretty lame.

Sigh, AIAB just replied and said their too busy to make a custom stick. BJ was my last hope of getting a lefty stick.